Викторина "ЮНЕСКО в англо - говорящих странах"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 класс) на тему
Викторина посвящена 70-летию ЮНЕСКО- организации,берущей под охрану уникальные объекты, которые должны быть сохранены для человечества. Речь идёт об объектах ЮНЕСКО в англо-говорящих странах.
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Предварительный просмотр:
“UNESCO in English-speaking countries”
These places belong to the UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
1.The Tower of London was built in:
a) 1000 b) 1066 c) 1166
2.The Tower of London was :
a) a fortress b) a town c) a village
3.Some birds live in the Tower of London:
a)swallows b) swans c) ravens
4.Some people look after the birds in the Tower of London. They are :
a)guards b) beefeaters c)clerks
5.The Tower is
a) a museum b) a palace c) an office
6.Bath is situated in the
a)north b)south-east c) south-west
of England.
7.Bath is famous for its
a)clean water b) thermal mineral water c)sea water
8.Stonehenge is situated in
a)Scotland b)Wales c) England
9.Stonehenge is about
a)4-5 thousand years b) 2 thousand years c) 1 thousand years
10. Scientists know a) everything b) a lot c) nothing
about the purpose of construction of Stonehenge.
11.Edinburgh consists of some parts:
a) Old Town, New Town and West End b) Old Town and New Town c)New Town and the Castle.
12.The oldest building in the old Town of Edinburgh is:
a)the dungeon b)the hotel c) the castle.
13.There is a very beautiful monument to:
a) William Shakespeare b) Walter Scott c)Charles Dickens
in Edinburgh.
14. Westminster Palace is the place of sitting of:
a) the Senate b)the House of Lords c) the House of Commons and the House of Lords.
15.The Statue of Liberty is in:
a)Canada b) the USA b) Australia
16.The Statue of Liberty is a gift to the people of the USA from:
a)France b) Germany c) Russia
17.The Statue of Liberty is:
a)100m b)93m c)105m tall.
18.There is
a) a flag b) a torch c) a book
in the right hand of the Statue of Liberty.
19.There is
a) a flag
b)a book
c) a tablet
in the left hand of the Statue of Liberty.
20.Yellowstone National Park is in :
a)the UK b)the USA c)Canada.
21.Yellowstone National Park was:
a) the first b) the second c) the 10th
national park in the world.
22.The National Park Mesa Verde is situated in:
a)Australia b) Canada b)the USA
23.The National Park Mesa Verde is in the state:
a)Colorado b)Texas b)California
24.The cliff dwellings of the National Park Mesa Verde were built by:
a) the Spaniards b)the Indians c) the English
25.Chaco Cultural National Historical Park is situated in:
a)Mexico b)Canada c) the USA
26.Local settlers of Chaco erected:
a)huge towers b) small houses c)blocks of flats.
27.The wide roads in Chaco are very :
a)curved lines b)straight lines c) zigzag lines.
28.The most famous building in Sydney is
a) Sydney Opera House b) Sydney Theatre c) Sydney Supermarket.
29.Sydney Opera House is in the form of
a) shells b) an apple c) a kivi
30. The Great Barrier Reef is located near
a) New Zealand b) the USA c) Australia
1b 2a 3c 4b 5a 6b 7b 8c 9a 10c 11a 12c 13b 14c 15b 16a 17b 18b 19c 20b 21a 22c 23a 24b 25c 26a 27b 28a 29a 30c.
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