Present Tenses
презентация урока для интерактивной доски по английскому языку (8, 9, 10, 11 класс) на тему
В данной презентации представлены упражнения на настоящие времена английского языка в сравнении.
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Подписи к слайдам:
Present Simple and Present Continuous
open the brackets into the correct Present Simple or Present Continuous: What (Peter/to do)? – He (to work) as a computer technician. Tom and Nick (to do) their homework now? (the children/to watch) an interesting film in the next room? How often (you/to go) swimming? Twice a week. My parents and I (to fly) to Spain next month. He (to drink) two glasses of milk every day. He (always/to borrow) money from me. They (to get married) next week. They (to have) a party at the moment. Water (to freeze) at 0 degrees of Celsius. What does Peter do? – He works as a computer technician. Are Tom and Nick doing their homework now? Are the children watching an interesting film in the next room? How often do you go swimming? Twice a week. My parents and I are flying to Spain next month? He drinks two glasses of milk every day. He is always borrowing money from me? They are getting married next week. They are having a party at the moment. Water freezes at 0 degrees of Celsius.
Translate into English using Present Simple and Present Continuous: Мы переезжаем в новый дом на следующей неделе. Я хорошо лажу со своими одноклассниками. Ник вечно меня перебивает. Анна обычно рано ложится спать. Пит регулярно подвозит свою сестру в школу. Семейные обеды часто заканчиваются спорами. Лин пытается убедить своего брата принять участие в конкурсе. Я сейчас готовлюсь к экзамену по программе средней школы (продвинутого уровня). Автобус отправляется в 5 вечера. We are moving house next week? I get on well with my classmates. Nick is always interrupting me. Ann usually goes to bed early. Pete regularly picks up his sister to school. Family dinners often end (up) in arguments. Lin is trying to persuade her brother to take part in the contest. I am studying for my A level now. The bus leaves at 5 pm.
Дети зависят от своих родителей. Мы часто гуляем в парке с друзьями. Они приветствуют гостей в холле гостиницы (hotel lobby ). Мы встречаемся с Энн у кинотеатра. Он очень упрямый. Он всегда все делает по-своему. Мы пока живем в гостинице. Я убираю на чердаке, а моя сестра в гараже. Я хочу стать юристом. Завтра я сдаю экзамен по алгебре. Я сейчас беру уроки вождения. Чем Ник занимается? – Он работает в гараже. Children depend on their parents. We often walk in the park with friends. They are greeting their guests in the hotel lobby. We are meeting (with) Ann outside the cinema. He is very stubborn. He is always doing things his own way. We are still living in the hotel. I am cleaning in the attic while my sister is cleaning in the garage. I want to become a lawyer. I am passing my Algebra exam tomorrow. I am taking driving lessons now. What does Nick do? – He works in the garage.
Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous
Open the brackets using Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous: They (to bake) a lot of biscuits. Bob is very tired. He (to work) all day long. He (to play) football with his friends all morning. She (just/to win) the race. Pete and Mary (already/to invite) a lot of friends to their party. They (to decorate) their house since morning. They (to be married) since 2000. I (not to buy) fruit yet. (you/to book) the hotel yet? We (to plant) flowers in the garden all day. They have baked a lot of biscuits. Bob is very tired. He has been working all day long. He has been playing football with his friends all morning. She has just won the race. Pete and Mary have already invited a lot of friends to their party. They have been decorating their house since morning . They have been married since 2000. I have not bought fruit yet. Have you booked the hotel yet? We have been planting flowers in the garden all day.
Translate into English: Я перевожу этот текст уже 3 часа. Я перевел уже 4 абзаца (paragraph) . Энн рассказывает детям сказки уже полчаса. Она рассказала им уже 2 сказки. Как долго она путешествует по Индии? Сколько городов вы уже посетили? Сколько раз вы уже откладывали тест? Мы разрабатываем эту теорию уже несколько лет. Я еще не виделась с Ником . Мы поднимаемся в гору уже полчаса. Мы с вами уже встречались, не так ли? Ему уже исполнилось 16 лет? I have been translating this text for 3 hours already. I have already translated 4 paragraphs. Ann has been telling the children fairy tales for half an hour already. She has already told them 2 fairy tales. How long has she been travelling about India? How many cities have you visited yet? How many times have you postponed the test? We have been developing this theory for several years. I haven’t seen Nick yet. We have been going up the mountain for half an hour. We have already met, haven’t we? Has he turned 16 yet?
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
Present tenses
Презентация представляет собой иллюстративный материал для предъявления группы настоящих времён в сравнеии. Анимация и картинки позволяют использовать презентацию для интерактивного введения грамматич...

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