Контроль лексико-грамматических навыков в 9кл
тест по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Садыкова Резеда Фаритовна

Контрольная работа рассчитана на контроль лексико-грамматических навыков в конце 1 четверти


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Предварительный просмотр:

Упр 1. Используйте глагол в нужной временной форме. My friend Susan __________ (to practise) the piano now. She __________ (to practise) the piano every day after school. Her music teacher ___________ (to tell) her she _________ (to be) an excellent pianist and I ____________ (to think) that she _________ (to play) the piano better than anybody else in the school. Susan ____________ (want) to be a professional pianist when she _________ (to finish) school. That’s why she ___________ (to practise) every day.

Ann, I __________ (to write) to you now because I hope that you _______ (to help) me. I ________ (to post) this letter in 5 minutes, so you _________ (to get) it in the evening. Please answer as soon as you can. А strange thing __________ (to happen) to me yesterday. You probably __________ (to know) my friend Greg. He _________ (to move) to a new flat recently.  I ____________ (to know) Greg all my life. WE ____________ (to meet) in 1997, and we ___________ (to be) friends since that time. So he ___________ (to phone) me yesterday and ____________ (to invite) me to a party at his new place on Saturday. I ___________ (to write) his telephone number on a piece of paper that (to lie) on the table. When I ________ (to speak) to Greg, the doorbell _________ (to ring). I __________ (to hang up) and _________ (to go) to open the door. I ____________ (not to notice) that the paper ________ (to fall) on the floor. When I __________ (to return), I could not find it. It ____________ (to disappear). So I (not to know) where he lives. Maybe you __________ (to help) me.

Упр 2. Используйте инфинитив с to или без to. Can you _______? (swim) Have you got anything _________ (read)? Could I _________ to Lucy (speak)? I would like ________ again (see). I hope ________ to England in May (go). It takes a long time _________ English (learn). Let’s _________ (dance).

Упр 3. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо. When I heard ___ knock at ___ door, I went to answer it and saw ___ woman in ___ green jacket standing outside. She said she was ___ member of ____ charity organization and was collecting ___  money for  ___ poor people. I asked her  ___ name of  ___ organization and she gave it to me. I didn’t recognize  ___ name. She seemed  ___ very pleasant person, and we talked for  ___ long time. She said she liked helping  ___ other people. I decided to give her some money and left  ___ living room to look for my purse in  ___ bedroom. I was out of  ___ room for  ___ couple of minutes. When I came back, ___woman had gone. ___ window was open. I looked out. There was no sign of  ___ woman, but  ___ green jacket was on  ___ grass. What  ___ strangething!  

 Упр 4. Найдите антонимы для хороших качеств из первой строки среди плохих из второй строки.

 calm friendly amusing cheerful clever generous hard-working polite sincere patient stupid boring lazy rude greedy hypocritical hot-tempered impatient humorless hostile  

Упр 5. Составьте предложения из предложенных слов.

 1. Would/ anything/ do/ people/that/ woman/ for?

2. With/ the man/ I / was / talking / who / comes /from / Spain.

3. The/ people/ I /like /I /work/ with Job/sister/my/ looking/ is/ for/ new/ a

4. The/ of/sort/person/ she’s/ talk/can/you/ anything/ about/whom/with.

5. I/for/looked/ have/you/ everywhere.

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