Открытый урок по английскому языку в 5 классе "Learning more about each other"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему
Авторская разработка открытого урока в 5 классе по учебнику М.З. Биболетовой по теме "Learning more about each other"
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Предварительный просмотр:
Открытый урок в
5-б классе
по английскому языку
«Learning more about
each оther»
Подготовила и провела
учитель английского языка
С.Л. Карпова
План-конспект урока английского языка в 5-б классе.
Тема: Learning more about each other
1. Развивающий компонент: развитие у учащихся интеллектуальной, информационной, коммуникативной культуры; развитие внимания, логического мышления, памяти, сообразительности, чувств, эмоций.
2. Образовательный компонент: организация деятельности учащихся по применению знаний и умений в разнообразных ситуациях, активизация работы каждого ученика, активизация полученных знаний.
3. Воспитательный компонент: формирование уважительного отношения к друг другу, толерантного отношения к носителям другого языка, культуры, изучаемому английскому языку.
4. Здоровьесберегающий компонент:
- Профилактика умственного перенапряжения путём смены видов деятельности.
- Создание атмосферы психологического комфорта учащихся на уроке, сохранение здоровья детей с разным типом психического восприятия информации.
Основные практические задачи:
- Активизация лексического материала.
- Развитие навыков аудирования (контроль понимания на слух текстов, построенных на знакомом языковом материале).
- Формирование и развитие грамматических навыков.
- Контроль навыков говорения (на основе ранее изученного материала-построение диалогов, монологического высказывания)
Компьютер, компьютерная презентация, реквизит для игры, карточки для игры в парах, рисунки и проекты детей.
- Организационный момент.
Good afternoon, friends! You are welcome! I am glad to see you! How are you! Sit down, please! Today we have an unusual lesson. We finish learning our topic “Learning more about each other”. Today we shall check your knowledge. We shall have a wonderful time together.
- Listen and repeat. SB p.40, ex.2
- Now well do phonetic exercises. Look at the blackboard. Read the words in transcription.
[kru:ǝl] cruel жестокий
[ındı'pendǝnt] independent независимый
[ru:d] rude грубый
[krı'eıtıv] creative творческий
['sıǝrıǝs] serious серьезный
['tᴐ:kǝtıv] talkative разговорчивый
['sǝuʃǝbǝl] sociable общительный
[kaınd] kind добрый
- Match the words, please.
kind жестокий
talkative независимый
creative грубый
independent творческий
sociable серьезный
serious разговорчивый
rude общительный
cruel добрый
- Look at the blackboard. Match the words.
Thin merry
Loving strong
Healthy bright
Clever friendly
Intelligent talkative
Sociable creative
Happy slim
- Say the opposites.
Friendly(unfriendly), unusual(usual), unreal(real), polite(impolite), famous(infamous), unlucky(lucky), non-athletic(athletic), pleasant(unpleasant), unhappy(happy).
- Now we check your home task. Imagine that you have missed a friend. You need to write a description of him or her. How does he/she look like? What does he/she wear usually? What is he/she wearing now? What does he/she like? This work was your home task. Now we are all detectives.
- Read the descriptions and guess who is this.
Say what kind of people you like and don’t like.
- What traits of character do you know else? Work in pairs.
s | t | u | p | i | d | m | e | r | r | y |
y | f | r | i | e | n | d | l | y | a | s |
m | b | s | s | k | i | l | l | f | u | l |
p | b | o | s | s | y | c | d | e | k | g |
a | f | c | r | u | e | l | b | g | i | r |
t | h | i | i | b | k | f | u | n | n | y |
h | l | a | l | r | w | i | s | e | d | m |
e | u | b | h | a | p | p | y | a | n | o |
t | c | l | e | v | e | r | p | t | r | s |
i | k | e | t | e | h | o | n | e | s | t |
c | y | a | m | b | i | t | i | o | u | s |
(stupid, merry, friendly, skillful, bossy, cruel, funny, wise, happy, clever,
honest, ambitious, sympathetic, lucky, sociable, brave, busy, neat, kind,
- We have remembered the words to describe people and their character. Can you write them? Take the cards from your tables and fill in the missing letters.
Cre_t_ve, s_ciab_e, cl_ve_, p_l_te, n_ugh_y, b_av_, st_pi_, at_le_ic
Cu_io_s, c_uel.
- Answer my questions. What are your main characteristics?
- I think I am independent, curious and sociable.
- I have a good sense of humor.
- I am intelligent but talkative.
- I think I am curious but shy.
- I am funny and kind.
- I am friendly, creative and loving.
- Now we check the text “Let me introduce myself”. Say me please about yourself. How do you look like? What do you usually wear? What are you wearing now? What do you like? What traits of character do you have?
Who wants to answer?
- I think I look great. I like wearing smart things. And I am careful about my clothes. They are always clean and neat.
- My mum thinks I look a bit older for my age. I am really much taller than other girls in my class. So what? I do not want to compare myself with other.
- I am 12 years old and I look really awful. I do not know what to do with my awful hair. I have the ugliest nose in the world.
- I think I am a bit plump. I always worry about how I look like. I want to look like all the models in my magazine.
- I do not care how people look like. I just like them or do not. My friends say: “he is cool” or “she is good-looking”, but I do not know. I do not care much for clothes and I never wear bright clothes.
- You see the words of family description. What would you say your family is like?
- We are typical Russian family. We are a close family and we get on well with each other.
- We are a traditional and conservative family.
- We are typical Russian family. We are a loving and caring family.
- We are a warm and hospitable family.
- Tell me, please, about your parents. Where do they work?
Why do they like or do not like their jobs?
- – Tell me about your mum, …? What is she?
- She is a salesperson.
- Where does she work?
- At a big supermarket.
- Does she like her job?
- I am not sure that she does.
- Why does not she like it?
- She says it’s a hard job.
- - Tell me about your Dad, … What does he do?
- He is a businessman.
- Where does he work?
- At the bank.
- Does he like his job?
- I think he does.
- Why?
- He says it’s interesting and useful.
- Open your books , p.41 ex.3. Repeat this dialogue and act out.
- Open your books , p.42 ex.6. Repeat this dialogue and act out.
- What professions do you know?
Do the crossword puzzle. Find and circle 11 occupations.
v | e | t | t | l | f | s | k | o | g |
u | n | d | r | i | v | e | r | v | w |
a | u | p | r | b | o | s | s | k | o |
p | r | o | g | r | a | m | m | e | r |
s | s | t | e | a | c | h | e | r | k |
r | e | f | a | r | m | e | r | h | e |
m | e | n | g | i | n | e | e | r | r |
l | m | a | n | a | g | e | r | f | g |
m | n | d | e | n | t | i | s | t | u |
(vet, nurse, driver, boss, programmer, teacher, farmer, engineer, manager, dentist, worker)
- Read texts and guess the professions.
- These people treat many kinds of animals such as dog, cat, guinea pigs, cows, pigs and horses. People have to be careful when they treat sick animals. (vet)
- This profession is very dangerous. Politicians in almost all countries are guarded by these people. These people are prepared to risk their own lives to protect their clients. Some of these people wear bullet-proof vests. (bodyguard)
- I have a hobby. My friends and I are publishing a small newspaper once a month in our school. We write articles about school event, life of young people, jokes, draw pictures and caricatures.(journalist)
- My grandfather is working in a hospital. His main task is to operate on the people. After each operation he takes care of patients until they are recovered. Who is he? (a doctor- a surgeon)
- Answer my question “What are you going to be?”
- I want to be programmer. My hobby is computer games and computer programming. I have a computer at home and can spend hours working at it.
- My favourite subject is English. I understand the importance of knowledge of a foreign language. I want to be a teacher of English. I hope in future I can become a good teacher.
- I want to be a doctor. I want to help people. It is an interesting profession.
- I want to be a businessman. It seems to me that you need to have a creative mind to be a businessman.
- I decided to be a journalist. You deal with real events that are happening right now so you can even influence them.
- I want to be an interpreter. It is an interesting profession because the interpreter meets people from different countries and cultures all the time and has an opportunity to learn much about them. This profession helps people to understand each other.
- The world we live in can be a dangerous one. Some people need to have a bodyguard to protect them and their families. A bodyguard is a dangerous job. But I want to be a bodyguard.
- Now we are resting.
- It’s time to write the test. We shall work in two variants. The first task for each pupil is to complete the sentences with the words on the topic “Job”, the second task is translation from Russian into English.
1 вариант
- Complete the sentences:
My mother is a…
His uncle is a…
I want to be a…
Jack will be a…
Is her friend a …?
- Translate from Russian into English
Жестокий, серьезный, общительный, дружелюбный, грубый, подружиться, менять.
2 вариант
- Complete the sentences:
His father is a…
My aunt is a…
Mr Green is a…
Was she a…?
I shall be a …
- Translate from Russian into English
Разговорчивый, заботливый, независимый, атлетический, давать интервью, типичный, любящий.
Thank you for your work. Your marks are …You worked well during the lesson and I'll present you these cards. Come here and take whichever of the cards you like.
The lesson is over. Thank you. Good bye!
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