Тест по английскому языку, УМК В. П. Кузовлева, 8 класс, Unit I
тест по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему
Тест к Unit I в 8-ом классе по УМК В. П. Кузовлева: грамматика, чтение, письмо.
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Предварительный просмотр:
1. Образуйте нужную грамматическую форму слова в скобках.
Last summer Sasha 1) _____ (GO) camping with his class. It 2) _____ (TAKE) them five hours to get to the place. They 3) _____ (LIKE) the campsite very much because very few people 4) _____ (KNOW) about it. It 5) _____ (BE) clean, there were a lot of fish in the river and a lot of 6) _____ (BERRY) and mushrooms in the wood. They were lucky with the weather — it was hot all the time. The sun was shining, the birds 7) _____ (SING). Sasha 8) _____ (LEARN) to put up a tent and make a fire. He 9) _____ (MUST) sleep in a sleeping bag and cook on a fire. He also took a lot of pictures of his friends who liked 10) _____ (THEY) very much. Of course they lay in the sun and 11) _____ (SWIM) a lot. They also 12) _____ (CATCH) a lot of fish. At night they 13) _____ (USE) sit around the campfire and tell funny stories. The most interesting things 14) _____ (TELL) by Sasha's friend. Sasha thinks that it was the 15) _____ (GOOD) holiday of his life.
2. Соотнесите предложения по схеме «утверждение - причина».
1) They’re going to Moscow. | a) We wanted to swim in the Red Sea. |
2) We went to Egypt. | b) They want to go camping. |
3) He has just called Lena. | c) I have to help Mum. |
4) They’re buying a tent. | d) They want to see Red Square. |
5) I went to the shop for bread. | e) They had to meet their friend. |
6) The Browns went to the airport. | f) He wants to invite her to his birthday party. |
3. Прочитайте текст и выберите наиболее подходящие варианты ответа на вопросы после него.
The history club meeting
Mr Jenkins: Hello, everybody. Today I have prepared a very interesting and unusual task for you.
Emily: What is it, Mr Jenkins?
Mr Jenkins: We’re going to look at a fragment from an early medieval manuscript.
Mark: What is unusual about it, Mr Jenkins? We often translate them.
Mr Jenkins: Well, I have to tell you something. I can’t translate this manuscript. This time I need your help.
Emily: You’re joking, Mr Jenkins. You can translate everything.
John: How old is the manuscript?
Mr Jenkins: I don't know. I got the text by e-mail two weeks ago. Here’s the e-mail.
John: It’s very bad. It's absolutely rude and offensive!
Mr Jenkins: Yes, it is. At first, I didn’t want to read anymore, but then I saw the manuscript and forgot about everything. It’s in runes, the ancient alphabet which Druids used for writing about secret things and magic. I know runes very well, but the runes of this manuscript are different. It’s a code. I tried to translate it but I’ve had no luck. Now I’m asking you for your help.
Emily: Don’t worry, Mr Jenkins. We’ll do it together.
Mark: What did you say, Mr Jenkins? A runic alphabet? A secret code? Let me have a look at it!
Mr Jenkins: What’s wrong with you, MacSly? Why are you smiling?
Mark: It's our family runic alphabet. I looked for this story and I’ve found it! I'll translate it for the next lesson. But... who is it from, Mr Jenkins?
Mr Jenkins: I’ve no idea! The e-mail address is reader2345@hotmail.com. You can never find a person through this e-mail address.
Emily: But why not?
Mr Jenkins: Because there are millions of users at hotmail.com — people can use the server from any computer in the world.
1) What is unusual about this manuscript?
a) It's in runes.
b) It's in computer code.
c) It's the first task in this school year.
d) Mr Jenkins can't translate it.
2) How did Mr Jenkins get the manuscript?
a) His pupils have brought it.
b) by post
c) by e-mail
d) He has found it.
3) Was Mr Jenkins able to translate the manuscript? Why?
a) Yes, he was. He can translate every manuscript.
b) No, he wasn't. The text was coded.
c) Yes, he was. He knows ancient runs.
d) No, he wasn't. He has never worked without his pupils' help.
4) Why was the e-mail rude?
a) It called Mr Jenkins "Mr Know-it-all".
b) It was too short.
c) It surprised Mr Jenkins.
d) It challenged Mr Jenkins.
5) Why was Mark smiling in the end?
a) He knew a runic alphabet.
b) He knew the code.
c) He was thinking about his family.
d) He was laughing at Mr Jenkins.
6) Who was the e-mail from?
a) Mr Jenkins
b) Emily
c) John
d) Mark
7) Has Mr Jenkins surprised the writer of the e-mail? Why?
a) Yes, he has. He has translated the manuscript.
b) No, he hasn't. He has discussed the text with his pupils'.
c) Yes, he has. He has told about manuscript and has asked for pupils' help.
d) No, he hasn't. He didn't look for the writer of the e-mail.
8) Why will nobody be able to find the writer of the e-mail?
a) The e-mail has no signature.
b) People can use any computer.
c) Internet is a global system.
d) There are many users at hotmail.com
4. Ответьте развёрнуто (не менее 6 предложений) на вопрос.
What is the nature (seasons, weather, plants, animals, landscapes etc.) of your region?
Начните: I live in ... .
1) went
2) took
3) liked
4) knew
5) was
6) berries
7) were singing
8) learnt
9) had to
10) them
11) swam
12) caught
13) used to
14) were told
15) best
Каждый верный ответ – 1 балл. Всего – 15 баллов.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
d | a | f | b | c | e |
Каждый верный ответ – 1 балл. Всего – 6 баллов.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
d | c | b | a | b | d | c | b |
Каждый верный ответ – 1 балл. Всего – 8 баллов.
Развёрнутый ответ на вопрос оценивается из максимума в 6 баллов (3 за содержание и 3 за языковое оформление).
ИТОГО: 35 баллов
Перевод баллов в оценку:
32 - 35 баллов – “5”
21 - 31 балл – “4”
14 - 20 баллов – “3”
менее 14 баллов – “2”
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