Олимпиада по английскому языку (7-8) класс
олимпиадные задания по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
Всероссийская олимпиада по английскому языку
для учащихся 7 – 8 классов
Школьный этап.
ENGLISH LANGUAGE (contests7-8)
Listen to the news and choose the correct answer.
- Mrs Jones … .
- works in Chester
- didn’t work
- is a burglar
- Mrs Jones’ flat was … .
- attacked B) robbed C) burgled
- The burglar was tall and … .
- thin B) athletic C) thickset
- The man had … .
- a scar B) a beard C) fair hair
- The police … the burglar.
- have arrested
B) are still in search of
C) do nothing to arrest
6. The height of the tallest man is two meters and … .
A) forty B) fifty C) fifteen
7. Which is correct?
A) They have tried to save the dolphin.
B) They have done nothing.
C) They didn’t use surgical instruments.
8. Mr. Bow … to help the animals
A) got into the stomachs
B) extended his arm
C) used surgical instruments
9. The mouths were held open with the … .
A) surgical instruments
B) hands
C) towels
10. The dolphins are … now.
A) quite well
B) still unwell
C) felling better
Transfer your answer into the answer sheet!
TASK 1. Read and match the paragraph titles (A–H) with the paragraphs (1–7). TASK 1. There is one extra title.
1. For the first time since 1948, the British capital will host the summer Olympic Games. It was the fourth participation of Britain in the battle to host the games after failed attempts of Birmingham for the 1992 Olympics and Manchester for 1996 and 2000. "I’m looking forward to what I’m sure will be a fantastic Olympic Games,” said Prince William.
2. There are many factors, both social and psychological, which influence the roles of teachers and learners in the classroom. The book "Roles of Teachers and Learners” by Tony Wright helps teachers to understand these roles. And the ways in which co-operative learning may best be fostered.
3. It’s calculated that Joanne Rowling, the author of very famous books about Harry Potter, is earning $36,000,000 daily and her total profit is already more than $1,000,000,000.
4. In 2005 " Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince” broke the previous record of Potter series itself as wall as all other records had ever held by freshly published books: more than 8.9 million copies had been sold within 24 hours since the moment of release.
5. The word "hamburger” comes from the name of the German city Hamburg and not from the word "ham”, and so the word "cheeseburger”, sometimes used to mean a similar kind of sandwich with cheese instead of meat, is based on a false analogy.
6. Reading works of literature gives students an insight into the variety of ways language has been handled over the last three centuries. It is both rewarding and motivating for learners to discover they can understand the language, and that they can even enjoy the experience of reading an English or American classic.
7. The world’s famous cycling race comes to its exiting conclusion when the riders cap off three weeks of road racing and 21 stages with a sprint down the Champs Elysees in Paris. The Tour de France will be broadcast live daily at Sport land at 5 p.m. until the last stage on Sunday, June 24.
Transfer your answer into the answer sheet!
TASK 2. Read the text and answer the questions.
There is something about the English Channel that has always fascinated the human race and it has always played a special role in British history. The sea itself has always been important to mankind but the Channel often created a barrier between Great Britain and the Continent. This barrier has existed for more than 12,000 years and the desire to break it has occupied the minds of many people for almost two hundred years.
The construction of the tunnel is perhaps the most incredible engineering project of the 20th century. In fact its completion was called a "technical triumph”.
However, the first proposal to build a Channel Tunnel appeared in 1802, when a French engineer presented his project for two tunnels to cross it. Historians say Napoleon was interested in that plan. But Napoleon was more interested in fighting the British than in linking the two countries, and shortly afterwards a new war between England and France began. There were many other plans to build a tunnel but unfortunately all of them failed. It was not until after the last war that Britain and France began seriously considering the project. On the 12th February, 1986, Mrs. Thatcher and President Mitterrand signed the Franco-British Treaty which allowed the construction and the operation of the Channel Tunnel. The tunnel was completed eight years later.
It is now very quick and easy to cross the Channel. You don’t have to book a ticket. The Channel Tunnel trains operate twenty-four hours a day, every day of the year. You can now cross the Channel in thirty-five minutes. At last the great barrier has been broken.
In 1996, the American Society of Civil Engineers, with Popular Mechanics, selected the tunnel as one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World.
1. What has always been important to all people?
a. The English Channel.
b. The sea.
c. The tunnel.
2. What did Europeans want to do for many years?
a. To create a barrier between Great Britain and the Continent.
b. To sign a contract on the construction of the tunnel.
c. To connect Great Britain and the continent by train service.
3. When did the Channel Tunnel begin to function?
a. In 1994.
b. In 1986.
c. In 1996.
4. Who proposed the first plan to build a tunnel under the Channel?
a. Napoleon
b. A French engineer.
c. President Mitterrand.
5. When did the construction of the tunnel become possible?
a. After the treaty had been signed.
b. After the engineering project had been presented.
c. After many other plans had been discussed.
6. Why is it easy to cross the Channel at present?
a. The tickets are cheap.
b. The tickets are sold everywhere.
c. The trains go day and night.
7. What is the best title for the text?
a. Engineering Projects.
b. The Channel Tunnel.
c. Seven Wonders of the World.
Transfer your answer into the answer sheet!
TASK 1. Choose the correct word.
1. The clothes are absolutely wet. I should dry …
a) it b) their c) them
2. If you don’t understand the meaning of this word, look it … in the dictionary.
a) for b) up c) at
3. The forecast promises such … good weather but I don’t believe it.
a) a b) __ c) the
4. You should eat … sweets. It’s bad for your teeth.
a) little b) less c) fewer
5. Everyone has to answer for his actions, …?
a) hasn’t he b) has he c) doesn’t he
6. This car … a lot last year.
a) cost b) costs c) costed
7. Neither Nick nor Ann … to play tennis.
a) likes b) like c)doesn’t like
8. Your shoes are … fashionable.
a) such a b) such c) so
9. The boy feels so …today
a) more bad b) badly c) bad
10. If it … tomorrow we shall play football outdoors.
a) not rain b) doesn’t rain c) won’t rain
11. The pupils were … a new film yesterday.
a) showed b) show c) shown
12. Her parents always … at this school.
a) working b) have worked c) work
13. Look ... ! There’s a car coming.
a) out b) for c) on
Transfer your answer into the answer sheet!
TASK 2. Read the text and then write the correct form of the word in CAPITALS to complete the gaps.
1. People travel a lot nowadays. Planes are considered to be the most __________________ means of transport but for some people airports can be a nightmare. COMFORT
2. There are __________________ queues when you check in and you waste lots of time if your flight is delayed. END
3. For example, you’ll never be bored at Hong Kong’s international airport. There are thousands of people from__________________ countries here but the passengers never experience any problems because everything is well organized. DIFFER
4. There are attendants in red coats, who help you to get from one place to another. It’s very good for people with no sense of__________________. DIRECT
5. The attendants are always very polite and __________________. HELP
Transfer your answer into the answer sheet!
Write a description of a sports event you have seen recently. Look at the options below and choose one event. Divide your text into paragraphs.
a football match a swimming competition
- where the event took place;
- who took part in it and how they looked;
- when it started;
- who went with you to see it;
- how you liked the event;
- what you did at the event;
- when and how the event finished;
- how you got home.
Write about 80-100 words
Всероссийская олимпиада по английскому языку
для учащихся 7 – 8 классов
Школьный этап.
Идентификационный номер участника
Answer sheet
PART 1. LISTENING. (10 баллов)
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
PART 2. READING. (14 баллов)
Task 1 (7 заданий по 1 балла, всего 7 баллов)
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
Task 2 (7 заданий по 1 балла, всего 7 баллов)
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
PART 3. USE OF ENGLISH. (20 баллов)
Task 1. 13 заданий по 1 баллу, всего 13 баллов
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 |
Task 2. 5 предложений по 1 баллу, всего 5 баллов
1 | |
2 | |
3 | |
4 | |
5 |
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