Методическая разработка урока на тему "Сравнение грамматических структур Past simple/Past continuous"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5, 6 класс) на тему

Суровенкова Анастасия Александровна

Пример методической разработки урока с фокусом на обучение грамматике (Past simple/Past continuous), учебник Challenges.

Педагогические технологии: коммуникативная, личностно-ориентированная, групповая, игровая.


Предварительный просмотр:

Технологическая карта урока

Учитель: Суровенкова Анастасия        

Урок с акцентом на грамматику: образование грамматической формы времени Past continuous

Составлено по учебнику Challenges 2

Level: 12-14  pre intermediate                                       

Цель урока (What do you intend the students to get out of the lesson?)

.Learn the Past continuous tense: Learn out the grammar structure from the text  and use it in practice in a proper situation.

(Изучить грамматическую форму времени Past continuous tense:учащиеся должны выявить грамматическую структуру в тексте и научиться использовать ее на практике в должной ситуации)


Учебные задачи

  1. Revise vocabulary “Senses” and the construction  “You can…./ You can’t…” (Warming/Lead  in)

Повторить лексику и грамматику

  1. Speak about special powers (Lead in to the text)

Поговорить о сверх способностях (введение в текст)

  1. Read the text about special powers (provides grammar construction The Past continuous)

Прочитать текст о сверх способностях (введение грамматического материала).

  1. Find the continuous actions in the past, describing in the text.

Найти изучаемые грамматические конструкции в тексте.

  1. Work out the rule.

Сформулировать грамматическое правило

  1. Exercise in using the rule.

Упражняться в использовании правила.

  1. Compare the Past simple and the past continuous tenses.

Сравнить конструкции времен

  1. Make the speaking/writing task.

Выполнить задание на говорение/ письмо

Задачи :педагога:

Обеспечить достаточную практику, учитывая персональный стиль обучения учащихся


Учебник Challenges 2, презентация  Power point , раздаточный материал, настольная игра.

Полезные преимущества: (What do the students already know which should help you with your aims?)

Учащиеся уже знакомы с грамматическими формами времен Past simple и Present continuous .

Возможные трудности

Способ устанения

Могут возникнуть сложности с пониманием текста

Могут не понять правила настольной игры

Use eliciting Использовать «вытягивание»

Использовать четкие объяснения с примерами.

  1. Stage
  1. Stage Aims
  1. Time
  1. Procedure

Interaction pattern





1.        Revise vocabulary “Senses” and the construction  “You can…./ You can’t…” (Warming/Lead  in)

6 mins

Ss look at Power point slide “How can you learn about things”

T: Do you like learning? No? Is it not interesting for you to learn something new about things?  Of course it is!

Look at this object (teacher shows some unusual thing, may be exotic fruit, or plant, or special equipment).  What can you do to learn about it?

Ss: we can see,  we can smell…

T: that’s right, you can use your senses.

How many senses do we have?

Ss: answer and look at the picture “Use your powers”

Match the verbs to the pictures on the board/ match the cards

T: But can you use all your senses to all the subjects.

Ss: Look at the pictures and  talk in pairs what can they do to learn about  the things.

Cheese: You can see, smell, touch and taste it,

but you can’t hear it




Lead in

/Context setting

to set the context for the lesson and generate interest

2 mins

So, our five senses help us in learning.

But do you have some special senses, some special powers? Who have the special powers?

Ss: Look at the picture : Do you know this character? It’s a detective. He’s proud of having “a dog’s nose, and an eagle’s eye”. What does it mean?

Does it mean that animals have special powers?

Look exercise 2. Discuss the questions.

Reading for gist

 Context grammar input


Ss: Do ex.3 (read and answer the question)

Extensive reading

Working out the rule of using past continuous tense

Give the visual scheme of using the past continuous tense

5  min

T:” Read the first sentence” (shows the sentence on the slide). Eliciting the rule and drawing the scheme using past continuous and past simple.

Last summer Tom was coming back from Scotland when his dog disappeared.

What two actions are in the sentence?

Were the actions in the past?

What action was long? What one was short?

How do we form the long action in the past?

How do we form the short action in the past?

So the long action is  the Past continuous tense

The short one… That’s right. The past simple.

Ss: Read the first question in the text and answer if it’s about long or short actions.

The same task with other questions in the text.

“What were you doing when it happened?”

“What did you do?”

Ss: work in pares. Read out the sentences in past continuous and past simple tenses.


Receptive grammar practice

Work out the rule of using the PastContinuous tense  in plural\single, +/-/? sentences.

3 min

Ss: Do ex. 5 Complete the sentences from the text with was, wasn’t, were or weren’t

Revise the visual scheme of using the past continuous tense

1 min

T: Shows the slide 14, describes the grammar scheme again.

 Ss: draw the scheme at the copybooks.


Grammar drill

1 min

Ss: Look at the slide 15and at their handouts. Drill the sentences.


Productive grammar practice

Grammar drill +writing practice + speaking practice

5-7 min

Ss: Look at the slide 16 and at their handouts.  Fill in the phrases in Past cont. tense. Then work in pairs. By turns ask and answer: What was Cristina doing at… 11.30? She was helping her mother in the garden. (Kinesthetics can use dice to choose the time)


Practice of using past continuous

3 min

Ss: Look at the slide 17 and their handouts and one by one read aloud  the sentences completed with was/were/wasn’t/weren’t.

Fill in the words in their handouts.


Practice of using past continuous or past simple

5 min

Ss: Do the ex.8 in their copybooks.



Productive speaking/writing practice

10-12 min

For advanced students: ex 10, 11

For weaker student/kinesthetiks: the dice board game (slide 18)


Home task

Make clear the task

2-3 min

Ex 9

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