Сборник упражнений для отработки экзаменационного формата личного письма (ЕГЭ, английский язык)
методическая разработка по английскому языку (11 класс) на тему
Ряд практических заданий и упражнений, направленных на усвоение формата личного письма, принятого в ЕГЭ по английскому языку.
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Предварительный просмотр:
- Прочитайтей правила оформления личного письма поставьте галочку (v), если вы согласны с данным утверждением, и крестик (x), если не согласны.
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- Найдите правильное местоположение для каждой части в структуре письма.
2)________________________ 3)_____________,
5)__________________, 6)_______________ |
- Concluding phrase
- Your name
- Your address
- The name of the person you are writing to
- The body of the letter
- The date
- Составьте пиьмо из предложенных отрывков и впишите буквами порядок следования частей письма
B) After the exams, I’m going to get a job for the summer. I’d like to have a holiday but I can’t afford to. I’m probably going to work in a shop. After that, I’m hoping to go to university. If my exam results are good enough, I’ll go to the local university and do a business degree course for three years. |
C) St. Petersburg Russia |
D) Best regards, |
F) Dear Jake, |
G) Thanks for your letter. Yes, I’m working very hard at school at the moment too because I also have my final exams at the end of the year. I’m going to take eight exams in all subjects, including English. The teachers are giving us a lot of homework and it’s hard to do all of it, so I’m not going out very much. |
H) I hope you’re well and not working too hard! Write to me again soon. |
- Прочитайте письмо и перепишите его в тетрадь, добавив необходимые элементы.
Thanks for your letter. Yes, I’m working very hard at school at the moment too because I also have my final exams at the end of the year. I’m going to take eight exams in all subjects, including English. The teachers are giving us a lot of homework and it’s hard to do all of it, so I’m not going out very much.
After the exams, I’m going to get a job for the summer. I’d like to have a holiday but I can’t afford to. I’m probably going to work in a shop. After that, I’m hoping to go to university. If my exam results are good enough, I’ll go to the local university and do a business degree course for three years.
I hope you’re well and not working too hard! Write to me again soon.
- Прочитайте письмо. На какой из трех предложенных вариантов оно является ответом?
St. Petersburg
April 25, 2012
Dear Jake,
Thanks for your letter. Yes, I’m working very hard at school at the moment too because I also have my final exams at the end of the year. I’m going to take eight exams in all subjects, including English. The teachers are giving us a lot of homework and it’s hard to do all of it, so I’m not going out very much.
After the exams, I’m going to get a job for the summer. I’d like to have a holiday but I can’t afford to. I’m probably going to work in a shop. After that, I’m hoping to go to university. If my exam results are good enough, I’ll go to the local university and do a business degree course for three years.
I hope you’re well and not working too hard! Write to me again soon.
Best regards,
What will happen after the exams? What are you going to do then? Will you have a holiday? Are you hoping to go to university? Tell me all about it. Jake |
Are you working hard for your exams at the moment? Do you have the end of the year concert at your school? If so, would you like to take part in it? Do you like singing? I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. Jake |
What will happen after the exams? What are you going to do on holidays? Are you going to get a job for the summer? Are you hoping to go to college? Tell me all about it. Jade |
- Перепишите текст, исправив орфографические и пунктуационные ошибки так, чтобы получился связный текст письма.
dearjakethanksforyourletteryesimworkingveryhardatschoolatthemomenttoobecauseialsohavemyfinalexams attheendoftheyearimgoingtotakeeightexamsinallsubjectsincludingenglishtheteachersaregivingusalotofhomeworkanditshardtodoallofitsoimnotgoingoutverymuchaftertheexamsimgoingtogetajobforthesummer idliketohaveaholidaybuticantaffordtoimprobablygoingtoworkinashop afterthatimhopingtogotouniversityifmy examresultsaregoodenoughillgotothelocaluniversityanddoabusinessdegreecourseforthreeyearsihopeyourewell andnotworkingtoohardwritetomeagainsoonbestregardsinna |
- Прочитайте письмо и заполните пропуски.
St. Petersburg
April 25, 2012
______ Jake,
________________. Yes, I’m working very hard at school at the moment too because I also have my final exams at the end of the year. I’m going to take eight exams in all subjects, including English. The teachers are giving us a lot of homework and it’s hard to do all of it, so I’m not going out very much.
After the exams, I’m going to get a job for the summer. I’d like to have a holiday but I can’t afford to. I’m probably going to work in a shop. After that, I’m hoping to go to university. If my exam results are good enough, I’ll go to the local university and do a business degree course for three years.
I hope you’re well and not working too hard! ____________________.
- Прочитайте письмо и исправьте ошибки. В письме всего 8 ошибок.
St-Petersburg, Russia
April 25, 2012
Hello Jake! Thanks your letter. Yes, I’m working very hard at school at the moment too so I also have my final exams at the end of the year. I’m going to take eight exams in all subjects, including English. The teachers are giving us a lot of homework and it’s hard to do all of it, because I’m not going out very much. Before the exams, I’m going to get a job for the summer. I’d like to have a holiday but I can afford to. I’m probably going to work in a shop. After that, I’m hoping to go to university. If my exam results are too good, I’ll go to the local university and do a business degree course for three years.
I hope you’re well and not work too hard! Write to me again soon. Best regards, Inna
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