интересные факты
занимательные факты по английскому языку на тему
Опубликовано 07.10.2015 - 0:28 - Салахова Елена Александровна
Предварительный просмотр:
В качестве изречений можно предложить следующие:
- The more we study, the more we know.
- If you never try, you will never know
- Beauty will save the world
- Actions speak louder than words
- When you have nothing to say, say nothing
- Who knows most, speaks least
- Even a polyglot may not find common language with some people.
- All languages are good if they are spoken in a human way
- All nations smile in the same language.
- A man needs only two years to learn to speak and all his life to keep his mouth shut.
- Several years are needed to learn a foreign language. It takes one’s whole life to master one’s native tongue.
Юмористические высказывания:
- Actor is a man who tries to be everything but himself
- Friend is one who has the same enemies you have.
- Lady is a woman who makes a man behave like a gentleman.
- Mirror is one that laughs at your face.
- School year is a very long period between vocations.
- Zoo is a place where animals study human beings.
- If vegetable oil comes from vegetables where does baby oil comes from?
- I’m not a complete idiot, some parts are missing
- Out of my mind. Back in 5 minutes.
- Hit me! I need the money ( the sign on the car)
- Those who can, do. Those who can do more, teach.
- Time is the best teacher; unfortunately, it kills all his students.
- When your mom is mad at your dad, don’t let her brush your hair.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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