тест по грамматике английского языка
тест по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему
Данный тест является обобщением лексико-грамматического материала (Unit 1-8) к учебнику для 6 класса под редакцией Афанасьевой, Михеевой для школ с углубленным изучением английского языка
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Предварительный просмотр:
I.Choose the right answer.
- The country is rich … natural resources
- In b) of c) with
- It is … in the city than in the country
- Interestinger b) more interesting c) the most interesting
- Have you ever been to … greenhouse?
- A b) the c) –
- Horror films are so …
- Frightened b) frightening c) is frightening
- I was asked to speak about …
- Me b) myself c) my
- London is famous for … museums.
- It’s b) its
- He never leaves litter in the forest.
- Neither do I b) so do I c) Neither have I
- That photo …yesterday
- Taken b) was taken c) took
- He ruined … sandcastle and we got angry.
- Us b) our c) ours
- There are so … holidaymakers here.
- Lot of b) many c) much
II.Open the brackets using the verbs in the correct form.
- They (to translate) a difficult text yesterday.
- Look at the children! They (to skate) well.
- Where Kate (to go) when you (to meet) her yesterday?
- My father knows so much because he (to travel) a lot.
- What you (to prepare) for breakfast tomorrow?
- The rain (to stop) just but a cold wind still (to blow).
I . Choose the right answer.
- His speech greatly influenced … the people.
- On b) - c) for
- Are winters … nowadays?
- Severer b) severest c) more severe
- I can’t do … harm to plants.
- A b) - c) the
- I am always … when I watch horror films.
- Boring b) bored
- The child can already eat …
- Hisself b) himself c) itself
- Brighton is a famous resort. … situated in the Southeast.
- Its b) it’s
- We are trying to be green. –
- So do they b) So are they c) Neither are they.
- A rainstorm … tomorrow.
- Expects b) expected c) is expected
- Whose bag is this? It’s …
- My b) mine c) your
- When you burn something, you produce … carbon dioxide.
- Many b) much c) little
II . Open the brackets using the correct tense of the verb.
- What you (to do) yesterday at 5 o’clock?
- Every day the boss (to enter) the office at 9 o’clock.
- They (not to solve) the puzzle yet.
- Listen! Somebody (to play) a beautiful melody!
- I am sure people (to survive) if they (to protect) nature.
- Why the most westerly point (to call) the Land’s End?
III. Translate from Russian into English.
- Идет снег? – Нет, на улице ясно.
- Дождь идет с утра.
- В зоопарке ты можешь увидеть различные виды млекопитающих, насекомых и рептилий.
- Не сливайте промышленные отходы в реки, озера, моря и океаны.
- Долины и луга Шотландии всегда привлекают множество туристов.
I. Choose the right answer.
- He was so excited … the present that he could sleep.
- With b) by c) for
- He speaks German … than English.
- Badder b) worse c) worst
- It is good when there is much …ozone in the air.
- - b) an c) the
- What do we call the continent … by Columbus?
- Discovered b) discovering
- She looked at … in the mirror and smiled.
- She b) hers c) herself
- Sheffield is famous for … steel industry.
- Its b) it’s
- We have got a nice cottage.
- So does Mr. Blake b) So is Mr. Blake c) So has Mr. Blake
- The cat cut … on a piece of glass.
- Herself b) itself c) himself
- They always praise … children.
- There b) theirs c) their
- There is … noise in the country than in the city.
- More b) little c) less
II. Open the brackets using the correct form of the verb.
- This news (to discuss) tomorrow.
- You (to finish) your translation already?
- John can’t talk to you now. He (to take) shower.
- When I (to come) in, somebody (to play) the piano.
- Mary (to do) shopping since morning.
- Nelly usually (not to drink) coffee for breakfast.
III. Translate the sentences from Russian into English
- Вчера было морозно, 10 градусов ниже нуля.
- Что производит эта фабрика?
- Экономьте воду, газ, энергию и другие природные ресурсы.
- Джим сказал, что он не умеет плавать.
- Этот дом был построен в прошлом году.
I.Choose the right answer.
- The country is rich … natural resources
- In b) of c) with
- It is … in the city than in the country
- Interestinger b) more interesting c) the most interesting
- Have you ever been to … greenhouse?
- A b) the c) –
- Horror films are so …
- Frightened b) frightening c) is frightening
- I was asked to speak about …
- Me b) myself c) my
- London is famous for … museums.
- It’s b) its
- He never leaves litter in the forest.
- Neither do I b) so do I c) Neither have I
- That photo …yesterday
- Taken b) was taken c) took
- He ruined … sandcastle and we got angry.
- Us b) our c) ours
- There are so … holidaymakers here.
- Lot of b) many c) much
II . Open the brackets using the correct tense of the verb.
- What you (to do) yesterday at 5 o’clock?
- Every day the boss (to enter) the office at 9 o’clock.
- They (not to solve) the puzzle yet.
- Listen! Somebody (to play) a beautiful melody!
- I am sure people (to survive) if they (protect) nature.
- Why the most westerly point (to call) the Land’s End?
III. Translate the sentences from Russian into English
- Вчера было морозно, 10 градусов ниже нуля.
- Что производит эта фабрика?
- Экономьте воду, газ, энергию и другие природные ресурсы.
- Джим сказал, что он не умеет плавать.
- Этот дом был построен в прошлом году.
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