Тесты по английскому
тест по английскому языку на тему

Бондарева Ульяна Сергеевна

Тесты дают возможность заметно улучшить образовательный процесс, потому что обладают рядом преимуществ перед другими методами контроля знаний. Проверка знаний должна быть объективной и давать сведения об итогах процесса обучения. 


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Предварительный просмотр:

  1. 1. …  old furniture in the house.
  1. There is   b) There are  c) It is
  1. I usually visit my friends three times … month.
  1. a                 b) the             c) –
  1. … answer the question.
  1. He is           b) He must     c) He had like
  1. There is nothing funny in the text, …?
  1. Is it              b) is there       c) is not there
  1. Read the text on … page ten.
  1. A                  b) the                c) –
  1. You must learn … poem.
  1. two             b) second          c) the second
  1. – Who took the money?

-I don’t know. I didn’t see…  .

a) it                      b) them             c) they

        8. Nobody … this food.

a) eat                    b) eats                c) doesn’t eat

        9. What … in the bottle?

              a) there is              b) is it                  c) is there

        10. I didn’t see … interesting.

                a) something        b) anything        c) nothing

    2.1.Is it your book, or is it…?

  1. My           b) mine         c) her

2.I am a good sportsman,…?

  1. Am I           b) isn’t it       c) aren’t I

3.I have just  found a pencil. Is it …?

  1. Your            b) yours        c) her

4.They haven’t built … in front of the shop.

  1. Something    b) anything c) nothing

5.Nobody … to live in this house.

  1. Wants            b) want        c) doesn’t want

6.I could not come yesterday. It … me an hour to clean the classroom.

  1. Takes              b) will take   c) took

7.You … cross the road here. It is dangerous.

  1. Mustn’t           b) don’t have to  c) many not

8.The test was not easy. Paul … a lot of mistakes in it.

  1. Was made       b) is made        c) made

9.Our school … twenty years ago.

  1. Is built               b) was built      c) has built

10.Could you show me the shoes?- Which … .

  1. One                  b) ones                c) –

3.Выбери и вставь слово, наиболее подходящее по смыслу:

  1. You'll hear some important … on the radio at 6 o'clock.

a) place of interest        b) voice        c) information        d) music

  1. Our city museum is not … an art gallery at all.

a) founded                b) like                c) known                d) real

  1. The … says that the Tower has a bloody history.

a) information                b) museum                c) voice        d) legend

4) An important political meeting took … near the Houses of Parliament two years ago.

        a) place                b) care                        c) part                d) off

5) Where is Don? – He is running at the … .

        a) capital                b) stadium                c) art gallery        d) tower

4.Выбери и вставь глагол в нужной форме:

  1. This little kitten … a warm house and a hospitable family.

a) is needing                b) needs                c) need

2) Look at the group of strange tourists … along the street.

        a) are going                b) going                c) go

3) Could I speak to Miss Smith? – Sorry, she … an interview to a youth magazine.

        a) is giving                b) gives                c) gave

4) We … a lot of balloons through the window.

        a) are seeing                b) sees                        c) can see

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