паспорт урока английского языка на тему:"Типы вопросов в английском языке"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

Откртый урок в 8 классе


Файл razdatochnyy_material_1.docx26.61 КБ
Файл pasport_uroka.docx116.66 КБ
Файл razdatochnyy_material_2.docx26.77 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Ex.1. Read and remember.

Journalism – журналистика

Correspondent – корреспондент

Creativity – творчество

Periodical edition – периодическое издание

Competently – грамотно

Contributor – участник

Respondent – ответчик

Ex. 2. Read the text and answer the question: “What kind of a journalist would you like to be?”


What is journalism? People answer differently. But there are some famous statements: Journalism is romance. Journalism is the Fourth power. Journalism is newspapers and magazines. It is radio and television. It is correspondents. It is creativity. Journalism is information.
And this list can be continued while journalism exists and creativity is necessary for people.
Journalist is a member of a periodical edition who picks, remakes information quickly, writes competently and well his interesting talks. Journalists make for us news in newspapers, on TV, radio and in the Internet. Because of that there are different journalist specializations:
- contributor of a periodical editions: newspapers and magazines journalists.
- mass-media journalists:  TV journalists, radio journalists, Internet journalists.
- photojournalists. Sometimes photos aren`t only illustrations to an article, they can be a high-quality product.

Ex. 3. Read and act out.

Journalist: Hi! How are you?

Respondent: Hi! Fine, thanks. And you?

J. Excellent. Thank you! Could you answer some of my questions?

R. With pleasure.

J. What’s your favorite holiday?

R. Christmas, of course.  I am looking forward to this holiday.

J. Why do you like Christmas?

R. Christmas is rich in traditions which make this holiday very special for me. This is the holiday when families come together and celebrate the day of love, peace and presents.

J. How many presents do you usually get on Christmas?

R. It depends. I usually get presents from my family, relatives and close friends.

J. What would you like for Christmas this year?

R. I have not decided yet. Maybe SonyPlayStation.

J. Great! I’d like it too! Thanks for your answers!

R. You are welcome!

Ex. 4. Listen and fill in the gaps.

Jessica Brown.

I live in one of the biggest cities in the world ... . Its population is over … people. So, I am lucky I live in … , in the heart of … city. … is the city that never sleeps. Buses and sub-way run all night. There are many shops and restaurants which never close their doors. There are cinemas with films that start at midnight. I work as a … for a fashion … . I am fond of my job. I like everything about … . It’s really my cup of tea. Every day I practice my skills, reading … of famous American … like Aaron Brown, Anderson Cooper, Barbara Walters and so on. Moreover every day I work on my … skills, follow the … . I need to be polite, intelligent with a good sense of …

At school I was good in … and …. So I was responsible for our school newspaper and school radio. I am rather talkative, and I wasn’t afraid of unknown people to ask them different questions. Even at school I was sure that I would be a … . I still remember how my dad bought me my first … . I always took it with me and interviewed my parents, relatives, friends, classmates and teachers. My favorite holiday is … . It is the happiest and busiest time of the year. It’s like a fairytale comes true. I enjoy … fever. And it’s really typical for me. I become really crazy about it and spend a lot of money on … and different festive things.

The city lights up into a winter wonderland with … trees, holiday window displays and … lights. Snow blankets the streets and everything shines.





Предварительный просмотр:

Урок английского языка

Класс: восьмой

Тема: «Types of  English questions. In

the world of  journalism».

Продолжительность урока: 30 мин.

Цель: развитие коммуникативных УУД у обучающихся, а именно навыки задавать и отвечать на вопросы.


  1. Ознакомить со спецификой профессии журналиста;
  2. Ввести новую лексику по теме;
  3. Закрепить навыки чтения;
  4. Закрепить навыки диалогической речи;
  5. Развить навыки аудирования и устной речи, используя коммуникационную программу «Скайп».

Тип урока: практикум – урок комплексного применения знаний. Имеет целью выработку умений самостоятельно применять знания в комплексе, в новых условиях.

Методы обучения:

  • объяснительно-иллюстративный;
  • репродуктивный;
  • проблемное изложение;
  • частично-поисковый.

Способ обучения: использование коммуникационной программы «Скайп».

Форма организации деятельности обучающихся:

  • фронтальная;
  • индивидуальная;
  • групповая.

Оснащение урока:

  • оборудование: компьютер, экран, проектор, веб-камера;
  • программное обеспечение: MS PowerPoint, Skype;
  • информационно-технологическая карта.

Планируемые результаты обучения:


  1. Уметь анализировать текст и отвечать на вопросы по тексту;
  2. Уметь реализовывать диалогическую речь на заданную тему;
  3. Уметь адекватно воспринимать англоязычную речь;
  4. Уметь осуществлять спонтанное общение на английском языке.


  1. Регулятивные: управление своей деятельностью, контроль и коррекция, инициативность и самостоятельность;
  2. Познавательные: работа с информацией, учебными моделями, выполнение логических операций анализа, обобщения, установления аналогий;
  3. Коммуникативные: речевая деятельность, навыки сотрудничества.


  1. Общее представление о мире как о многообразном и поликультурном сообществе;
  2. Знакомство с миром зарубежных сверстников;
  3. Профессиональное самоопределение.

Планируемый сценарий урока:

  1. Организационный момент;
  2. Актуализация знаний, определение темы урока;
  3. Введение нового лексического материала по теме: «Журналистика»;
  4. Работа с текстом, контроль понимания прочитанного материала;
  5. Актуализация знаний по грамматической теме: «Типы вопросительных предложений в английском языке»;
  6. Моделирование ситуации, приближенной к реальной «Интервью», отработка навыков диалогической речи;
  7. Практикум «Берем интервью», отработка навыков устной речи и аудирования;
  8. Физкультминутка (в процессе работы);
  9. Самооценка работы (индивидуально);
  10.  Постановка домашнего задания.




учитель английского языка

ГБОУ РМЭ «Национальная президентская общеобразовательная школа-интернат основного общего образования»

г. Йошкар-Ола, набережная Брюгге, 1

т. (8362) 64-18-64






Урок проведен 17 декабря 2015 года

Предварительный просмотр:

Ex.1. Read and remember.

Journalism – журналистика

Correspondent – корреспондент

Creativity – творчество

Periodical edition – периодическое издание

Competently – грамотно

Contributor – участник

Respondent – ответчик

Ex. 2. Read the text and answer the question: “What kind of a journalist would you like to be?”


What is journalism? People answer differently. But there are some famous statements: Journalism is romance. Journalism is the Fourth power. Journalism is newspapers and magazines. It is radio and television. It is correspondents. It is creativity. Journalism is information.
And this list can be continued while journalism exists and creativity is necessary for people.
Journalist is a member of a periodical edition who picks, remakes information quickly, writes competently and well his interesting talks. Journalists make for us news in newspapers, on TV, radio and in the Internet. Because of that there are different journalist specializations:
- contributor of a periodical editions: newspapers and magazines journalists.
- mass-media journalists:  TV journalists, radio journalists, Internet journalists.
- photojournalists. Sometimes photos aren`t only illustrations to an article, they can be a high-quality product.

Ex. 3. Read and act out.

Journalist: Hi! How are you?

Respondent: Hi! Fine, thanks. And you?

J. Excellent. Thank you! Could you answer some of my questions?

R. With pleasure.

J. Today is the 17th of December. Holidays are coming. Only 7 days are left. How are you going to celebrate Christmas?

R. As usual, with my family at home.

J. Do you usually decorate your house with your family?

R. Of course we do.

J. What are your favorite Christmas decorations?

R. Bells, candles, angels, stockings and Christmas tree.

J. I can't but ask you about Christmas shopping fever. Is it typical for you?

R. Yes, it is. And it's become a ritual. I wake up at 6 o'clock in the morning, and stores open at six a.m. too, and begin to buy presents in overcrowded shops.

J. Thanks for your answers!

R. You are welcome!

Ex. 4. Listen and fill in the gaps.

Jessica Brown.

I live in one of the biggest cities in the world ... . Its population is over … people. So, I am lucky I live in … , in the heart of … city. … is the city that never sleeps. Buses and sub-way run all night. There are many shops and restaurants which never close their doors. There are cinemas with films that start at midnight. I work as a … for a fashion … . I am fond of my job. I like everything about … . It’s really my cup of tea. Every day I practice my skills, reading … of famous American … like Aaron Brown, Anderson Cooper, Barbara Walters and so on. Moreover every day I work on my … skills, follow the … . I need to be polite, intelligent with a good sense of …

At school I was good in … and …. So I was responsible for our school newspaper and school radio. I am rather talkative, and I wasn’t afraid of unknown people to ask them different questions. Even at school I was sure that I would be a … . I still remember how my dad bought me my first … . I always took it with me and interviewed my parents, relatives, friends, classmates and teachers. My favorite holiday is … . It is the happiest and busiest time of the year. It’s like a fairytale comes true. I enjoy … fever. And it’s really typical for me. I become really crazy about it and spend a lot of money on … and different festive things.

The city lights up into a winter wonderland with … trees, holiday window displays and … lights. Snow blankets the streets and everything shines.





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Типы вопросов в английском языке

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