Сценарий вечера посвященного английским песням. "Eurovision"
проект (7 класс) по теме

Сценарий вечера, посвященного песням на английском



Pupil 1:

- Good afternoon, dear teachers, pupils, listeners of English songs. We are

glad to see you in our festival of English songs.


Pupil 2:

- Songs in English make the most part of world music. They are a part of us, because we listen to this music on radio, see  clips on TV, and try to have them at our telephones.


Pupil 1:

- Today we: (names), will be with you. Today we have guests from different countries. They will present their beautiful songs.


Pupil 2:

-Now let us introduce our judges. They are (names). We’d ask them not to be so strict, be honest.

Pupil 1:

- Song of Wrongs

Some songs are trapped, while other songs are free
Some songs can linger, while others need a key
Some songs look Heavenward to find a place to be
While most songs have homes, some songs aren't so lucky
Pupil 2:
- Which song would you rather hear
The song of hope, or the song of fear
The song that has everything, or the song that needs care
The song you care nothing for, or the song you revere
Pupil 1:
- I'd like to listen to all of those forgotten songs
Not the song of rights, I want the song of wrongs
I want the song of solitude hiding in the throngs
I want the song that has no place to which it belongs 

Pupil 2:

- Let’s invite our first participants.The first song is called  “ Love you Baby” .

 It is executed by Beybudova Angelina and Valieva Saniya from the 5-th form “A”. Welcome!


Предварительный просмотр:

Сценарий вечера, посвященного песням на английском


Pupil 1:

- Good afternoon, dear teachers, pupils, listeners of English songs. We are

glad to see you in our festival of English songs.

Pupil 2:

- Songs in English make the most part of world music. They are a part of us, because we listen to this music on radio, see  clips on TV, and try to have them at our telephones.

Pupil 1:

- Today we: (names), will be with you. Today we have guests from different countries. They will present their beautiful songs.

Pupil 2:

-Now let us introduce our judges. They are (names). We’d ask them not to be so strict, be honest.

Pupil 1:

- Song of Wrongs

Some songs are trapped, while other songs are free
Some songs can linger, while others need a key
Some songs look Heavenward to find a place to be
While most songs have homes, some songs aren't so lucky
Pupil 2:
- Which song would you rather hear
The song of hope, or the song of fear
The song that has everything, or the song that needs care
The song you care nothing for, or the song you revere
Pupil 1:
- I'd like to listen to all of those forgotten songs
Not the song of rights, I want the song of wrongs
I want the song of solitude hiding in the throngs
I want the song that has no place to which it belongs 

Pupil 2:

- Let’s invite our first participants.The first song is called  “ Love you Baby” .

 It is executed by Beybudova Angelina and Valieva Saniya from the 5-th form “A”. Welcome!

Pupil 1:

… what do you do in your free time?

Pupil 2:

Well, I like to listen to the music of course.

Pupil 1:

I advise you to listen to the next song then. I hope you will like it. It is called “ Sun iss up” and it is executed by Dilmuhametov Djamil from the 5th form “B”.

Pupil 1:

 - Notice me, take my hand

Why are we strangers when

Our love is strong

Why carry on without me

Pupil 2:

Every time I try to fly, I fall

Without my wings, I feel so small

I guess I need you, baby

And every time I see you in my dreams

I see your face, it's haunting me

I guess I need you, baby

Pupil 1:

Now let’s listen to the song “Love you baby”. It is sung by Salahova Adelya and Ahmetzyanova Endge from the 6th form “B”.

Pupil 2:

A sky isn't always blue

A sun doesn't always shine

It's alright to fall apart sometimes

Pupil 1:

I am not always you

And you are not always mine

It's alright to fall apart sometimes

Pupil 2:

The next song is called “ Make it shine”.  It is executed by  Mamedova Aida and Kayumova  Zuhra from the 7th form”A”. Meet them!

Pupil 1:

 - … do you know  who is our next singer?

Pupil 2:

- I guess it, but I don’t know much about her.

Pupil 1:

- So, let’s see her presentation  then.

Pupil 2:

- Ok, let’s invite Ahmetdinova Sveta  from the 7”B” form to the scene. She will sing the song “ Listen to your heart”. Welcome!

Pupil 1:

- Can I get to your soul?

Can you get to my thoughts?

Can you promise we won't let go

All the things that I need

All the things that you need

You can make it feel so real

Ziatdinova Lilya from the 7th “B” form sings the song “Scyscraper” .

Let’s meet her.

Pupil 2:

Now I’d like to invite our next participants. The are El Aoyubi Diana and Mironova Alina from the 8th “B” form. You are welcome girls.

Pupil 1:

-Dear guests, greet our next singers. Girls from the 8th “B” form Kuzyurova Kamilla and Garipova Liliya will song the song, which is called “ You can drive my car”. Meet them!

Pupil 2:

- Step off the train, walking down your street again

Passed your door, but you don't live there anymore

It's years since you've been there, and now you've disappeared somewhere

To outta space, you've found some better place

And I miss you, like the deserts miss the rain

And I miss you, oh, like the deserts miss the rain.

Pupil 1:

Now let’s greet our next singers. They are our Ramazanova Aigul and Idelbaeva Ilsiya from the 11th form. The song is called “don’t worry, be happy”.

Pupil 2:

Dear friends, our evening approaches to the end.

We are glad, if it was pleasant to you.

Pupil 1:

Let's thank once again our young singers and dancers and you, our spectators. So, now our  judges will tell us who are the winners of today’s contest. You are welcome!

Pupil 2:

Dear friends our festival of English songs is over.

Thank you our participants.


Before new meetings!

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