Викторина для 6-7 классов "Знаешь ли ты Британию?"
материал по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме
Викторина рекомендована для учащихся 6-7 классов
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Предварительный просмотр:
- What’s the name of the London underground?
A Metro B Tube C Subway
- What London Street is famous for shops?
A Oxford Street B Fleet Street C Lombard Street
- Which animal can look at the queen?
A a dog B a cat C a lion
- Who wrote ‘Winnie-the-Pooh’?
A L.Carrol B O.Wide C A.Milne
- What is English marmalade?
A apple jam B orange jam C sweets
- The traditional English drink is ________?
A coffee B cocoa C tea
- What river does London stand by?
A the Thames B the Seven C the Clyde
- Robert Burn is a _______ poet.
A American B English C Scottish
- The oldest university in Britain is in ______.
A London B Edinburgh C Oxford
- Who discovered the law of gravity when an apple fell on his head?
A Darwin B Fleming C Newton
- What tried to prove that our remote granddads and grannies were monkeys?
A Churchill B Defoe C Darwin
- Who is the author of ‘Lord of the Rings?’
A Burns B Tolkien C Wilde
- What is the name of a man the monument to whom stands in Trafalgar Square?
A Nelson B Chaplin C Cromwell
- Who is the first woman Prime Minister of Britain?
A Thatcher B Livingstone C Scott
- What is the name of a member of the Beatles who was killed in the USA?
A Rowling B Lennon C Stevenson
- What is the name of the Princess of Wales who died in car crash in Paris?
A Debby B Dolly C Diana
- Who tried to blow up Parliament on November 5, 1605?
A Arthur B Fawkes C Drake
18. What’s the name of the author of the Harry Potter books?
A Rowling B Alfred C Constable
19. A double-decker is _______?
A a bus B a plane C a train D a hotel room
20. The Tower of London is _____?
A a prison B a royal residence C a museum
21. The safest topic for conversation in England is ____.
A weather B music C politics D love
22. On the whole the climate of Great Britain is_______.
A dry B mild C frosty D tropical
23. For Christmas dinner the British usually have___________.
A chicken B roast beef C fish D turkey
24. The capital of Northern Ireland is___________.
A Dublin B Cardiff C Belfast
25. The kits is__________.
A a shirt B a skirt C trousers
26. The mysterious Lock Ness Monster is from________.
A Wales B Ireland C Scotland
27. The most popular sport in Britain is_________.
A ice hockey B baseball C football
28. The Beatles started their career in _____________.
A London B Liverpool C Cardiff
29. What’s the name of a brave scientist who discovered penicillin?
A Newton B Kipling C Fleming
30. What’s the name of a comic actor with a small black moustache, f bowler hat and a funny way of walking?
A Scott B Chaplin C Carroll
31. What’s the name of a famous English footballer?
A Beckham B Babbage C Christie
32. Who’s the a author of Robinson Crusoe?
A Defoe B Carroll C Victoria
33. What part of modern Britain was modern was called by the Saxons ‘the land of the foreigners’?
A Scotland B Wales C England
34. Who is the symbol of the British nation?
A Uncle Sam B John Bull C Union Jack
35. The colour that represents Ireland is _____________.
A green B red C yellow
36. Where is Glasgow situated?
A in Scotland B in Wales C in England
37. What’s the name of the British flag?
A Star-Spangled Banner B Stripes and Stars C Union Jack
38. Where is Ben Nevis situated?
A in Scotland B in Wales C in England
39. The famous British newspaper which is printed on pink paper is _________________.
A The Times B The Guardian C he Financial Times
40. Stonehenge is about ________year old.
A 40 B 400 C 4000
41. The British monetary system consists of____________.
A pounds and pence B pounds, pence and shilling C pounds, pence, penny
D pounds and penny
42. Which of this people are not elected in Great Britain?
A a member of Parliament B the Prime Minister C a peer
43. Scottish or Irish surnames?
A O’Connor is ____________.
B McMahon is____________.
44. The English Channel stands for____________.
A The Strait of Dover B Pas de Calais C La Manche
45. Who is the founder of London?
A Alfred the Great B Julius Caesar C William the Conqueror
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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