презентация " Modal verbs"
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Курганская Татьяна Александровна

презентация на грамматические правила употребления модальных глаголов в английском языке


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Слайд 1

Modal verbs

Слайд 2

1) Followed by infinitives without to must go , can dance 2) They are the same for all pronouns. He can , I must , they should, she can’t ( кроме have to !!! I have to … He has to….) 3) They do not need auxiliaries Must not, can’t , should we? ( кроме have to !!! We don’t have to ….She doesn’t have to …. Does he have to …?) Modal verbs

Слайд 3

1. Ability / possibility She can swim, but she can’t dance well. He can reach on time. 2. Request / permission (informal) Polite request – could, may Can you switch on the light? Can I borrow your book? No, you can’t. 3. Doubts Kate can’t be still sleeping. Can / can’t

Слайд 4

1.Expressing an opinion, giving advice or asking for advice You should see a doctor . He shouldn’t do that. 2 . Expectation He should arrive any minute. 3. Expressing a regret about a past action. You should have been more careful Should

Слайд 5

1) expressing a necessity felt by the speaker You are very ill. You must call a doctor now. 2) obligation concerns ourselves ( our decision, our choice) I must have my hair cut. 3) encouragement and invitation You must come and visit us soon. 4) assumption It must be him. Must (present or future)

Слайд 6

1) prohibition He mustn’t eat sweets. You must not make noise at night . Mustn’t

Слайд 7

1.External obligation (positive sentences) She failed her exam. She has to retake it. 2. necessity or obligation in the past He was very ill. We had to call the doctor immediately. Have to ( semi-modal )

Слайд 8

1. Removing a necessity or an obligation (present, past, future) You don’t have to help them . She passed her exam. She won’t have to retake it. He doesn’t have to get up early. Negative sentences

Слайд 9

do / does Do I have to help them ? Interrogative sentences .

Слайд 10

Like an ordinary verb need to (softer alternative to must or have to ) I must / need to finish it tonight, because I want to take tomorrow off. I have to / need to finish it tonight, I have a deadline tomorrow. I don’t need to finish it tonight. Does she need to do it? Need

Слайд 11

Only in negative sentences and questions! Need I finish it? I needn’t do it. ( Exemption) Need (a modal verb)

Слайд 12

I hadn't enough money and I ... pay by cheque . You …see it. It's the best film I've ever seen. He …. enter this room. It is dangerous. English children . . . stay at school till the age of 16. I think you … learn Spanish if you want to work there. You …walk across the street on the crossing! You … buy coffee in the cafeteria. You …worry about it. It’s not important. You …remember to do your homework. He …. play the violin very well. I … a lot of money. Use the correct verb: must, have to, should, can,need

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