Презентация к уроку по теме: "Времена глаголов""
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (8, 9 класс) на тему
Презентация с теоритическим материалом и грамматическими упражнениями.
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ENGLISH TENSES April, 9 April, 10 April, 11 Past Present Future He played football yesterday. (V 3 ,V-ed) He was playing yesterday at 1 o’clock. (was, were + Ving) They had finished the work by 2.03 p.m. yesterday. (had + Ved, V3) He had been playing for 20 minutes at 1.20 yesterday. (had been + Ving) He plays football. (V,V-s) He is playing . (am, is, are + Ving) He has played . (have, has + Ved, V3) He has been playing for 20 minutes. (have, has been + Ving ) He will play football tomorrow. (will + V) He will be playing tomorrow at 3 o’clock. (will be + Ving) He will have played football tomorrow by 5 o’clock. (will have + Ved, V3) He will have been playing for 20 minutes at 5 tomorrow. (will have been + Ving)
THE PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE Every day, usually, sometime, often, seldom He do es morning exercises every day. Does he do morning exercises every day? Yes, he does . He doesn’t sleep long in the morning. They do morning exercises every day. Do they do morning exercises every day? Yes, they do . They don’t sleep long in the morning.
THE PAST SIMPLE TENSE Yesterday, last year, some days ago, in 1987. He work ed in the garden yesterday. Did he work in the garden yesterday? Yes, he did. He didn’t work in the office yesterday.
THE FUTURE SIMPLE TENSE Tomorrow, next year, in 2015 He will make a statue next year. Will he make a statue next year? Yes, he will. He won’t paint a picture next year. April, 23
THE PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE Now, at that moment . Listen! Look! He is cook ing now. Is he cook ing now? Yes, he is . He isn’t eat ing now. They are cook ing now. Are they cook ing now? Yes, they are . They aren’t eat ing now.
THE PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE At 7 o’clock yesterday, the whole day, from 5 to 7, when he came It was snow ing the whole day yesterday. Was it snow ing the whole day yesterday? Yes, it was. It wasn’t rain ing the whole day yesterday.
THE FUTURE CONTINUOUS TENSE At 7 o’clock tomorrow, the whole day, from 5 to 7, when he comes He will be pain ting at 5 o’clock tomorrow. Will he be paint ing at 5 o’clock tomorrow? Yes, he will. He won’t be read ing at 5 o’clock tomorrow.
THE PRESENT PERFECT TENSE Already, just, recently, lately, ever, never, yet, since. He has decreas ed his weight . Has he decreas ed his weight ? Yes, he has. He hasn’t increas ed his weight . They have decreas ed his weight . Have they decreas ed his weight ? They haven’t increas ed his weight .
THE PAST PERFECT TENSE By 7 o'clock, before, after, when he came. He had done his work by 6 o'clock. Had he done his work by 6 o'clock? He hadn’t done his work by 3 o'clock.
THE FUTURE PERFECT TENSE By 7 o'clock, before, after, when he comes. He will have cut the tree by the dinner-time. Will he have cut the tree by the dinner-time? He won’t have cut the tree by 10 o’clock.
THE PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE Since 3 o’clock, for 2 hours, how long He has been read ing for 2 hours. Has he been read ing for 2 hours? He hasn’t been read ing for 4 hours. They have been read ing for 2 hours. Have they been read ing for 2 hours? They haven’t been read ing for 4 hours.
THE PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE Since 3 o’clock, for 2 hours yesterday, how long Yesterday he has been fish ing since 3 o’clock. How long has he been fish ing ? Yesterday he hasn’t been fish ing since morning.
THE FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE Since 3 o’clock, for 2 hours tomorrow, how long Next year she will have been work ing at school for 25 years. Will she have been work ing at school for 25 years next year? Next year she won‘t have been work ing at school for 30 years.
The End
Времена английского глагола Работа предназначена для изучения или повторения времен английского глагола для учащихся 5-9 классов
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