Контрольные работы по английскому языку по итогам 1 четверти
материал по английскому языку на тему
Здесь представлены контрольные работы для 4-11 классов по итогам 1 четверти
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Предварительный просмотр:
Контрольная работа для 4 класса.
- Напиши am, is, are.
1. We in Year 4 now.
- This our new cooker.
- My friends in the park now.
- Where the children? They in the playroom.
- What your favourite day? - It Saturday.
- It rainy.
- Look! She making a sandcastle.
- he at school? - No, he and his sister at home.
- The women playing a game in the garden.
- Ben, where you? - I watching TV in the living
- pencil case, ruler, lamp, rubber
2. sixteen, fifty, nineteen, thirteen
- PE, computer, Science, Geography
- eggs, milk, meat, rice
- train, armchair, sofa, cooker
- fat, thin, body, long
- crawl, fly, seahorse, walk
- Thursday, Wednesday, September, Tuesday
This is Oleg's room. His desk is in front of the window. There is a computer on the desk. His CDs are next to the computer. There's a green sofa in the room and under the sofa there are Oleg's roller blades. His helmet is in the box and his guitar is behind the armchair. The TV is in front of the armchair.
- Поставь слова в правильном порядке и запиши предложения.
- your/subject/What's/favourite?
- is/big/brother/my/This.
3. My/don't/hot milk/like/friends.
- have got/They/cheese sandwiches/ some.
- my/Those/toys/are.
- car/under/The/is/cat/the.
- there/ls/an/in/armchair/bedroom/your?
Предварительный просмотр:
Муниципальной контрольной работы по английскому языку для учащихся 5-х классов
Работа рассчитана на учащихся 5-х классов общеобразовательных школ, изучающих курс английского языка.
Назначение работы – проведение промежуточной аттестации с целью дифференциации учащихся по уровням подготовки в изучении грамматики английского языка, а также выявления пробелов в области формирования языковых средств и навыков пользования ими.
Количество заданий в работе.
Работа содержит 28 заданий.
Понимание запрашиваемой информации в прочитанном тексте – 10 заданий.
Лексико-грамматические навыки – 18 заданий.
Время выполнения работы.
На проведение работы отводится 40 минут.
Оценка выполнения работы.
Каждое верно выполненное задание оценивается 1 баллом.
Максимальное количество заданий первой части составляет 10, max количество баллов -10.
Максимальное количество заданий второй части составляет 18, max количество баллов -18.
Общее максимальное количество баллов, которое может набрать учащийся при выполнении ГКР – 28.
Уровень подготовки обучающихся определяется по 100-балльной шкале на основе количества верно выполненных заданий.
Базовый уровень подготовки – 50% - 70% верно выполненных заданий (14-19б) -3 (три)
повышенный уровень – правильное выполнение свыше 70% до 90% заданий (20-25б)-4 (четыре)
высокий уровень подготовки – правильное выполнение свыше 90% заданий (26-28б)-5 (пять)
Инструкция для учащихся.
Перед началом ГКР провести инструктаж на русском языке.
ГКР состоит из 2-х частей.
1 часть. Прочитай текст и определи, какие из приведенных ниже утверждений соответствуют содержанию, а какие не соответствуют.
Всего предложено 10 утверждений. Напиши напротив каждого: TRUE, если утверждение верно, или FALSE, если утверждение не соответствует содержанию.
2 часть. Выполнение тестовых заданий.
Выбери и обведи кружочком букву правильного варианта ответа к каждому заданию.
Муниципальная контрольная работа по английскому языку в 5 классе
Ученика(цы) 5____ класса школы№________
Ф.И. ___________________________________________________
- Прочитай текст и определи, какие из приведенных ниже утверждений соответствуют содержанию, а какие нет. Напиши напротив каждого утверждения TRUE, если оно верно, или FALSE, если утверждение не соответствует содержанию.
A bear is a big, heavy, strong animal. There are black bears, polar bears, and grizzly bears. The brown bear lives in the forests and mountains of Northern America, Europe and Asia. Bears live alone; they do not live in groups. Mother bear usually has from one to four baby bears. They are born in the winter and drink their mother’s milk. They live with their mother for one or two years. Bears often spend much of their winter sleeping. Before winter they eat a lot of food. Bears can be dangerous to people.
1. A bear is big _____________
2. Bears can be black. _____________
3. Bears live in Australia. _____________
4. They live in groups. _____________
5. Mother bear has five babies. _____________
6. Baby bears are born in the winter. __________
7. Baby bears live with their father. __________
8.Baby bears drink tea. __________
9. Bears eat a lot of food before winter. __________
10.Bears are not dangerous. _____________
II. Use of English.
Выбери правильный вариант.
- We ____ pupils.
A. are B. am C. is
2. I ____ play tennis.
A. have B. can C. do
3. Where ____ you from?
A. are B. am C. is
4. ____ you play football? - Yes, I can.
A. Do B. Must C. Can
5. ____ you like to play computer games?
A. Does B. Can C. Do
6. There ____ a book on the table.
A. can B. is C. are
7. ____ she speak English?
A. Do B. Does C. Is
8. The zebra is ___.
A. white and green B. black and green C. white and black
9. Her name ____ Ann.
A. is B. are C. am
10. My parents____ kind.
A. is B. are C. am
11. ____ you got a sister?
A. Do B. Can C. Have
12. ___ name is Tom.
A. Our B. His C. Her
13. There ___ seven boys in the room.
A. is B. are C. am
14. I ___ a girl.
A. is B. are C. am
15. Tom and Tim are friends. ____ are good friends.
A. They B. He C. She
16. The film ____ funny.
A. is B. are C. am
17. ____ there a computer on the table?
A. Is B. Are C.-
18. Компьютер мальчика.
A. the boy's computer B. the boys' computer C. computer the boy
1. Чтение
1) True
2) True
3) False
4) False
5) False
6) True
7) False
8) False
9) True
10) False
2. Грамматика и лексика
1) A
2) B
3) A
4) C
5) C
6) B
7) B
8) C
9) A
10) B
11) C
12) B
13) B
14) C
15) A
16) A
17) A
18) A
Предварительный просмотр:
Муниципальная контрольная работа по английскому языку
в 6-х классах
I -V
I. Read the text and write T (верно) or F (неверно).
“Well,” said the farmer, “I am glad, I will not have to pay for the trip, as I didn’t have to say a word, but I wanted to speak to you when my wife fell out of the plane”.
II. Write down whether the statements are true or false.
1. The farmer didn’t like the price of the trip.
2. The farmer decided to take his wife because it could make the price of the trip less.
3. The passengers kept silent when they were in the air.
4. The farmer’s wife was quite well after the trip.
III. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form: Past Continuous or Past Simple, Present Perfect.
- I ….. (walk) home when I (meet) Dave.
- Jane …. (look) after her little sister when the parents (come) home.
- They ….. already (see) this film.
- Yesterday at six o’clock we….. (play) football.
- He ….. (not / finish) his test yet.
IV. Fill in the gaps with the modal verbs: must / mustn’t, can, should
- You …. take a bus to get to the museum. It’s far from here. (следует)
- You ….. smoke here.
- Pupils …. come to school in time.
- I …. read and write in English.
- People ….. cross the road when the light is red.
Муниципальная контрольная работа по английскому языку
в 6-х классах
I. Read the text and write T (верно) or F (неверно).
“Well,” said the farmer, “I am glad, I will not have to pay for the trip, as I didn’t have to say a word, but I wanted to speak to you when my wife fell out of the plane”.
II. Write down whether the statements are true or false.
1. The farmer didn’t like the price of the trip.
2. The farmer decided to take his wife because it could make the price of the trip less.
3. The passengers kept silent when they were in the air.
4. The farmer’s wife was quite well after the trip.
III. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form: Past Continuous or Past Simple, Present Perfect.
- My granny ….. (sit) in the park when it got dark.
- The pupils ….. (talk) when the bell (ring).
- My mum … (not / cook) dinner yet.
- I ….. just (do) the washing up.
- Two girls …. (play) with their dogs at five o’clock yesterday.
IV. Fill in the gaps with the modal verbs: must / mustn’t, can, should
- Children ….. play with matches. (категорически)
- He …. run fast. But he can swim well.
- You ….. give up your seat to old people. (cовет)
- …. I help you?
- You …. be polite to your teachers. (должен)
V. Прочитайте диалог и выберите верный ответ из четырёх предложенных вариантов.
- True
- False
- True
- False
- Was walking/met
- Was looking/ came
- Have seen
- Played
- Has finished
- Should
- Mustn’t
- Must
- Can
- Must
2-b, 3-d
2 v
- True
- False
- True
- False
- Was sitting
- Were talking
- Hasn’t cooked
- Have done
- Was playing
- Mustn’t
- Can
- Should
- Can
- Must
3- c
Предварительный просмотр:
Entrance test. Form 7
Task 1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.
1. Ann…………………….……. (buy) her house last year.
2. ……………………..….. (you/meet) Peter the day before yesterday?
3. She …………………..… (leave) Moscow in 2014.
4. She always ………………..… (drive) fast.
5. The cats ……………….………..…….. (not/sleep) at the moment.
6. It …………………….. (be) hot today.
7. What ……………………………. (she/do) already?
Task 2. Choose the correct word and complete the sentences.
visit, been, well-known, animals, foreign, tomorrow
1. Have you _____ been to London?
2. Children love _______ very much.
3. What countries are you going to _______ next summer?
4. My father speaks ___________ languages very well.
5. Red Square is a ________ place.
Task 1. Match the texts with the titles.
a. Vitamins and the alphabet.
b. Tastes differ.
c. We cannot live without food.
d. Firming vitamin.
Healthy Food
1. Eating is fun, especially when you are hungry. Most people have a favourite food. Some people enjoy eating sweet things like cakes, chocolates and ice cream. Other people enjoy savoury foods like cheese and meet. Enjoying eating is our body’s way of making sure that is gets the things it needs to work properly.
2. Food helps us to keep warm, talk, run and do all the other things we do. It helps us to grow and stay healthy.
3. Vitamins also help us to be healthy. Scientists name vitamins after the alphabet. All of them are very important, for example: vitamin C keeps our skin and gums healthy. It is found in fresh fruit and green vegetables, such as oranges, blackcurrants, lettuce. Brussels sprouts and spinach also contain a lot of vitamin C.
4. Vitamin D helps our bones to grow strong and hard, and we are able to make it for ourselves if our skin gets enough sunlight. But we can also get vitamin D if we eat fish, milk, butter, cheese and margarine. Some people buy pills and tablets containing vitamins. But most of us get more than enough of them from our food.
Task 2. Choose the correct answer and complete the sentences.
1. Food helps us _________.
a) To keep fit b) to be healthy c) to get fun
2. Vitamins are called after ________.
a) the colours b) fruits and vegetables c) the alphabet
3. We can get vitamin D __________.
a) in oranges b) in milk c) in juice
Write an e-mail to your English-speaking friend, tell him/her about your favourite holiday. 100-120 words.
Предварительный просмотр:
Муниципальная контрольная работа по английскому языку
8 класс
Variant 1.
- Choose the correct item.
- Hurry up! Our train …in half an hour.
- Left b) leaves c) will leave
- Susan doesn’t think books about pirate ships are very … . She prefers romantic novels.
- Interested b) interest c) interesting
- That is the girl …. Father works in the arm forces with my dad.
- Who b) that c) whose
- If Jim … to Spain on business trip next month he will stay three extra days to visit the sights.
- Is going to travel b) will travel c) travels
- Hugh Grant is a(an) … actor.
- Young, excellent, English
- Excellent, young, English
- English, excellent, young.
- My brother didn’t become a songwriter … he finished his music studies at university.
- While b) until c) then
- Lin … in her tree house when her mother called her for lunch.
- Played b) used to play c) was playing
- Read the text and mark the statements as T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn’t say):
The do’s and the don’ts of classroom behaviour
Since school is the place where you spend a good part of your day, it's a good idea to have a few rules regarding classroom etiquette in mind.
To begin with, it's always nice to greet your teacher and the other students when you walk into the classroom. If you go to class after the lesson has already started, it's polite to apologize to your teacher. During the lesson, you need to respect your classmates, as well as your teacher. That means you should pay attention to others when they're speaking to the whole class, and you shouldn't talk to those next to you while the teacher is trying to explain something.
Of course, all this doesn't mean that the classroom environment needs to be strict and boring. Your teacher will certainly appreciate it if you have something funny to share with the rest of the class. Also, if you have any fresh and creative ideas about a class project or trip, your teacher will be more than willing to hear about them. After all, teachers run out of ideas too! Remember, teachers were once students themselves, and they know very well that every now and then, the class needs to do something different from their usual routine and, above all, they know that learning should be fun!
- You should never talk when entering the class________
- If you are late you need to bring a note from your parents.______
- You should never talk in the classroom _____
- It’s OK to tell the joke in the classroom._____
- You should feel free to make any suggestions related to school matters to your teacher._______
- Fill in the gaps with: so far, never, ever, since, just, yet, recently.
- John has … been abroad.
- This place has changed … our last visit.
- John’s not in. He’s … left.
- Has Kelly visited you ….?
- Has Sue … travelled abroad?
- How many of the books have you read …?
- We haven’t left the library ….
- Open the brackets using Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous.
- …. ( you\buy) your train ticket yet?
- She … (forget) how to get to my house.
- Julia … (learn) to drive for six years!
- Amanda … (already\have) lunch, so she’ll meet us later.
- I … (work) in the garden all day and need a rest.
- I … (watch) seven films this week!
- He … (know) Alice for years.
- … (you\clean) all morning? – No, I … (just\start).
- How long (you\work) as a cook?
- She … (bake) four loaves of bread and she still needs to bake three more.
- Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.
- Helen is very nervous … starting at her new school.
- You shouldn’t be jealous … other people’s success.
- They are very close …. their parents.
- Rania is very fond … her young niece.
- I’m quite keen … Maths.
Variant 2
- Choose the correct item.
- Tom … that the house down the street is haunted.
- Is believing b) believes c) believe
- When you freeze water, it … into ice.
- Is turning b) turns c) is going to turn
- When Sue was young, she … hide-and-sick with her friends. Now she prefers playing board games.
- Was playing b) used to played c) used to play
- There is …. of chocolate in the fridge. Maybe I’ll make a chocolate cake today.
- Some b) a lot c) a little
- Unless you … me with cooking, I won’t have dinner ready on time.
- Help b) will help c) don’t help
- Ted and Lisa are really looking … to their trip to Legoland this summer.
- For b) up c) forward
- I’m afraid Mr. Brown’s not in. He’s … to Moscow on business.
- Gone b) went c) been
- Read the text and mark the statements as T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn’t say):
The do’s and the don’ts of classroom behaviour
Since school is the place where you spend a good part of your day, it's a good idea to have a few rules regarding classroom etiquette in mind.
To begin with, it's always nice to greet your teacher and the other students when you walk into the classroom. If you go to class after the lesson has already started, it's polite to apologize to your teacher. During the lesson, you need to respect your classmates, as well as your teacher. That means you should pay attention to others when they're speaking to the whole class, and you shouldn't talk to those next to you while the teacher is trying to explain something.
Of course, all this doesn't mean that the classroom environment needs to be strict and boring. Your teacher will certainly appreciate it if you have something funny to share with the rest of the class. Also, if you have any fresh and creative ideas about a class project or trip, your teacher will be more than willing to hear about them. After all, teachers run out of ideas too! Remember, teachers were once students themselves, and they know very well that every now and then, the class needs to do something different from their usual routine and, above all, they know that learning should be fun!
- You should never talk when entering the class________
- If you are late you need to bring a note from your parents.______
- You should never talk in the classroom _____
- It’s OK to tell the joke in the classroom._____
- You should feel free to make any suggestions related to school matters to your teacher._______
- Fill in the gaps with: never, ever, since, yet, already, just, recently.
- Have you … been camping with friends?
- No, I haven’t been camping with friends…
- You have … been camping with my friends.
- I’ve … finished it.
- I have … been to London.
- Has Ann visited you ….?
- This place has changed … our last visit.
- Open the brackets using Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous.
- She … (make) three cakes. They look delicious!
- Sheila … (go) to the bazaar. She’ll be back in an hour.
- You look sweaty! … (you\work) out?
- We …(not buy) all out Christmas presents yet.
- Joy … (clean) the house since 9 o’clock. Can you give her a hand?
- How long … (Tom\save) to buy a new PC?
- Lisa and David … (pack) since breakfast.
- We… (know) her for three years.
- She … (write) three essays this week.
- We … (try) to find tickets for the concert for three weeks.
- Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.
- Mr. Brown is very popular … the students.
- I’m not very keen … basketball. I prefer football.
- You shouldn’t be jealous … your little sister.
- Polly is very fond … her grandmother.
- I’m very good … English. I’m always top of the class.
Предварительный просмотр:
Муниципальная контрольная работа по английскому языку в 9 классах
Вариант 1.
Раздел 2. Чтение
Задание 1.
Прочитайте информацию для студентов, только что приехавших в
летнюю школу. Установите соответствие между заголовками A–F и
пронумерованными абзацами текста 1–5. Запишите свои ответы в
таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании есть один
лишний заголовок.
A. The layout of the school
B. Who studies at the school
C. The history of the school
D. Who teaches at the school
E. The medical care provided at the school
F. The schedule of school activities
1. We are happy to welcome you in our campus. Please read this information
carefully. It will help you to settle as quickly as possible and make your stay as
enjoyable as possible. We are proud to say that our school is one of the most famous and well–reputed board schools in Britain. In summer it turns into an international scientific centre. Children from different countries aged 14–16 live and study here for a month and a half. All our students come here after participating in Maths competitions in their own countries and in different international mathematical contests. We are proud to say that new Newtons and Einsteins are among us.
2. The school is located in a quiet historical village. The complex consists of several buildings. The central and the highest building in the campus is our administrative centre. Lecture halls, chemical lab, the library and the computer centre are all here too. To the right of the central building, there are students’ accommodations. All the rooms are nicely furnished, and there is a satellite TV in the students’ lounge. To the left of the central building there is a students’ café. Just behind it one can see an old building made of red brick. It used to be stables, but nowadays sports equipment like bicycles and boats are stored there.
3. All students have breakfast, lunch and dinner in the students’ café at 8.00, 13.00
and 18.00 correspondingly. Lectures start at 9.00 and last till 13.00. After lunch the
students work in teams on their projects from 14.00 up to 16.00. After that they havea wide range of various activities to choose from: sports games on the sports ground, drama lessons, TV, music performances and so on. The day rounds off with disco or national dances. Students should be in their rooms by 11.00.
4. Most lectures are given by university teachers. Like students, they come from
different countries and represent different universities but all the lectures are delivered in English. We are sure that you appreciate the diversity. The permanent
staff of the school are always available in the administrative centre. They can advise you on any academic issues, recommend additional reading on the topics and answer your questions. If you have any questions, just come and ask.
5. Though it’s summer and holiday time, your lecture attendance is obligatory. You
can miss a lecture only if you are ill and have a doctor’s permission to stay in your
room. Our school doctor is available round the clock in the central office. If you feel unwell, don’t hesitate to see him.
Task 2
Open the brackets using the appropriate form of the verbs.
1. Lectures of this professor (hear) always with great attention.
2. All the trees (plant) by the middle of autumn.
3. The window (break) last week.
4. The article (translate) now.
5. He (trust) his friends and (rely) on them in different situations.
6. The story (forget).
7. The book (write) in the 19th century.
Муниципальная контрольная работа по английскому языку в 9 классах
Вариант 2.
Раздел 2. Чтение
Задание 1.
Прочитайте информацию для студентов, только что приехавших в летнюю школу. Установите соответствие между заголовками A–F и пронумерованными абзацами текста 1–5. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.
A. How to learn about Backpackers?
B. For whom are Backpackers?
C. Who stays at Backpackers?
D. What facilities can Backpackers provide?
E. How much is to stay in Backpackers?
F. What is there in a Backpackers room?
1. Backpackers hotels or just Backpackers are extremely popular in Australia. They are the same as Youth Hostels in Britain, but have a different name. The name comes from the word “backpack” – an Australian equivalent for “rucksack”. Backpackers are places where travellers can stay for a night or for a longer time. The name “backpackers” suggests that if people travel on their own with backpacks, they don’t normally care for luxury and services an expensive hotel can provide. So, the place is designed for people to stay cheaply and safely while their travelling round the country or probably taking some educational courses.
2.Though people who stay at Backpackers are not very particular about the range of services and the equipment of the room, Backpackers normally meet all reasonable requirements. Three or four people can normally stay in one room. The room is furnished with beds, clean and fresh linen, bedcovers and towels are provided. Often one can see bunk beds there. This is quite convenient and saves room. There is also a desk, a couple of chairs, a mirror and a wardrobe in the room. Some rooms have en suite showers, but sometimes toilets and showers are provided on a communal basis.
3. These types of hotels appeared in the beginning of the twentieth century, they were used primarily by students as they needed cheap places to stay. Now there are thousands of them all over the world and people of different ages and different statuses enjoy staying there. There are retired people, groups of tourists on their own, families with and without kids and certainly students. They come from different countries and represent different cultures but everyone who likes nature and wants to explore the world is welcome in this friendly and easy-going community.
4. Usually there is a kitchen with the most essential kitchen appliances and equipment such as dishes, a refrigerator, a microwave and a coffee maker. So, visitors can prepare their own food or eat in a cafe. Backpackers’ cafes can offer simple but tasty dishes for very reasonable price. There is usually a TV in the hall, books and newspapers the visitors can borrow and the Internet facilities. There is also a laundry room with several washing machines, where one can get their clothes washed very cheaply.
5. Information about Backpackers is available in tourist agencies and International centers, in all kinds of tourists booklets and guides, and certainly in the Internet. As prices and facilities in different Backpackers may vary, it’s usually a good idea to call beforehand and ask about the things which are important for you. In high season the prior contact is very advisable. Backpackers can simply be full as they are getting more and more popular with people of different ages and nationalities.
Task 2
Open the brackets using the appropriate form of the verbs.
1. Lectures of this professor (hear) always with great attention.
2. All the trees (plant) by the middle of autumn.
3. The window (break) last week.
4. The article (translate) now.
5. He (trust) his friends and (rely) on them in different situations.
6. The story (forget).
7. The book (write) in the 19th century.
1 вариант
2 вариант
Предварительный просмотр:
I variant
Vacation at Home (Life with Father by Clarence Day)
Father, Mother and my brothers went out to the World’s Fair in Chicago in 1893. I was finishing my freshman year at Yale, and by the time I got home they had gone. Father had written me that I had better follow on and join them, but I couldn’t. I had spent all my allowance. It wasn’t this that bothered me, however, or not going out to Chicago. It was the fact that I owed Warner Hall and other tradesmen nearly three hundred dollars, and I didn’t see how I could be so reckless, or when I could ever pay up. Worst of all, my creditors too had become pessimistic. I borrowed a nickel for carfare from old Margaret and went down at once to Father’s office to ask for a job. They didn’t have any work for me down there and didn’t want me around, but it was lucky I went, because while I was there one of my creditors entered. He had come down to New York with a bundle of overdue bills to see whether he could collect any of them by calling upon his customers’ parents. It had never occurred to me that anyone would come to Father’s office like this. If Father had been there and I hadn’t I’d have been in serious trouble for Father had warned me repeatedly not to borrow money. I was frightened. The creditor said, as he left, that since my father was out, he would have to call on him again the next time he came to New York. I didn’t know what to do. But one thing was clear. I saw I must stick around Father’s office for the rest of that summer. So as soon as my parents got back from the Fair, I begged my Father to give me a job. I didn’t need any vacation, I told him, and I would be getting a lot of valuable experience if he would let me go to work. After thinking it over, he said that perhaps I could make myself useful as an office boy while his clerks were taking turns going on their vacations. I started the very next day at four dollars a week. I might have got slightly better wages elsewhere, but I couldn’t have made enough anyway to pay much on my bills, and the most important thing was not to make a few dollars extra but to stand on guard at the door of Father’s office to keep my creditors out. When I was sent out on an errand, I ran all the way there and back. When I was in the office, I always kept one eye on the grated window where the cashier sat in his counter, to make sure that no creditors from New Haven were coming in to see Father. But late in the summer I got into trouble again. The cashier told Father that I had taken hold better than he had expected, and that although I was not very accurate I was punctual and quick and seemed to be especially interested in getting down early. Father was so pleased that he sent for me to come into his inner office and told me that he had decided I had earned a vacation. I said that honestly and truly a vacation was the last thing I wanted. He explained that he wanted me to have some rest and recreation before college opened, and he added that he would advise me to go to Chicago and see the World’s Fair. I said I didn’t care about seeing the Fair. Father didn’t quite like this. “I have just told you, Clarence,” he said, “that I would advise you to go.” I uncomfortably made a confession. I said I couldn’t afford to go to Chicago. I didn’t have any money. Father was surprised. “What about your allowance?” he asked. “I’m sorry to say I’ve spent it all, Father.” “That was very imprudent of you,” he observed. I said in a low voice that I knew it.
A1.The narrator didn’t go to Chicago because
1) he didn’t want to.
2) he was busy at the office.
3) he had no money.
4) his parents didn’t want him to join them.
A2.The narrator was worried because he
1) couldn’t go to Chicago.
2) had no money.
3) missed his parents.
4) had debts.
A3.The narrator came to his father’s office because he
1) wanted to see his father.
2) was looking for a job.
3) wanted to borrow some money.
4) was looking for his creditor.
A4.The creditor he met in his father’s office lived in
1) New Haven.
2) Chicago.
3) New York.
4) London.
A5.The main reason why the narrator’s father gave him a job was that
1) his wife asked him to do it.
2) he needed people while his clerks were on holiday.
3) he had a vacancy.
4) he wanted to see his son more often.
A6.The phrase “But late in the summer I got into trouble again” implies that
1) Сlarence’s father wanted him to have a rest.
2) his father had met one of his creditors.
3) the cashier was displeased with his work.
4) the narrator had lost his job.
A7.At last the narrator decided
1) to go to the World Fair.
2) to lie again.
3) to tell the truth.
4) to return to Yale.
I Grammar
Customs and Traditions . Every nation and every country has its own customs and traditions. Englishmen are proud of their traditions and carefully keep 1)_________________ up. When in England, foreigners 2__________________at once by a number of customs and peculiarities in English life. Sometimes you will see a group of cavalry men 3__________________ on black horses through the streets of London. A Visit One morning Mae and Rosy walked with the boys to school. They 4.______________________ back down the snowy street when Mae saw a shiny new car outside their building. Mae walked up to the man, whose uniform showed that he was the gas and electricity man. "I'm sorry, ma'am. You 5.__________________ the bills and I have to cut your electricity off", the man said. The man was in his thirties but his eyes looked 6__________________. "You can't", said Mae. "We have kids. Please." "If I 7.__________________ your electricity off, I will lose my job," said the man sadly. | 1.THEY 2. STRIKE 3. RIDE 4. WALK 5. NOT PAY 6. OLD 7. NOT CUT |
Annual Sled Dog Race "Mushing" is the sport of racing teams of dogs that pull sleds over snow. It grew from an ancient and 8__________________ means of transportation of native people of Alaska: using muscular dogs to carry cargo through hush winter weather. The largest and most famous sporting event in Alaska is Iditarod, an annual race of teams of sled dogs and their 9________________ that takes almost two weeks and covers 1, 800 kilometers from Anchorage to Nome. The Iditarod commemorates a historic event from the winter of 1925, when a relay of 20 teams was used to deliver 10__________________needed medicine to Nome. Severe weather conditions made 11__________________ by boat or airplane impossible. That 12__________________ effort of men and their beloved dogs prevented an outbreak of diphtheria in Nome and saved hundreds oflives. The rules of Iditarod state, "There will be no cruel or_ 13_________________ treatment of dogs". | 8. PRACTICE 9. DRIVE 10. URGENT 11. DELIVER 12. COURAGE 13. HUMANE |
Вариант 2
REUNUON (after John Cheever)
The last time I saw my father was in Grand Central Station. I was going from my grandmother’s house in the north to a cottage on the Cape that my mother had rented, and I wrote my father that I would be in New York between trains for an hour and a half, and asked if we could have lunch together. His secretary wrote to say that he would meet me at the information booth, and at twelve o’clock I saw him coming through the crowd. He was a stranger to me - my mother divorced him three years ago and I hadn’t been with him since-but as soon as I saw him I felt that he was my flesh and blood. He was a big, goodlooking man, and I was terribly happy to see him again. “Hi, Charlie,” he said. “I’d like to take you to my club but it is far from here, and if you have to catch an early train I think we’d better get something to eat around here.” He put his arm around me, and I smelled my father the way my mother sniffs a rose. It was a rich mixture of whiskey, after-shave lotion and shoe polish. I hoped that someone would see us together. I wished that we could be photographed. I wanted some record of our having been together. We went out of the station and up a side street to a restaurant. It was still early, and the place was empty. We sat down, and my father hailed a very old waiter in a loud voice: “Kellner!” he shouted, “Garson! You! Could we have a little service here?” Then he clapped his hands. This caught the waiter’s attention and he came up to our table. “Were you clapping your hands at me?” he asked. “Calm down”, my father said. “If it isn’t too much to ask of you, we would like to have lunch here.” “I don’t like to be clapped at,” the waiter said. “I should have brought my whistle,” my father said angrily. “I have a whistle that is audible only to the ears of old waiters.” “I think you’d better go somewhere else,” said the old waiter quietly. “That,” said my father, “is one of the most brilliant suggestions I have ever heard. Come on, Charlie.” I followed my father out of that restaurant into another. He was not so boisterous this time. Our drinks came, and he asked me about the baseball season. Then he struck the edge of his empty glass with his knife and began shouting again. “You! Could we trouble you to bring us two more of the same.” “How old is the boy?” the waiter asked. “That,” my father said, “is none of your business.” “I’m sorry, sir,” the waiter said, “but I won’t serve the boy another drink.” “Well, I have some very interesting news for you. This isn’t the only restaurant in New York. They’ve opened another on the corner. Come on, Charlie.” He paid the bill, and I followed him out of that restaurant into another. Here the waiters wore pink jackets like hunting coats, and there was a lot of horse tack on the walls. We sat down and my father began to shout again. The public didn’t like it and we were asked to leave the restaurant. The next place we went to was Italian. My father shouted something in Italian. “I don’t understand Italian,” the waiter said. “You understand Italian”, my father insisted. The waiter left us and spoke to the captain, who came to our table and said, ”Sorry, sir, this table is reserved and in fact, all the tables are reserved.” I was nervous and uncomfortable. I was glad there were no acquaintances of ours in the restaurant. “I have to go,” I said, “It’s late. Good-bye, Daddy.” I got out of the restaurant, took my train, and that was the last time I saw my father.
A1.The narrator came to New York from
1) his granny’s place.
2) his dad’s place.
3) his own place.
4) his mum’s place.
A2.The phrase “…he was my flesh and blood” means that he was
1) one of his enemies.
2) a stranger.
3) part of his family.
4) his close friend.
A3.The narrator wanted to have a photo with his father because
1) his father was a celebrity.
2) he wanted to show this photo to his mother.
3) he wanted to give this picture to his father.
4) he wanted a picture of his father and himself.
A4.When the narrator and his father entered the restaurant,
1) there were some strange people in it.
2) there was no one in it.
3) there was a photographer in it.
4) there was an old acquaintance of his father’s.
A5.The main reason why the narrator and his father left the first restaurant was that
1) they didn’t like the food.
2) the food and drinks were very expensive.
3) the waiter didn’t want to serve them.
4) they didn’t like the restaurant.
A6. The waiter refused to serve them drinks a second time in the second restaurant because
1) Charlie was under age.
2) his father was drunk.
3) his father was rude.
4) there were no drinks.
A7.After the meeting with his father the boy felt
1) annoyed.
2) boisterous.
3) surprised.
4) embarrassed.
I Grammar
Rome Rome is the capital of Italy. It is the country’s 1.__________________ city with over 2.7 million residents. The city 2.__________________ in the central-western part of the Italian Peninsula, on the Tiber River. In 2009 Rome was the 3.__________________ most visited city in the world. The Kremlin The Kremlin occupies a very important part in Russian history and culture. The Kremlin dates back to 1156, when Prince Yuriy Dolgorukiy 4 __________________ a wooden wall of the future fortress on Borovitskiy hill. In 1328 during the reign of Ivan Kalita the fortress got its present name, the Kremlin. As the wall suffered from fire, soon a new wall of white stone was built – since then Moscow 5.__________________ “a white stone city”. Now this ancient place 6.__________________ the official residence of the President of Russia. If a foreigner 7.__________________ to Moscow, he/she is sure to visit the Kremlin. |
The Red-Headed League It happened one day in the autumn of last year when I returned home after a long absence. I had called upon my friend, Mr. Sherlock Holmes, and found him in deep 8.___________________ with a very stout, elderly gentleman with fiery red hair. With an apology for my _9._________________ I was about to withdraw when Holmes pulled me into the room and closed the door behind me. “You could not possibly have come at a better time, my dear Watson, he said _10._________________ . “This gentleman, Mr.Wilson, has been my partner and helper in my most _11._________________ cases, and I have no doubt that he will be of the utmost use to me in your case also”. The stout gentleman half rose from his chair and gave a bob of greeting. I didn’t like his quick questioning glance. “You will remember that I remarked the other day that for strange effects and extraordinary or even 12._________________ combinations we must go to life itself, which is always far more daring than any effort of the imagination”. “The proposition that I took the _13.________________ of doubting.” I said. |
Вариант 1
A1 | A2 | A3 | A4 | A5 | A6 | A7 |
3 | 4 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 3 |
Use of English
1 | them. |
2 | arestruck. |
3 | riding. |
4 | werewalking. |
5 | havenotpaid, haven’tpaid |
6 | older. |
7 | don’tcut, donotcut |
8 | practical. |
9 | drivers. |
10 | urgently. |
11 | delivery |
12 | courageous |
13 | inhumane. |
Вариант 2
A1 | A2 | A3 | A4 | A5 | A6 | A7 |
1 | 3 | 4 | 2 | 3 | 1 | 4 |
Use of English
1 | Largest |
2 | Islocated |
3 | Eleventh |
4 | Built |
5 | Hasbeencalled |
6 | Is |
7 | Comes |
8 | Conversation |
9 | Intrusion |
10 | Cordially |
11 | Successful |
12 | Impossible |
13 | Liberty |
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