Итоговая контрольная работа 9 класс
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Итоговая контрольная работа 9 класс
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Sports activities
Running / Jogging is used in many different areas of sport, and is one of the easiest ways to get started. Running includes cross-country running, road races and marathons, however, the majority of runners simply run to stay fit and because they enjoy running. In reality, there is no difference between running and jogging. Jogging is a term sometimes used for running slowly. All that you need is a good pair of running shoes and a little enthusiasm to get started! As with all exercise you must start by warming up. Set off walking quickly and swinging your arms. Gradually break into a slow jog. Aim to run or walk for 10 minutes in total. Run or walk every other day or every third day, gradually reducing the walking time and increasing the running time until you can run for the full 10 minutes. Now start to increase the running time by a minute or two every third session, until you can manage thirty minutes three times a week. At the end of each session, "warm down" by slowing down gradually, finishing with a slow jog or brisk walk until your heart rate and breathing return to more normal levels. All kinds of running will improve the heart and lungs. Running is available to everyone. As long as you are healthy and you start out gently andbuild up gradually you can start to run.
cross-country — nepeceсечённая местность
gradually —постепенно
swing your arms — размахивать руками
brisk walk — fast walk
heart rate — сердцебиение
Tai chi is one of the ancient martial arts of the Far East. It is practised not only in China but all over the world because it develops strength and flexibility with its slow, graceful movements. However, it should be taught by qualified teachers and not learned from a book. Look for a class or a gym in your area and check out the teacher's qualifications. As both healing art and fighting art, tai chi emphasises the mind-body connection. It focuses on developing the ability to focus oneself and therefore not be easily distracted or confused. Those who take up tai chi believe that the mind is the most important. The martial arts have their roots in Asian philosophy and involve considerable focus on their spiritual aspects and being able to achieve excellence in all areas of life, including health. They work on the ability to centre the mind, keeping it interested and involved in what is happening here and now. From this state of attention comes the possibility to change, correct and heal oneself. The physical side of tai chi is a series of co-coordinated movements, flowing together to become one continuous movement. It increases the body's range of movement, reduces stress and helps with good balance and posture.
flexibility —гибкость
martial arts боевые искусства
graceful —грациозный
healing — исцеленние
emphasise —придавать особое значение
be distracted отвлекаться
be confused — be unable to understand what is happening
range of movement диапазон движения
posture — ocaHKa
Yoga was developed by the ancient wizards of India and is a system of personal development of body, mind, and spirit that dates back more than 5,000 years. The aim of this integrated approach of mind and body control is physical health and happiness, together with mental peace and staying calm. Today, yoga is practised for general health, and for its preventive and curative effects. In the Western world Yoga is recognised mainly as Hatha Yoga, which is a combination of physical exercises and postures, breathing techniques and meditation. Many people learn yoga by attending classes, however, videos and books teaching yoga are also popular. As with all exercises, technique is very important and for this reason it is advisable for beginners to find a teacher. Yoga can be practised by anyone, at any age. It develops flexibility and muscular endurance and, like many of the martial arts, incorporates techniques to relieve stress and bring the mind and body into harmony.
integrated approach — комбинированный подход
preventive —профилактический
curative —лечебный
advisable рекомендации
incorporate —включать в себя
relieve stress — озвучить
Racquet games require a combination of skill, stamina, strength, power and reaction time. A racquet sports coach will teach on-court drills that improve fitness or skill, and can be practised alone. To start playing racquet sports, it's necessary to learn the skills of the game, the rules of the game, and also to find a partner. For this reason joining a club is a good introduction to the sport. Most clubs have coaches who will teach the basics of the game. Lawn tennis can be played either outdoors or indoors on grass, clay or artificial turf courts. Many health clubs and sports clubs have both indoor and outdoor tennis courts. Most clubs will hire out racquets, and balls or shuttlecocks. Badminton is played indoors on a court over a high net. One advantage of badminton is that although good players are extremely fast, it is possible for beginners to keep the shuttlecock in the air at quite a leisurely pace. It's better to play regularly and often, that is at least once a week and ensure that you have enough time to warm up and stretch before playing. Appropriate trainers are necessary. Clubs often insist that players wear white clothing.
stamina —
drill — exercise that is repeated
many times
basics — the most important and necessary facts about something
clay —глина
artificial — искусственный
turf —покрытие
hire out — сдавать напрокат
shuttlecock —волан
insist — настаивать
5 FOOTBALL ( * )
Football (soccer) is a multiple sprint sport, where the player spends some of the time sprinting, while other times running fast, running slowly, walking or standing still. Depending on the position of the player on the field and the level at which the game is played, varying degrees of fitness are needed. Studies have shown that at professional levels the average work rate of midfield players and strikers is similar to that of a good marathon runner. Thus, the football player must have a good aerobic endurance base if he or she is to last the full game without becoming extremely tired. One of the greatest advantages of football is that it can be played indoors in sports halls and outdoors on any piece of land available and with fewer players than normal for the full version of the game. Many games are played in the street, on the beach, or on a piece of waste ground with minimal facilities and minimal organisation. Football involves activity of changing intensity within the field of play. A full 90-minute match demands high levels of aerobic fitness. To play football well, the player should continue to play throughout the year and / or train in the off-season as well as during the season. Running ability is important. The sudden directional and speed changes involved in the game put the player at risk of injury. This can be avoided by strength training and flexibility training.
depending — в завимисти
varying degrees — различные степени
striker — нападающий
last —продержаться
waste ground — land that is not used for anything
intensity —интенсивность
avoid —избежать
6 DANCE(*)
There are many forms of dancing. Folk dances may be made up of repetitive, easy-to-learn steps — or may, like the Highland fling, have highly complex choreography. In many societies, folk dances exist as an Integral part of community life and are linked to specific occasions such as holidays, festivals and religious celebrations. Today, they mostly provide recreation, self-expression and competition. Other dance forms such as jazz, flamenco, ballet and disco or modern dancing bridge the gap between social dancing and competitive dancing. To get started, simply choose a style of dancing that you enjoy or would like to try — and join a dance class. Dancing is largely an aerobic activity that will improve the condition of the heart and lungs, as well as test your balance. However, to dance for any length of time also requires muscular endurance and fitness. Many people think they can't dance because they have poor co-ordination. However, anyone can dance — if not always elegantly. The main purpose of dance is to enjoy moving to music, and so dancing can be for any age, shape and size. As with most activities it's a matter of starting gently and building up. Some dance forms have specific clothing requirements in order to participate in public. For most dance forms, though, wearing comfortable clothing is all that is required to get you started.
folk dances — народные танцы(e.g. Highland Fling, a traditional Scottish folk dance)
community life общественная жизнь
bridge the gap —соединяют
lungs — лёгкие
balance —равновесие
poor coordination плохая координация
requirements —требования
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