Дидактический материал 8 класс
картотека по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Лисина Лилия Александровна

Дидактический материал 8 класс


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Предварительный просмотр:

№ 14

Read the sentences on your card and complete them with the given verbs in the correct form. Use the Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous tenses.

  1. Why is the crying? – She … (hurt) her arm.
  2. … they (launch) the spaceship yet?
  3. The strong wind… (damage) everything around for 3 hours.
  4. What is the result of the tornado? – It…(do) a lot of damage.
  5. The scientists … (do) the exploration of the island since they discovered it.
  6. They … (not, solve) that serious problem yet, have they?

№ 14

Read the sentences on your card and complete them with the given verbs in the correct form. Use the Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous tenses.

  1. Why is the crying? – She … (hurt) her arm.
  2. … they (launch) the spaceship yet?
  3. The strong wind… (damage) everything around for 3 hours.
  4. What is the result of the tornado? – It…(do) a lot of damage.
  5. The scientists … (do) the exploration of the island since they discovered it.
  6. They … (not, solve) that serious problem yet, have they?

№ 14

Read the sentences on your card and complete them with the given verbs in the correct form. Use the Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous tenses.

  1. Why is the crying? – She … (hurt) her arm.
  2. … they (launch) the spaceship yet?
  3. The strong wind… (damage) everything around for 3 hours.
  4. What is the result of the tornado? – It…(do) a lot of damage.
  5. The scientists … (do) the exploration of the island since they discovered it.
  6. They … (not, solve) that serious problem yet, have they?

№ 14

Read the sentences on your card and complete them with the given verbs in the correct form. Use the Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous tenses.

  1. Why is the crying? – She … (hurt) her arm.
  2. … they (launch) the spaceship yet?
  3. The strong wind… (damage) everything around for 3 hours.
  4. What is the result of the tornado? – It…(do) a lot of damage.
  5. The scientists … (do) the exploration of the island since they discovered it.
  6. They … (not, solve) that serious problem yet, have they?

№ 14

Read the sentences on your card and complete them with the given verbs in the correct form. Use the Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous tenses.

  1. Why is the crying? – She … (hurt) her arm.
  2. … they (launch) the spaceship yet?
  3. The strong wind… (damage) everything around for 3 hours.
  4. What is the result of the tornado? – It…(do) a lot of damage.
  5. The scientists … (do) the exploration of the island since they discovered it.
  6. They … (not, solve) that serious problem yet, have they?

№ 14

Read the sentences on your card and complete them with the given verbs in the correct form. Use the Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous tenses.

  1. Why is the crying? – She … (hurt) her arm.
  2. … they (launch) the spaceship yet?
  3. The strong wind… (damage) everything around for 3 hours.
  4. What is the result of the tornado? – It…(do) a lot of damage.
  5. The scientists … (do) the exploration of the island since they discovered it.
  6. They … (not, solve) that serious problem yet, have they?

№ 14

Read the sentences on your card and complete them with the given verbs in the correct form. Use the Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous tenses.

  1. Why is the crying? – She … (hurt) her arm.
  2. … they (launch) the spaceship yet?
  3. The strong wind… (damage) everything around for 3 hours.
  4. What is the result of the tornado? – It…(do) a lot of damage.
  5. The scientists … (do) the exploration of the island since they discovered it.
  6. They … (not, solve) that serious problem yet, have they?

№ 14

Read the sentences on your card and complete them with the given verbs in the correct form. Use the Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous tenses.

  1. Why is the crying? – She … (hurt) her arm.
  2. … they (launch) the spaceship yet?
  3. The strong wind… (damage) everything around for 3 hours.
  4. What is the result of the tornado? – It…(do) a lot of damage.
  5. The scientists … (do) the exploration of the island since they discovered it.
  6. They … (not, solve) that serious problem yet, have they?

Лист для учителя

№ 14

Read the sentences on your card and complete them with the given verbs in the correct form. Use the Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous tenses.

  1. Why is the crying? – She … (hurt) her arm.
  2. … they (launch) the spaceship yet?
  3. The strong wind… (damage) everything around for 3 hours.
  4. What is the result of the tornado? – It…(do) a lot of damage.
  5. The scientists … (do) the exploration of the island since they discovered it.
  6. They … (not, solve) that serious problem yet, have they?


  1. Why is the crying? – She has hurt her arm.
  2. Have they launched the spaceship yet?
  3. The strong wind has been damaging everything around for 3 hours.
  4. What is the result of the tornado? – It has done a lot of damage.
  5. The scientists have been doing the exploration of the island since they discovered it.
  6. They haven’t solved that serious problem yet, have they?

Предварительный просмотр:

№ 15

Make up words using the letters. Use some letters several times. Pronounce the words correctly.

Согласные буквы

Гласные буквы


d, s, t, r

i, a, e


h, r, c, n

u, i, a, e

d, r, g, h, t

o, u

r, t, h, q, k

e, a, u, e

d, m, g

a, e

t, r, n, d

o, a

f, l, d


s, h, k

a, e

v, l, c, n

o, a

h, r, t


№ 15

Make up words using the letters. Use some letters several times. Pronounce the words correctly.

Согласные буквы

Гласные буквы


d, s, t, r

i, a, e


h, r, c, n

u, i, a, e

d, r, g, h, t

o, u

r, t, h, q, k

e, a, u, e

d, m, g

a, e

t, r, n, d

o, a

f, l, d


s, h, k

a, e

v, l, c, n

o, a

h, r, t


№ 15

Make up words using the letters. Use some letters several times. Pronounce the words correctly.

Согласные буквы

Гласные буквы


d, s, t, r

i, a, e


h, r, c, n

u, i, a, e

d, r, g, h, t

o, u

r, t, h, q, k

e, a, u, e

d, m, g

a, e

t, r, n, d

o, a

f, l, d


s, h, k

a, e

v, l, c, n

o, a

h, r, t


№ 15

Make up words using the letters. Use some letters several times. Pronounce the words correctly.

Согласные буквы

Гласные буквы


d, s, t, r

i, a, e


h, r, c, n

u, i, a, e

d, r, g, h, t

o, u

r, t, h, q, k

e, a, u, e

d, m, g

a, e

t, r, n, d

o, a

f, l, d


s, h, k

a, e

v, l, c, n

o, a

h, r, t


№ 15

Make up words using the letters. Use some letters several times. Pronounce the words correctly.

Согласные буквы

Гласные буквы


d, s, t, r

i, a, e


h, r, c, n

u, i, a, e

d, r, g, h, t

o, u

r, t, h, q, k

e, a, u, e

d, m, g

a, e

t, r, n, d

o, a

f, l, d


s, h, k

a, e

v, l, c, n

o, a

h, r, t


№ 15

Make up words using the letters. Use some letters several times. Pronounce the words correctly.

Согласные буквы

Гласные буквы


d, s, t, r

i, a, e


h, r, c, n

u, i, a, e

d, r, g, h, t

o, u

r, t, h, q, k

e, a, u, e

d, m, g

a, e

t, r, n, d

o, a

f, l, d


s, h, k

a, e

v, l, c, n

o, a

h, r, t


Лист для учителя

№ 15

Make up words using the letters. Use some letters several times. Pronounce the words correctly.

Согласные буквы

Гласные буквы


d, s, t, r

i, a, e


h, r, c, n

u, i, a, e

d, r, g, h, t

o, u

r, t, h, q, k

e, a, u, e

d, m, g

a, e

t, r, n, d

o, a

f, l, d


s, h, k

a, e

v, l, c, n

o, a

h, r, t


Keys: hurricane, drought, earthquake, damage, tornado, flood, shake, volcano, hurt.

Предварительный просмотр:

№ 20

Read sentences and say if you di

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