Внеклассные мероприятия на английском языке
план-конспект по английскому языку на тему
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Разработки внеклассных занятий
к заседанию городского клуба «Лингва»
(подготовлено учителем английского языка МОУ СОШ №1
Богдановой Татьяной Николаевной)
Внеклассное занятие 1.
«Экологический КВН»
1.Актуализация проблемы экологии, обращение к участникам, представление жюри.
2. Конкурс «Английские поговорки»
Match two columns and you'll get some English sayings. Find the Russian equivalents. The pictures will help you to do the work as quick as you can.
1. As white as... | 1. a flower |
2. As busy as... | 2. a horse |
4. As fresh as... | 4. a lion |
5. As strong as ... | 5. a pig |
7. As fat as... | 7. a wolf |
Fresh - чистый | |
Strong - сильный сильныйвыносливый |
1. As quiet as... | 1. a donkey |
2. As light as... | 2. an owl |
3. As proud as... | 3. a fox |
4. As wise as... | 4 an elephant elephantelephant |
5. As stubborn as... | 5. a feather |
6. As sly as... | 6. a peacock |
7. As clumsy as... | 7. a mouse |
Stubborn - упрямый | |
Sly - хитрый | |
Clumsy -неуклюжий неуклюжий неуклюжий |
3. Конкурс “Кто лучше знает пословицы?”
Do you know English proverbs well? Can you give Russian equivalents to the following proverbs?
- A cat in gloves catches no mice.
- A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
- To make a mountain out of a molehill.
- All cats are grey at night.
- When the cat is away, the mice will play.
- A word spoken is past recalling.
- One swallow doesn't make spring.
- You cannot pull a fish out of pond without labour.
- One doesn't feed a nightingale with fables.
- If you run after two hares, you'll catch none.
- To be afraid of wolves means not to go walking in the woods.
- A kind word gives comfort even to a cat.
- The flower is good, but its little thorn is sharp.
- Eggs cannot teach a hen.
a) Яйца курицу не учат
b) Без труда не вытащишь и рыбку из пруда.
c) За двумя зайцами погонишься, ни одного не поймаешь.
d). Без кота мышам раздолье.
e) Все кошки серые ночью
f)Слово не воробей, вылетит, не поймаешь.
g)Одна ласточка весны не делает.
h) Не сули журавля в небе, а дай синицу в руки.
i)Соловья баснями не кормят.
j) Делать из мухи слона.
k)Волков бояться, в лес не ходить.
l)Доброе слово и кошке приятно.
m)Хорош цветок, да остер шипок.
n) Без труда не вытащишь и рыбку из пруда
4. Конкурс чтецов
Read a story and practice yourself in drawing the main characters? The beginnings of the sentences are in the text and the endings are below the text. Fill in the number of the sentences. Good luck!
One day a fox met …………………………………………………The tiger rushed at the fox ready to tear him to pieces. But the fox was not frightened. He said to the tiger, …………………………
The tiger agreed and……………………………………………
Not long afterwards a group of travellers came along the road. As soon as they saw ……………they ran away terrified.………………………….asked the fox.. The silly tiger was so frightened that he didn't reply. He ran back into the forest. He really believed …………………………
1."Don't think you are the strongest animal in the forest. It is true that I am smaller than you, but people are less afraid of you than you are afraid of me. I can prove it to you now. Come with me to the road where the people pass by. I'll walk in front of you and you'll see that they run away as soon as they see me. After that you can tear me to pieces.”
2.a tiger in the forest.
3."Do you believe mе now?"
4.they went to the road.
5.that the fox was a terrible dangerous animal.
6.the tiger walking behind the fox
5. Конкурс «Собери букет»
Will you write the names of field and garden flowers? Write what colour these flowers are.
Roses are …….., ………., …………., ………….., ………………, ……….?
Snowdrops are ………………
Poppies are ………………….
Forget-me-nots are ……………
Violets are ………………..
Water-lilies are ………………
Cornflowers are ………………..
field flowers:____________________________________________________________
garden flowers:__________________________________________________________
6. Конкурс «Домино»
Let's play a little bit. The game "Domino". Here are some cards for you. If you
arrange them in a proper way you'll be able to read the names of animals and flowers.
roo | ha |
on | wo |
lf | tig |
re | be |
phant | li |
ar |
ger | ele |
ress | kanga |
ti |
lip | |
dil | ro |
bell | pop |
lily | forget- |
vio | |
flower | snow |
drop | daffo |
se | water |
me-not | tu |
let | blue |
py | corn |
7. Конкурс «Найди слово»
Try to find the hidden words among these letters. What are the English equivalents for Russian words: заяц, слон, попугай, олень, лиса, крокодил, козел, ворона, антилопа, сова, осёл, аист?
а | w | e | p | h | o | r | e | l | k | s | b | t | c | m |
s | r | o | a | n | t | e | l | o | p | e | a | i | w | s |
o | w | l | r | p | a | r | r | o | t | y | b | g | f | q |
u | n | o | t | о | x | w | i | p | z | d | e | e | r | u |
r | e | c | r | o | c | o | d | i | l | e | a | r | s | i |
t | a | p | i | d | e | l | m | t | i | c | r | o | w | r |
a | g | a | d | i | m | f | o | x | a | e | h | a | r | e |
z | l | a | g | o | a | t | d | o | n | k | e | y | v | l |
d | e | l | e | p | h | a | n | t | s | t | o | r | k | l |
8. Поэтический конкурс.
Who will be best in reading poems?
The Dandelion
A dandelion yellow as gold,
What do you do all day?
I just wait here in the tall green grass
While the children come to play.
''A dandelion yellow as gold,
What do you do all night?
I wait and wait till the cold dew falls
And my hair grows long and white.
And what do you do when your hair is white?
And the children come to play?
They take me up into their little hands
And blow my hair away
Yours and mine
The sun, the trees, the grass, the sky,
The silver moon that's sailing by,
The rain and dew and snowflakes white,
The flowers sweet and stars of night!
The songs of birds, wind whispering,
The autumn leaves, the buds of spring –
Such lovely things to hear and see
Belong to you, belong to me!
A big rose
An ant has to walk almost an hour
To get to the top of a rose-bush flower
A grasshopper has to hop and hop
To get to that rose-bush top
Even a bee has to fly.
To get up there because it's high
But I can just stand there with my nose,
Right on top of a big red rose.
Karen Steven
9. Подведение итогов, слово жюри.
Оценочный лист
конкурс школа | Английские поговорки | Кто лучше знает послови цы | Чтецы | Собери букет | Домино | Найди слово | Итого баллов |
гимназия | |||||||
№2 | |||||||
№4 | |||||||
№6 | |||||||
№7 | |||||||
№19 | |||||||
№20 | |||||||
№25 |
Максим. 5 баллов за каждый конкурс
Внеклассное занятие 2
Страноведческая викторина
“The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”
- реализовать познавательный аспект - узнать новое о стране изучаемого языка и систематизировать имеющиеся знания по географии, истории, традициях и реалиях Великобритании;
- реализовать развивающий аспект обучения: догадку, аналогии, обобщения;
- проконтролировать ЗУН учащихся по аудированию, говорению, чтению и письму по изученному материалу:”The Sights of London”,“The Invaders of the British Isles”
- воспитывать у учащихся любознательность, уважение к традициям другой страны.
- выставка ученических работ по теме: «Великобритания»;
- тематическая выставка по достопримечательностям Лондона;
- реквизит: 2 цилиндра, парик, трость, банка джема, яйцо, тарелка с кашей, красный мешок с надписью «шерсть», колокольчик, дверная табличка, уголёк;
- контурные карты Соединённого Королевства, карточки с заданиями, кроссворды, открытки;
- наглядность: национальные эмблемы Англии, Шотландии, Уэльса, Северной Ирландии.
Good morning, everybody! We are very happy to see you at our competition. It is devoted to the UK. I'm sure you've read a lot of books and got useful information about the country. This competition will show your achievements and your knowledge of the matter. I wish you success. Be active, honest, industrious and helpful and you’ll be sure to win.
A slogan on the board: "Learn English and you'll be lucky!"
1. Разминка. Люди, события, традиции (задания на карточках).
1. Какие растения являются эмблемами Англии, Шотландии, Уэллса и Северной Ирландии?
нарцисс (жёлтый)
2. Сколько лет Лондону и сколько деревень вошло в черту Лондона?
2 тыс. лет
850 лет
725 лет
250 лет
300 лет
74 года
3. Сколько лет Лондонскому Тауэру, какова толщина его стен?
Более 1 тыс лет
Более 900 лет
Более 300 лет
15 футов и 11 футов
18 футов и 15 футов
5,3 фута и 2,8 фута
4. Как называются 2 башни, которые венчают английский парламент?
Башня Виктории
Биг Бен
Башня Виндзора
Башня Стефана
2. Географический конкурс. "Do you know geography of the country?"
2 pupils from each team, 4 points
Will you mention the parts of the UK in turn? Work as hard as you can! I'll give you 1 minute for this
kind of work. Every country you name earns you one point. You are welcome!
A geographical map of the world on the wall.
3. Конкурс на знание флагов и столиц. "Flags and capitals"
I want you to look at the blackboard. You see different flags. Name the flags, countries, capitals. The winners will be those who finish their work first.
Here are two envelopes with cards.
4. Играем со словами. “A word-game"
5 points.
Now it's high time to organize a competition between the teams. Every team gets a card with a long word. You
have to make other words from the letters itcontains. The letters can be used in any order. I give you 5 minutes. The winner is the team that finds the largest number of words.
Iп the card: Measurement.
The possible answers: are, am, sure, men, net, nest, rest, measure.
5. "Make the right choice"
1 points for the right answer.
You know it is very important to make the right choice in our life: the right choice of a friend, a university, a job, a colour, a style in music, dancing, clothes, etc. Now you'll get the cards with the tasks. Choose the right answer.
1. Scotland is situated in
Europe / Britain / Asia
2. What is the name of the city, one of which parts is called the West End?
New York / London / Canberra
3. Great Britain is a
monarchy / constitutional monarchy republic
4. Who spoke these lines: "To be or not to be that is the question"?
Hamlet | King Lear/ Othello
5. The British Parliament consists of the House of Lords and the House of
Senate / Representatives / Commons
6. Опишите человека.
В конце викторины мои учащиеся показывают подготовленные сценки по теме «Британские традиции»
Внеклассное занятие 3
Страноведческая викторина
1.Организация мероприятия. Приветствие ведущего:
Dear boys and girls.
Now you will take part in a competition called "The USA". You will take part in a game of the most quick-witted and the cleverest.
2. Представление школ – участниц игры
3. Ответьте на вопросы.
- How many floors does the Empire State Building have? (102)
- What is America's symbol of Freedom? (The Statue of Liberty)
- Who was the founder of Disneyland? (Walt Disney)
- How many years did the Civil War last in the USA? (4 years)
- How long is Broadway? (About 21 km)
- What is the national symbol of America? (The Bald Eagle)
- Who was the "king" of rock'n'roll? (Elvis Presley)
- What is the capital of Georgia? (Atlanta)
- Who built the first car? (Henry Ford)
- Who fought against racial discrimination in the 1960s? (Martin Luther King)
- A gift from what country was the Statue of Liberty? (From France)
- What is the capital of Massachusetts? (Boston)
- What university is the oldest in the USA? (Harvard 1636)
- What food is popular among Americans? (Barbecue ribs)
- What was Mark Twain's real name? (Samuel Clemens)
- Who wrote a large part of the Declaration of Independence? (Thomas Jefferson)
- What is the symbol of the Republican Party? (The Elephant)
- What do the fifty stars represent on the American flag? (50 states)
- Who invented the telephone? (Alexander Bell)
- Where are laws made in the USA? (In the Capitol)
- What is the oldest public building in Washington? (The White House)
- Who wrote the novel "Gone with the Wind"? (Margaret Mitchell)
- How many senators are there in the Senate? (100)
- Who invented the soft drink Coca- Cola? (John Pemberton)
- What is the tallest building in America? (The Sears Tower)
- Who was the first American President? (George Washington)
- How many rooms are there in the White House? (132)
- Who is the chairperson in the House of Representatives? (The Speaker)
- Where are the main headquarters of the United Nations? (In New York City)
- Who played the role of Rhett Butler in the screen version of the novel "Gone with the Wind"? (Clark Gable)
- Who is known as the "king" of jazz? (Louis Armstrong)
- What is the flag of the USA called? ("Stars and Stripes")
- Who created Donald Duck? (Walt Disney)
- What place is the center of the American film industry? (Hollywood)
- Who is the head of the state and the government of the USA? (The President)
- What is Congress? (The American Parliament)
- Who first walked on the Moon? (Neil Armstrong)
- What is the tallest building in Washington? (The Capitol)
- What is the largest library in the USA? (The Library of Congress)
- What was the first name of New York? (New Amsterdam)
- What river is the capital of the USA situated on? (The Potomac)
- Who is regarded as the most successful director in Hollywood today? (Stephen
Spielberg) - What is America's national sport? (Baseball)
- What is the capital of the United States? (Washington, D.C.)
- What is the address of the White House? (1600, Pennsylvania Avenue)
- What is the largest American state? (Alaska)
- Who created "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer"? (Mark Twain)
- How many theaters are there on Broadway? (More than 30)
- Who was the youngest American President? (John Kennedy)
- What is the symbol of the Democratic Party? (The Donkey)
- Who invented the light bulb? (Thomas Alva Edison)
- Who is Tina Turner? (A popular American singer)
- In which city was Margaret Mitchell born? (In Atlanta)
- What does the American company "Johnson and Johnson" produce? (Cosmetics,
cleaning, washing and medical products) - Who was the commander of the Confederate Army during the American Civil
War? (General Lee) - Whose portraits are printed on American dollars? (Portraits of American
presidents) - Who is the chairperson in the Senate? (The Vice President of the USA)
- Who played the main role in the film "The Terminator"? (Arnold Schwarzenegger)
- What is the largest port of the USA? (New York City)
- Who wrote the Emancipation Proclamation? (Abraham Lincoln)
4. Объясните, ответьте на вопросы
- What is the origin of the word "Yankee"? (The nickname was used derisively by Dutch settlers in New York to designate English colonists in Connecticut.)
- What is the difference between American football and soccer? (American football is played with an oval-shaped ball. The players can hold the ball in their hands. Soccer is played with a round ball. The players are only allowed to kick the ball, they cannot hold the ball in their hands.)
- Why is the United States called a "melting pot" or "mixed salad"? (Because people from all over the world have mixed together to create modern American society.)
- What does the American Bald Eagle symbolize? Each individual's independence and strength.)
- When is Election Day in the USA? (In the month of November, on the first Tuesday after the first Monday.)
- What are the names of the districts in New York? (Manhattan, the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island.)
- What were the names of the ships that Columbus received? ("The Nina", "The Pinta”,"The Santa Maria”)
- Name the major U.S. film companies. ("Columbia Pictures", “Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer”, "Paramount", "20th Century-Fox","United Artists", "Universal", "Warner Brosers”)
- Which American actor played the main character in the film “Spartacus”? (Kirk Douglas)
- Which American actress was in opposition to the American government during the Vietnam War? (Jane Fonda)
- What is the name of the awards given to the best movie actors and actresses each year in the USA? ("Oscars")
- What prize are the best musicians and composers awarded every year in the USA?
(The "Grammy") - Who chose the place for the American capital? (George Washington).
- Are there any skyscrapers in Washington? (No, there aren't)
- How many years did the War of Independence last? (8 years)
- What kind of state is the USA? (a federal republic)
- Where does the American President live and work? (In the White House,
Washington, D.C.) - Who is the author of the Theory of Relativity? (Albert Einstein)
- Who was the leader of the American army during the War of Independence?
(George Washington) - Where is Hawaii? (In the Pacific Ocean)
- Did Mark Twain finish school? (No, he didn't)
- Who is the director of the film "Jaws"?
(Stephen Spielberg) - What is the highest mountain peak in the USA? (Mount McKinley)
- Who landed at Plymouth Rock in 1620? (The Pilgrim Fathers)
- What currency is used in the USA? (The American dollar)
- What is the official language of the USA? (English)
- Does Washington, D.C. belong to the state? (No, it doesn't)
- What city is the home of CNN? (Atlanta)
- After whom was America called? (After Amerigo Vespucci)
- Which star of American silent-movie is called the "Little Tramp"? (Charlie Chaplin)
- Did Jack London finish school? (No, he didn't)
- Who wrote the novel "Sister Carrie"? (Theodore Dreiser)
- In which US city were the 1996 Summer Olympics held? (In Atlanta)
- Who is the author of the book "Scarlett"? (Alexandra Ripley)
- What was O. Henry's real name? (William Sydney Porter)
5. Подведение итогов, награждение
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