Подготовка в ЕГЭ
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку на тему

The  theme of our lesson : ``Preparation for the Russian State Exam``

The motto of our lesson: ``Up To The Top!``


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Слайд 1

The theme of our lesson : `` Preparation for the Russian State Exam`` The motto of our lesson: ``Up To The Top!``

Слайд 2

If you ever ever ever meet a grizzly bear, You should never never never ask him where He is going. For if you ever ever dare to stop a grizzly bear, You will never meet another grizzly bear.

Слайд 3

1.возвращаться a ) come away b ) come back c ) come out d ) come around

Слайд 4

2. натолкнуться на, случайно встретить a ) come off b ) come over c ) come across d ) come along

Слайд 5

3. 1) заходить, приходить; 2) доставать, получать a ) come by b ) come down c ) come up d ) come in

Слайд 6

4. выходить вперед, выдвигаться 2) выступить с предложением a ) come along b ) come up c ) come forward d ) come from

Слайд 7

5. приходить, подходить, заезжать a ) come down b ) come across c ) come away d ) come over

Слайд 8

6 . 1)выходить; 2) появляться, возникать; 3) получаться a ) come by b ) come out c ) come off d ) come over

Слайд 9

7 . спускаться, опускаться; падать a ) come in b ) come down c ) come along d ) come off

Слайд 10

8. 1) идти вместе, сопровождать; 2) приходить, появляться a ) come over b ) come up c ) come along d ) come across

Слайд 11

9 . происходить из, от (по причине), взяться a ) come from b ) come off c ) come out d ) come forward

Слайд 12

10 . отделяться, отрываться, покидать, сходить, слезать a ) come aside b ) come out c ) come off d ) come back

Слайд 13

11. 1) давай!, пошли!; 2) кончай!, брось!; 3) проходить, приходить a ) come from b ) come by c ) come up d ) come on

Слайд 14

12 . 1) появляться, возникать; 2) подниматься, приближаться a ) come up b ) come around c ) come out d ) come over

Слайд 15

1 3 . 1) входить; 2) приходить, прибывать a ) come along b ) come on c ) come back d ) come in

Слайд 16

14. получать наследство, унаследовать a ) come by b ) come around c ) come into d ) come from

Слайд 17

15. поменять мнение, точку зрения a ) come over b ) come around c ) come across d ) come up against

Слайд 18

16. столкнуться, противостоять (трудностям, проблемам) a ) come along b ) come up c ) come around d ) come up against

Слайд 19

17 . прийти в себя, очнуться a ) come into b ) come out c ) come to d ) come back

Слайд 20

18. уходить с определенным ощущением, чувством a ) come over b ) come away c ) come back d ) come off

Слайд 21

1 9 . происходить, случаться a ) come away b ) come about c ) come out d ) come around

Слайд 22

20 . включать в себя (как аксессуар, дополнительное приспособление) a ) come around b ) come with c ) come across d ) come into

Слайд 23

1. расценивать, комментировать a ) make after b ) make out c ) make of d ) make for

Слайд 24

2 .переделывать, превращать a ) make of b ) make into c ) make off d ) make away

Слайд 25

3 .пуститься в погоню (вслед) за кем-то, преследовать a ) make over b ) make up c ) make after d ) make up for

Слайд 26

4 . сбежать, скрыться a ) make down b ) make across c ) make away d ) make o ff

Слайд 27

5 . высмеивать кого-л., насмехаться a ) make fun of b ) make against c ) make up to d ) make over

Слайд 28

6 . подлизываться, загладить вину a ) m ak e for b ) m ak e up to c ) m ak e up for d ) m ak e over

Слайд 29

7. выступать против кого-либо . a ) m ak e away b ) m ak e back c ) m ak e against d ) m ak e out

Слайд 30

8 . атаковать, наброситься a ) make over b ) make at c ) make of d ) make against

Слайд 31

9 . вернуться, возвратиться a ) mak e back b ) m ak e after c ) m ak e out d ) m ak e into

Слайд 32

1 5 . 1)гримировать; 2)составлять(группу) 10 . 1)составлять(группу); 2)возмещать; 3)красить; 4) принимать решение; 5)сочинять; 6) застилать постель; a ) m ak e up to b ) m ak e away with c ) m ak e back d ) m ak e up

Слайд 33

1 5 . 1)гримировать; 2)составлять(группу) 1.1)избегать a ) keep to b ) keep up with c ) keep back d ) keep away

Слайд 34

2. 1) держать в подчинении, подавлять;2)задерживать рост, мешать развитию a ) keep off b ) keep out c ) keep down d ) keep back

Слайд 35

3 . 1)держаться в стороне;2)удерживать, задерживать;3)скрывать a ) keep back b ) keep at c ) keep out d ) keep up

Слайд 36

4.1)держаться в отдалении;2)назад! a ) keep away b ) keep off c ) keep from d ) keep under

Слайд 37

5.1)удерживаться, воздерживаться от чего-либо a ) keep away b ) keep to c ) keep from d ) keep out

Слайд 38

6 . 1) держаться наравне с кем-либо, не отставать a ) keep down b ) keep to c ) keep away d ) keep up with

Слайд 39

look about \ around ( огядываться,осматриваться) а fter (ухаживать за к-л, заботиться о ,следить глазами за…) а head (смотреть вперед в будущее) а t (взглянуть на…) в ack (оглянуться, вспомнить прошлое) down(on) – потупить взор, смотреть с презрением for (искать, надеяться)

Слайд 40

Look ahead – Look about – Look back – Look through – Look like – Look down - Look forward to - Look up to - Guess the meaning смотреть вперед оглядываться (ориентироваться) оглядываться ( в т.ч. на прошлое) смотреть через, просматривать быть похожим на… смотреть свысока ожидать с нетерпением уважать

Слайд 41

Fill in the gaps and translate 1The police chased them, but the thieves made..... with the jewels. 2.Could you look … … . my dog while I am on vocation? 3.I’ll look … .. and see you next week. 4,Medicine should always be keep……… from children. 5.He walks too fast and it` really hard to keep ……………………… . him. 6.John came………….. with us to the cinema. off after in away up with along

Слайд 42

Put the verb into the correct form The young people entered the theatre. The performance already…………… (to begin), and they……… (to have) to wait till the first act…… (to be) over. Nina never ……… (to be) here before and she…… (to like) the theatre very much. had begun had would be had been liked

Слайд 43

Put the verb into the correct form 2.When the train………………… (to stop), I ……….(to look) out of the window but ………….(not to see) any of my friends there. I ……………(to send) them a telegram and hoped that they…………… (to meet) me. stopped looked had sent did`t see would meet

Слайд 44

decoration celebration demonstration examination education to celebrate to demonstrate to educate to decorate to examine

Слайд 45

areement development movement equipment government to develop to move to govern to agree to equip

Слайд 46

remarkable comfortable enjoyable advisable to comfort to enjoy to admire to remark to advise admirable

Слайд 47

countless useless homeless careless endless use home end count care

Слайд 48

greatness kindness happiness darkness goodness great kind happy dark good

Слайд 49

length depth strength width growth long deep strong wide grow

Слайд 50

irregular illogical impossible uninteresting uncomfortable regular logical possible interesting comfortable

Слайд 51

seek ask - attempt or desire to obtain or achieve something -ask for smth from smb -say smth in order to obtain an answer or some information Guess words by definitions

Слайд 52

search pose -try to find smth by looking or otherwise seeking carefully and thoroughly -present or constitute (a problem or danger); -assume a particular position in order to be drawn, photographed or painted Guess words by definitions

Слайд 53

gaze stare - look steadily and intently, especially in admiration, surprise, or thought -look fixedly or vacantly at someone or something with one’s eyes wide open Guess words by definitions

Слайд 54

Choose the right word stare / gaze and translate John, it is impolite to..... at people like this. She ………… at him thoughtfully trying to understand his feelings. He likes this portrait very much. He can……………..at it for hours. gazed stare gaze

Слайд 55

Match the words in the list A with the words in the list B so that to get a word-combination A to seek to handle to pay to ask for to depend to tell used B on the truth a horse to advice attention trouble

Слайд 56

Do it yourself. Our fire department is often called when people get suck in lifts. However, our methods sometimes………….. That was the case when we tried all our tricks, we had to tell the trapped occupant :``Sorry. There`s nothing we can do. We`ll have to wait for the lift repairman to arrive and help………..to get you out.`` ``Great! Just great!``came the cry the inside the lift.``Elevator service was called quite a while ago,``I reassured the fellow. L added that serviceman………… here any minute. The man sighed deeply.`` The……… thing is that L am the lift serviceman!`` NOT WORK WE BE BAD don`t work us would be worst

Слайд 57

New Seven Wonders of the Word: Machu Picchu Machu Picchu, often called ``The Lost City of the Incas, is probably the most famous symbol of the Incan Empire. Machu Picchu is situated 7,875……… above sea level in Peru. Machu Picchu ……………… around the year 1460 by the Inca as a secret ceremonial city, very well hidden and protected. The ruins of Machu Picchu were rediscovered in 1911 by an American archaeologist. Since then Machu Picchu ………………….an important tourist attraction. Thousands of visitors come here every year to admire its wonders. FOOT BUILD BECOME feet was built has become

Слайд 58

С hicago from above Folowing a recent renovation,the new Hancock Observatory invites you to enjoy Chicago`s best views from the city`s highest open-air Skywalk. It has quickly gained………………….with noth Chicagoans and visitors of the city. Skywalk is Chicago`s highest open-air viewing areas. It is 1.000 feet in the air! Everyone here can feel the strong wind and hear the dynsmic buzz of the city below. The friendly staff will……………. Tellthr real story behind Chicago`s ``Windy City`` nickname. For those who feel ……………………about such a great height there are more relaxing indoor audio Sky Tours popular certain camfortable popuiarity certainly uncomfortable

Слайд 59

These 30-minutepersonal audio tours give a unique ``overview`` of Chicago`s wonderful sights and………………………history! Sky Tours are available in English, Spanish and German. History Wall is another popular………………. . More than 100 photos on a great 80-boot display show Chicago`s rise from a small settlement to a great city. As a tour guide I have been to the Skywalk…………………times and still I can`t help amiring. remark attract count remarkable attraction countlees

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