Рабочая тетрадь для практических работ по дисциплине «Иностранный язык(английский)» в разделе «Профессионально-направленный модуль» для специальностей профиля Сервиса и туризма: 43.02.08 Сервис домашнего и коммунального хозяйства
учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку по теме
Рабочая тетрадь предназначена для практических работ по дисциплине «Иностранный язык» в разделе «Профессионально-направленный модуль» для специальности профиля 43.00.00 «Сервис и туризм»: 43.02.08 Сервис домашнего и коммунального хозяйства. Основное назначение рабочей тетради – закрепить и активизировать языковой и речевой материал раздела «Профессионально-направленный модуль», автоматизировать лексико-грамматические навыки при работе с профессионально-ориентированными текстами. Лексико-грамматические упражнения нацелены на быстрое и качественное запоминание профессиональных терминов, повторение и практическое применение грамматических правил на базе профессионально-ориентированных текстов. Широкий спектр разнообразных практических заданий, организующих самостоятельную работу, требует от обучающихся творческого отношения при их выполнении (наличие заданий повышенной трудности), позволяет реализовать личностно-ориентированный подход при работе с обучающимися в разным уровнем подготовки и с разными интересами. Задания моделируют ситуации или используют реальные ситуации в целях анализа данного случая, выявления проблем, поиска альтернативных решений и принятия оптимального решения проблем. В тетрадь включены задания, готовящие обучающихся к объективному контролю и самоконтролю в процессе изучения английского языка. Рабочая тетрадь соответствует уровню подготовки студентов по дисциплине «Иностранный язык (английский)» в разделе «Профессионально-направленный модуль» для специальности профиля 43.00.00 «Сервис и туризм»: 43.02.08 Сервис домашнего и коммунального хозяйства.
Предварительный просмотр:
Введение. Методические указания по изучению дисциплины. | 2 3 |
UNIT 1. Деловой этикет в сфере обслуживания. (Speech behavior (etiquette) in the field of service). Vocabulary and Grammar Exercises. | 4 |
UNIT 2. Предприятия сферы обслуживания. Индустрия Гостеприимства и Размещения. (Hospitality and Accommodation Industry). Text A. Vocabulary and Grammar Exercises. Text B. Vocabulary and Grammar Exercises. Телефонные переговоры. (Telephone conversation). | 12 |
UNIT 3. Достопримечательности. Лучшие места для путешественников в Екатеринбурге. (Attractions and Sightseeing. The best destinations for travelers in Yekaterinburg.) Text A. Vocabulary and Grammar Exercises. Text B. Vocabulary and Grammar Exercises. | 23 |
UNIT 4. Деловая переписка. Оформление претензий. Решение конфликтных ситуаций. (Business letters. Letters of Complaints and Claims. Handling Complaints). Text. Vocabulary and Grammar Exercises. ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ 1 (Appendix 1) Получение и сообщение информации (Getting and giving the information). ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ 2 (Appendix 2) Языковой комментарий. | 31 |
Рабочая тетрадь предназначена для практических работ по дисциплине «Иностранный язык» в разделе «Профессионально-направленный модуль» для специальности профиля 43.00.00 «Сервис и туризм»: 43.02.08 Сервис домашнего и коммунального хозяйства.
Основное назначение рабочей тетради – закрепить и активизировать языковой и речевой материал раздела «Профессионально-направленный модуль», автоматизировать лексико-грамматические навыки при работе с профессионально-ориентированными текстами. Лексико-грамматические упражнения нацелены на быстрое и качественное запоминание профессиональных терминов, повторение и практическое применение грамматических правил на базе профессионально-ориентированных текстов.
Рабочая тетрадь состоит из 4 уроков (Units) и 2 приложений (Appendixes). Материал каждого урока предусматривает последовательное, поэтапное изучение определенной темы, связанной с будущей профессиональной деятельностью студентов. В основу каждого урока положен принцип развития речевой деятельности: чтения и устной речи. Приложения включают образцы диалогов, словарь профессиональных терминов и сокращений и глоссарий.
Широкий спектр разнообразных практических заданий, организующих самостоятельную работу, требует от обучающихся творческого отношения при их выполнении (наличие заданий повышенной трудности), позволяет реализовать личностно-ориентированный подход при работе с обучающимися в разным уровнем подготовки и с разными интересами. Задания моделируют ситуации или используют реальные ситуации в целях анализа данного случая, выявления проблем, поиска альтернативных решений и принятия оптимального решения проблем.
В тетрадь включены задания, готовящие обучающихся к объективному контролю и самоконтролю в процессе изучения английского языка.
Рабочая тетрадь соответствует уровню подготовки студентов по дисциплине «Иностранный язык (английский)» в разделе «Профессионально-направленный модуль» для специальности профиля 43.00.00 «Сервис и туризм»: 43.02.08 Сервис домашнего и коммунального хозяйства.
Методические указания по изучению дисциплины.
В соответствии с ФГОС по дисциплине Иностранный язык (английский) для специальности 43.00.00 «Сервис и туризм»: 43.02.08 Сервис домашнего и коммунального хозяйства студент должен:
УМЕТЬ: общаться (устно и письменно) на иностранном языке на профессиональные и повседневные темы; переводить (со словарём) иностранные тексты профессиональной направленности; самостоятельно совершенствовать устную и письменную речи, пополнять словарный запас;
ЗНАТЬ: Лексический (1200 – 1400 лексических единиц) и грамматический минимум, необходимый для чтения и перевода (со словарём) иностранных текстов профессиональной направленности.
Структура практических занятий UNIT 1 – UNIT 4 включает в себя:
- “Texts”. Тексты, относящиеся к анализу хозяйственной деятельности предприятий и финансовому анализу.
- “Vocabulary and Grammar Exercises”. Упражнения, направленные на обучение пониманию специальных материалов и использованию их в практической деятельности, прорабатывают основные проблемные области грамматики и словообразования. Задания содержат образцы основных видов деловой корреспонденции и переписки с правилами их составления и направленны на овладение основами ведения деловой переписки в типичных ситуациях.
Приложение 1. Содержит образцы диалогов, способы получения и сообщения информации, проведения телефонных переговоров. Деловое общение, способствуют активному усвоению тематического материала и использованию его в устной и письменной речи в соответствии с потребностями данного вида деятельности и правилами ведения деловой беседы.
Приложение 2. Содержит языковой комментарий, представляющий собой словарь с наиболее частотной лексикой и выражениями, встречающимися в сфере обслуживания и при деловом общении. Содержит лингвокоммерческий комментарий, объясняющий смысл основных профессиональных терминов.
UNIT 1. Деловой этикет в сфере обслуживания. (Speech behavior (etiquette) in the field of service).
Task 1. Match sentences (1-6) with sentences (a-f) to make mini-dialogues.
- So, see you after the holidays,
- Good evening,
- How are you7
- I’d like you to meet my best friend, Jim.
- See you on Monday,
- Haven’t we met before?
- Yes, I worked in your department for two weeks,
- Nice to meet you.
- Right, have a good time in Greece.
- Fine, thanks.
- Bye.
- Hi.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
Task 2. Introduce each of these people, described in the given situation. Use the additional information, given in the brackets.
- You've brought a close friend to another friend’s birthday party,
(Hugh, classmate, school basketball team captain)
- You introduce the professor who will give a speech at the end-of-the-year ceremony at your school. (Bruce Carter, astronomer, discovered a new star)
- You’re with your parents on holiday and you meet your English teacher on the beach.
(parents - Ms Scott, taught you English for four years)
- You are walking with your girlfriend and you meet your mother in the street,
(Sam, friend from school, going to the cinema)
- In the park, where you’re walking with a girl, you unexpectedly meet your old girlfriend. (Jo, old friend - Pat, school friend)
Task 3. Fill in the blanks to make the dialogue complete.
Mike: (1) , _______ is anyone sitting here?
Jane: Well, no, it’s only my books. I'll put them over here.
Mike: Thanks. (2)_______?
Jane: I don’t think so. I don’t remember you.
Mike: (3) ___. I’m a student at the college.
Jane: (4) _______. My name’s Jane Scott. I’m a student, too.
Mike: We may have met at the college, then.
Jane: Well, perhaps. (5) ?
Mike: (6) _____________. It’s a bit too hot for me, though.
Jane: Oh, dear, I must be going, my class starts in ten minutes.
Mike: Oh, that's a pity. (7) _____________?
Jane: Why not? I’m usually free on Saturday nights.
Mike: I haven’t got your phone number.
Jane: I’ll write it down for you.
Well, (9) . I’m sorry, but I really must go now.
(10) __________.
1 | |
2 | |
3 | |
4 | |
5 | |
6 | |
7 | |
8 | |
9 | |
10 |
Task 4. Answer questions in 2-3 sentences. Begin you answers with the sentence of uncertainty.
- What do you think about vegetarianism?
- Don’t you think that married people should not be allowed to divorce?
- At what age should young people be allowed to get a driving license?
- Do you think that parents should be forbidden to hit their children?
- Don’t you think that men are better at cooking than women?
- Everybody should pay for their education, don’t you think?
Task 5. Give questions (A) on the following answers (B). There may be several variants.
1. А:
В: There are two planes to Paris on Tuesday -at 2.30 and 7.30.
2. A: _________________________________________
B: It leaves in 20 minutes from platform three.
3. A: __________________________________________
B: Number 57 stops right in front of the opera house.
4. A ____________________________________
B: It's about twenty minutes by bus and ten minutes by taxi.
5. A: _________________________________________
B: Lead-free is 75p and diesel is 68p.
6. A ______________________________
B: You can only smoke in restricted smoking areas.
1 | |
2 | |
3 | |
4 | |
5 | |
6 |
Task 6. Answer the questions of these real situations.
1. A: Excuse me, could you tell me where the ladies' toilets are?
2. A: Do you happen to know when the supermarket closes?
B: _________________________________
3. A: Could you tell me where I can find a police station?
B: ___________________________________
4. A: Excuse me. Where do the buses that go to the centre stop?
B ____________________________________
5. A: What is on the local cinema this week?
B ____________________________
1 | |
2 | |
3 | |
4 | |
5 |
Task 7. Give answers (B) to the questions (A). Use the given key words.
1. A: I’m afraid I’ve lost my passport. What should I do?
B: (Russian embassy) __________.
2. A: I’d like to try the local cuisine. Can you suggest a traditional Russian dish?
B: (pelmeni) ________________.
3. A: Can you help me? Should I take the train to Verhoturye or catch a bus?
B: (bus) ______________.
4. A: I really have to lose some weight.
B: (more exercise) __________.
1 | |
2 | |
3 | |
4 |
Task 8. Look at the map. Describe the way to the given places. You are at the Railway Station.
taxi rank - bank - park - supermarket - petrol station - church - bus station
1 | |
2 | |
3 | |
4 | |
5 | |
6 | |
7 |
Task 9. Express surprise and doubt as the reaction to the given situations. Add one more sentence to the situation.
1. A: Did you know that some animals eat their own young?
B: ____________________________________.
2. A: Watching too much television can cause mental illness.
B: _________________________.
3. A: I’m going to take part in the next Olympic Games.
B: _________________________.
4. A: I’ve passed all my maths tests this year.
B: __________________________.
1 | |
2 | |
3 | |
4 |
Task 10. Write down short mini-dialogues (you and your friend). Express request in the given situations. Choose the appropriate forms of agreement or refusal.
1. You’re in a hurry and your friend is driving the same way. (agree)
You: |
Your friend: |
You: |
2. You’d like to sit next to your friend at the cinema but there are only single seat left. (refuse)
You: |
Your friend: |
You: |
Task 11. Match statements (1 – 5) with statements (a – e) to make mini-dialogues of telephone conversations.
- Could you take a message, please?
- Can you call again later?
- Hello.
- Can I speak to William, please?
- I’m afraid he’s not in at the moment.
- Hello. Peter Clark speaking,
- Could I call later then?
- Just a minute, I’ll call him.
- Yes, of course, I'll just get a pen.
- Well ..., I’m afraid I’ll be very busy all day.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Task 12. Read the situations of telephone conversations. Make the dialogues, using the instructions given in the brackets.
- John is calling his girlfriend Ann to make a date with her. Ann is in the bathroom and her father answers the phone. (John - Ann’s father)
- Mr Smith is calling a hotel in London to book a room for his family. The receptionist answers the phone. (Mr Smith - receptionist)
- A boy is calling his father at work to tell him that he’s had a car accident and the car is seriously damaged. The father’s colleague answers the phone. (boy - father's colleague)
4. Someone is calling a taxi company to order a taxi for a specific time tomorrow. The taxi operator answers the phone. (you - taxi operator)
UNIT 2. Индустрия Гостеприимства и Размещения. (Hospitality and Accommodation industry).
Text A: The Structure of Modern Hospitality Industry.
Hospitality industry is a current term to refer to a wide range of businesses, dedicated to the service of people away from home. The industry is concerned with their accommodation (provision of places to stay), provision of fare (food at table), transportation (traveling and tours), and recreation (relaxation and entertainment).
The institutions which provide these services have undergone long evolution from the Roman and Greek taverns to the modem restaurants (the term was coined by the Parisian cook Boulanger who called his famous soups “restoratives”), from the Medieval inns to the modern five-star palace hotels, from the Persian khans (combination of stables for camels and sleeping places for people) to modern motels (hotels which provide accommodations for motorists).
Service at these establishments has also undergone changes from discriminatory feeding (different meals served to the guests of different rank), the table d'hote (“table of the host” at which the guests had to eat with the landlord and his family at a nominal cost) to the ordinaries (eating places that served a fixed menu at a fixed price). The nineteenth century established a custom of eating out (having a good meal at a restaurant as a treat) and created concepts such as a la carte (dishes cooked to order and priced individually), catering (arranging food and drink functions for big groups of people at a restaurant), institutional food service (serving members of particular societal institutions, such as schools, offices, industrial enterprises, etc.).
Advanced technology of the twentieth century has brought great changes in hospitality industry. People expect a wide range of accommodations and rates: B&B (bed and breakfast) (a rate that combines a night’s accommodation with a breakfast the following day), American plan (a rate that includes three meals a day), and European plan (an accommodation-only rate that includes no meal). People also expect a wide range of dining choices from full-service restaurants (restaurants that cook to order more than a dozen main-course items) to cafeterias (self-service restaurants where food is displayed on a counter and the guests can pick what they like). The institutional food service establishments of this type are usually called canteens. The fast-paced century created fast food industry (quick-service restaurants that offer limited menus) and a great variety of tourist and leisure facilities, both commercial (which compete for their customers in the open market) and non-commercial (financed from the state budget).
Being dedicated to the service of people away from home, hospitality industry is concerned with their accommodation, provision of food and drink, their transportation and entertainment. That is why the institutions, which provide these services, are divided into three branches: hotel business (provision of places to stay), restaurant business (provision of food and drink), and tourist business (provision of transport and entertainment).
The HOTELS may be classified according to location, prices, and type of services offered. By virtue (свойство) of their location, hotels may be central (situated in the city center), resort (in exotic locations), airport (for air passengers), and freeway (on the highways). By virtue of prices, hotels can be classified into luxury, up-scale, mid-scale, and budget. And by virtue of services offered, hotels may be classified into full-service (with all sorts of services), economy (offering clean, reasonably sized and furnished rooms), residential (for long-term guests), all-suite hotels (rooms with adjacent lounge and kitchenette area).
Classification of RESTAURANTS may be based on two factors: menu and services offered. According to the menu, there are two main categories: full-service and specialty/ restaurants. Restaurants of the first type have more than a dozen main-course items that are cooked to order. Specialty restaurants specialize in one dish (pizza, hamburger, chicken, steak, seafood, etc.). According to the services, the restaurants are classified into occasion (also called luxury) and casual restaurants. Two types of services are used in occasion restaurants: French service (the food arranged on platters (большое плоское блюдо) and presented to guests, after which the preparation is completed on a trolley-like side table with a gas burner), and Russian service (the food is cooked in the kitchen, placed onto a serving dish, and served to the guests individually with a serving spoon and fork). Casual dining is characterized by relaxed atmosphere, where not only Russian service is typical, but also its simplified version called American service (the food is prepared and put into individual plates in the kitchen before being carried into the dining room), and even buffet- type service (self-service).
The TOURIST BUSINESS deals with promoting, transportation and accommodation. Among the promoters are tour wholesalers (who design and package tours), tour operators (who sell tour packages to tourists and act as escorts (guides), travel agencies (who sell on behalf of airlines, rail and bus companies). The transportation businesses are airlines, cruise lines, rental auto and bus companies. The accommodation businesses are motels (hotels for motorists), resort hotels (hotels in exotic places for people on holiday), destination-management companies (organizations in charge of developing and implementing tourist programs in the areas attractive to tourists). The tourist market is divided into segments (user-groups) according to the buying possibilities of the clients: mass, middle and luxury markets. People who travel with a group make a group inclusive tour, and those who prefer to travel alone are called independent. When the people are taught to deal with ecology of the region they are visiting, they are called ecotourists.
Task 1. Find in the text English equivalents to the Russian phrases.
Russian phrases | English equivalents |
| _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ |
| _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ |
| _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ |
4. Девятнадцатый век установил обычай есть вне дома (заказывать хорошую еду в ресторанах в качестве удовольствия) и создал такое понятие как «a la carte» (блюда, приготовленные на заказ и стоящие отдельно). | _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ |
5. Люди ожидают широкий спектр проживания и разрядов: B & B (ночлег и завтрак) (разряд, сочетающий в себе размещение на ночь с завтраком на следующий день), американский план (разряд, включающий в себя питание три раза в день), и европейский план (разряд, обеспечивающий только проживание, и не включает в себя еду). | _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ |
6. Вот почему учреждения, которые предоставляют эти услуги, делятся на три разновидности: гостиничный бизнес (предоставление мест для проживания), ресторанный бизнес (предоставление еды и питья), и туристический бизнес (предоставление транспорта и развлечения). | _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ |
7. Гостиницы могут быть классифицированы в зависимости от местоположения, цены и типа предлагаемых услуг. | _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ |
8. Классификация ресторанов может быть основаны на двух факторах: меню и услугах. | _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ |
9. Два вида услуг используются в ресторанах: Французский сервис (еда расположена на больших плоских блюдах …, и на Русский сервис (пища готовится на кухне, помещается на блюдо и подается гостям индивидуально с ложкой и вилкой). | _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ |
10. Туристический бизнес имеет дело с предложением, транспортировкой и размещением. | _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ |
11. Когда люди изучают экологию региона, который они посещают, они называются экотуристами. | _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ |
Task 2. Which of the following statements are true or false.
T | F | Hospitality industry is concerned with accommodation, catering, transportation, and recreation of people. |
T | F | Persian khans provide accommodations for motorists. |
T | F | The nineteenth century prohibited a custom of eating out and concepts such as a la carte, catering and institutional food service. |
T | F | American plan is an accommodation-only rate that includes no meal. |
T | F | Fast food industry is quick-service restaurants that offer limited menus. |
T | F | Depending on the prices, hotels can be classified into luxury, up-scale, mid-scale and budget. |
T | F | By virtue of services offered, hotels may be central, resort, airport, and freeway. |
T | F | Two types of services are used in occasion restaurants: French service and Russian service. |
T | F | Such types of services are used in casual restaurants: Russian service, American service, and buffet- type service. |
T | F | The tourist market is divided into segments according to the buying possibilities of the clients: mass, middle and luxury markets. |
T | F | When the people are taught to deal with ecology of the region they are visiting, they are called ecotourists. |
Task 3. Match the words (1-13) and their definitions (a-k). Two words are extra, which you do not use.
1 | accommodation | a | organizations in charge of developing and implementing tourist programs in the areas attractive to tourists |
2 | freeway | b | a rate that includes three meals a day |
3 | transportation | c | provision of transport and entertainment |
4 | fast food industry | d | self-service |
5 | recreation | e | traveling and tours |
6 | buffet- type service | f | serving members of particular societal institutions, such as schools, offices, industrial enterprises, etc. |
7 | motels | g | provision of places to stay |
8 | B&B | h | quick-service restaurants that offer limited menus |
9 | institutional food service | i | hotels on the highways |
10 | hospitality industry | j | relaxation and entertainment |
11 | tourist business | k | bed and breakfast |
12 | American plan | ||
13 | destination-management companies |
a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k |
Task 4. Build the nouns from the verbs using suffices –er/or.
1. He writes books for children. He is a popular writ....
2. They plan to borrow a big sum next year. There are many borrow... on the market now.
3. This company exports computers to many countries. They are among the most popular export....
4. Many copanies use this programme. We are us...of this programme too.
5. - What companies import cars?
- Oh, there are very many import... of cars.
7. She designs beautiful houses. She is a very talented design...
Task 5. Translate the sentences into Russian paying attention to the “either…or”. (или …или)
- You can either use this method or that one.
- When there is a crisis, they either do nothing of do something useless.
- You can use either a diskette or a disk.
- You can either walk or take a lift.
5. Casual dining is characterized by relaxed atmosphere, either Russian service or American service is typical in such kinds of restaurants, and even buffet- type service is typical here too.
6. People are suggested a wide range of accommodations and rates: either American or European plan.
Text B: Ekaterinburg hotels types
According to the quality of service and a number of optional facilities and services, all hotels can be divided into 6 groups. The cost and quality of hotels are usually indicative of the range and type of services available.
1. Business-hotels and boutique hotels of Ekaterinburg
These Ekaterinburg hotels make 24% of Ekaterinburg hotel industry. They are oriented on business tourists. Boutique Ekaterinburg hotels provide an exceptional and personalized level of accommodation, services and facilities. Atrium-Palace hotel, Hyatt Regency Ekaterinburg, Novotel Ekaterinburg, Park Inn by Residor SAS, Ekaterinburg Premier Hotel, Magister hotel, Trans Hotel, Alezandrovsky Park hotel, Grand-Avenue Hotel, Voznesensky hotel, Ramada Yekaterinburg, Angelo Airport hotel can be refers to this group.
2. Middle Class Ekaterinburg hotels
Middle Class Ekaterinburg hotels make up 13% of the hotels. Hotels of this group have sufficient number of rooms, average quality of service. They are in popular demand due to budget prices. These hotels are designed for business tourists and tourist groups. Among these hotels are Ekaterinburg-Tsentralny hotel, Iset-hotel, Octyabrskaya hotel, Moscovskya Gorka hotel, Home Hotel, City Hotel, Suite hotel, Onegin Plaza, Richmond Ekaterinburg, Senator, Grand-Hall, Green Park hotel, Eurohotel.
3. Ekaterinburg hotels founded in Soviet time. (Ekaterinburg was Sverdlovsk)
Hotels build in Soviet times make up 28% of all Ekaterinburg hotels. These hotels have old rooms, below the average service, a few facilities or their absence. In fact, most of these hotels are more like hostels, some of them are partly reconstructed. Mostly, these hotels are for tourist groups, pupils, students, sportsmen. Such hotels as Bolshoy Ural (Big-Ural hotel), Circus Actors hotel, Protex, Sverdlovsk hotel belong to this group.
4. Budget Ekaterinburg hotels
These health resorts and centre, sport-hotels make up about 14% hotels. These hotels are situated in the suburbs and offer health or sport services. Hotels of this group are for sportsmen and those who want to get treatment in sanatoriums or just have a rest. Hermitage hotel, AVS hotel, Dynamo hotel, Izumrud hotel, Rings hotel refer to this group. Hermitage hotel also has conference services.
5. Trading Centers Hotels in Ekaterinburg
Hotels in the trading-entertainment centers (TEC) make up 9% of hospitality industry: Ekaterininskaya, Luna-2000, Antey, Taganskaya. Hotels of this group are situated in the buildings designed for other purposes. Usually they occupy 1-3 floors of a TEC and don't offer their own facilities and services, but advertise TEC's services. They don't have a team and are not very popular with tourists.
6. Ekaterinburg Mini-hotels
Mini-hotels make 12% of hospitality industry in Ekaterinburg. These hotels are also situated in the buildings, designed for other purposes. Usually they occupy a few floors of apartment houses. They do not provide other additional guest services. These hotels are oriented on different groups of tourists. Kolosok hotel, Inter-Hotel, Akvamarin, Protex hotel, Shartash, Fort, Vneshservice (Inerservice) , Zoloto-Platina, Chetire Sesona (Four Seasons), Galant-Hotel, Zolotoy Kluch (Golden Key), Karpey, Medrelax mini-hotel (3 rooms), Osto, Respect-hall hotel, Transagenstvo hotel, Sokol refer to this group.
Mainly, hotel services are popular among foreigners (citizens of Germany, France, Great Britain, Switzerland, USA and other countries) and tourists from Moscow.
Representatives of travel agencies in Ekaterinburg, who work in the inner tourism segment, state that Ekaterinburg lacks hotels of 2 and 3 stars category. In their opinion, a standard room should cost no more than 70-90$, breakfast is included (buffet).
Task 1. Answer the following questions according to the text.
Questions | Answers |
| _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ |
| _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ |
| _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ |
4. What segment of tourists are Business-hotels and Boutique hotels oriented on? | _________________________________ _________________________________ |
5. Boutique Ekaterinburg hotels provide an exceptional and personalized level of accommodation, services and facilities, don’t they? . | _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ |
6. What hotel can be refers to this group? Name some of them. | _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ |
7. What segment of tourists are Middle Class Ekaterinburg hotels designed for? | _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ |
8. What kind of service can Middle Class Ekaterinburg hotels suggest to tourists? | _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ |
9. What hotel are among these ones? Name some of them. | _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ |
10. What kind of tourists are Hotels build in Soviet times for? What are they like more? What are they? | _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ |
11. How can Budget Ekaterinburg hotels be classified as? | _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ |
12. What kind of service and for what segment of tourists do Budget Ekaterinburg hotels offer to the public? Name some of them. | _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ |
13. What percentage of hospitality industry do Hotels in the trading-entertainment centers (TEC) make up? | _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ |
14. Do Hotels in the trading-entertainment centers (TEC) offer their own facilities and services? Are they very popular with tourists? What are they? | _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ |
15. Mini-hotels are situated in the buildings, designed for other purposes, aren’t they? Do they provide other additional guest services? Do you know some of them? | _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ |
16. What do representatives of travel agencies in Ekaterinburg, who work in the inner tourism segment, state? | _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ |
Task 2. Complete the sentences in the text with the words and combinations from the box.
tours, rates, views, lodging, hotel, a conference hall, walk |
Most high-profile business travelers traditionally take up 1 ___________ in the Hyatt Regency Yekaterinburg. It is a few minutes' 2 __________ from the main city square. This is the only 3 ___________ in the city with 4 ___________ that can accommodate more than 1,000 people. The hotel has 280 rooms, a spa and fitness center with a gym, sauna, hammam treatment, and Jacuzzi, as well as an indoor swimming pool with a sun terrace and panoramic 5 _________ of the city, two restaurants and three lounge bars. The hotel can arrange 6 ___________ of Yekaterinburg’s historical district and transport to Koltsovo Airport. Nightly 7 ___________ range from $400 to $2150.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
Task 3. Translate the sentences into Russian:
- The cost and quality of hotels are usually indicative of the range and type of services available.
- Boutique Ekaterinburg hotels provide an exceptional and personalized level of accommodation, services and facilities. ____________________________________________________________________
- Middle Class Ekaterinburg hotels have sufficient number of rooms, average quality of service. They are in popular demand due to budget prices.
4. Hotels build in Soviet times have old rooms, below the average service, a few facilities or their absence. ____________________________________________________________________
5. These health resorts and centre, sport-hotels are for sportsmen and those who want to get treatment in sanatoriums or just have a rest. ____________________________________________________________________
6. Hotels in the trading-entertainment centers (TEC) are situated in the buildings designed for other purposes. Usually they occupy 1-3 floors of a TEC and don't offer their own facilities and services, but advertise TEC's services. ____________________________________________________________________
7. Mini-hotels make 12% of hospitality industry in Ekaterinburg. They do not provide other additional guest services. These hotels are oriented on different groups of tourists.
UNIT 3. Достопримечательности. Лучшие места для путешественников в Екатеринбурге. (Attractions and Sightseeing. The best destinations for travelers in Yekaterinburg.)
Text A. The best destinations for travelers in Yekaterinburg.
Task 1. Read and translate the text about the best destinations for travelers in Yekaterinburg.
Founded in 1723, Yekaterinburg is on the border of Europe and Asia and is not only the economic, scientific and cultural center of the Urals, but also a city of secrets concealing many unique attractions.
More than 150,000 foreign guests from all over the world come to Yekaterinburg annually, with many of them arriving on business trips. Seeing all the sights of Yekaterinburg during a short business trip is impossible, yet one can capture the city’s special atmosphere by following these selected routes.
An aerial view of Yekaterinburg
Catch Yekaterinburg from the air at the observation deck of the skyscraper “Vysotsky,” Siberia’s tallest building. The 54-story, 188-meter skyscraper is the northernmost skyscraper in the world. From its platform it is possible to see the beautiful panorama of the Iset River; the Church of All Saints, built on the execution site of the Romanov family; and Yekaterinburg’s old and new neighborhoods. From here it is also possible to see an unfinished 219-meter television tower. Before construction plans were put on hold in the early 1990s, it was to reach 400 meters, which would have made it the second largest such tower in the country.
Hours: Monday to Sunday 10:00-22:00
The border of Europe and Asia
A key place for tourists is any spot marking the border of Europe and Asia. Yekaterinburg and the surrounding region are located in two different continents and there are eight monuments indicating this unique boundary. The most popular stands at the 17th kilometer of the New Moscow highway in a forested area near the city. It is possible to buy souvenirs here, arrange a horse ride or dog sled depending on the season or have a picnic. Skiing and snowboarding are also popular forms of recreation here. Coins commemorating your visit with the symbol of Yekaterinburg and a facetious certificate designating you a “border trespasser” are available at the site. Stones are laid out at the base demarcating Cape Roka, the extreme edge of Europe and Cape Dezhneva, the extreme edge of Asia.
Uktusskiye Mountains
The Uktusskiye Mountains are a rural corner of paradise just a 20-minute journey from the center. They are covered in ancient pine forests containing trees many hundreds of years old and pre-glacial plants have been preserved on its slopes. It is possible to rent a mountain bike or roller skates, go skiing and fire up a grill. There are six different kinds of Russian baths here and a hotel is located near the mountains’ base.
Deer Springs
The most popular nature park in the northern Urals, at Deer Springs one can see the enchanting beauty of the nature of the Urals here with its beautiful forests, rivers, lakes, caves and cliffs. The symbol of the park is the sculpture, “Angela Edinoi Nadezhdy” (the Angel of United Hope) on the banks of the Serga River. Designed by Swedish artist Lena Edvall, it was installed here on September 17, 2005 along with identical statues in Australia, Canada, Peru, Mali, Vanuatu and the U.S. and was inspired by the 2004 terrorist attack on the Madrid subway. Travelers believe that the Angel fulfills the wishes of those that touch its wings. The park is located on the banks of the river Serga, 120 kilometers west of Yekaterinburg. There are several options for hiking, with the longest hike being 14 kilometers in length.
Berezovsky Gold Mine
Berezovsky, a suburb 15 kilometers from the center, is the birthplace of Russian gold. Gold was found here 150 years earlier than the famous California gold rush immortalized by Jack London. Actually, the world’s first gold rush occurred here at the beginning of the 19th century. The longest operating gold mine in the world is located here and has sustained the coffers of Russia for more than 260 years. It is possible to see the rich collection of minerals and rock samples of gold and descend into the mines. Additionally, in the summer one can learn the secrets of artisanal craftsmanship and pan for gold in the gold-rich sand of the River Iset.
Contact Aurum travel agency in Berezovsky at 63 Lenina Street or 7 (343) 694-47-11 for help in organizing excursions.
Task 2. Answer the questions using information from the text.
- What characteristic features of Yekaterinburg can you name?
- Is it possible to see all the sights of Yekaterinburg during a short business trip?
- What kind of panorama of Yekaterinburg is it possible to see from the air at the observation deck of the skyscraper “Vysotsky”?
- What key place for tourists of Yekaterinburg located in two different continents indicates this unique boundary?
- What forms of recreation in the border of Europe and Asia are popular among tourists?
- What Mountains are a rural corner of paradise just a 20-minute journey from the center? What kind of forest covers the slopes of these Mountains ?
- What sculpture is the symbol of Deer Springs park?
- What event inspired Swedish Designer Lena Edvall to install here the statues on September 17, 2005?
- Where did the world’s first gold rush occur at the beginning of the 19th century. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
10. Is the longest operating gold mine in the world located here and has sustained the coffers of Russia for more than 260 years?
Task 3. Use the right variant.
- She (has to, must) leave home early to get to the office in time. The traffic is heavy.
- Tell her that she (must, has to) be here at six. That’s the boss’s instruction.
- Office manager: Employees (have to, must) be at their desks by 9.00.
- The Sellers (have to, are to) deliver the merchandise by 29th September.
- This report (has to, is to) be presented by the year-end.
- - When does the plane arrive in Moscow?
- It (is to, has to) land at 5 o’clock.
Task 4. Complete the sentences in the text with the words and combinations from the box.
get lost, the names, layout, the city, directions |
Be precise when giving and getting (1) __________. Despite the fact that Yekaterinburg's (2) __________ is relatively straightforward, it is still easy to (3) _______ here as many of the names of transportation stops do not correspond to (4) ___________ of nearby streets. Just as an example, Lake Shartash, the Shartash train station, the Shartash market, the Shartash tram stop and the Shartashskaya tram stop are all in different parts of (5) ___________.
1 | |
2 | |
3 | |
4 | |
5 |
Task 5. Match the beginning of the tips (советы) (1 – 12) with their ends (a – l).
Top 15 tips (советы) for business travelers to Yekaterinburg
If you’re headed to Yekaterinburg on business, here’s what you need to know to make your trip a success – everything from how to book a last-minute hotel room to which mobile apps have the best city information.
1. | Take the express train from the airport to the center of the city. |
2. | Organize your trip to the city with a visit to the municipal tourism bureau. |
3. | Book a last-minute hotel room with a single phone call once you arrive. To reserve a hotel room or to receive advice about selecting accommodations, call +7 (343) 278-62-08 or +7 (343) 278-62-08. |
4. | Hire one of more than 300 independent translators via the Business Bureau of the Association of Interpreters. |
5. | Organize your conference with the help of the Yekaterinburg City Congress Bureau. This organization is dedicated to the development of business tourism. |
6. | To rent a car visit Autorenter,.. |
7. | Take time out of your business schedule to experience the diverse cultural offerings of the city. Yekaterinburg has 15 professional theaters, including the renowned Sverdlovsk State Philharmonic Orchestra, which frequently hosts musicians from abroad who play along with the Urals Philharmonic Orchestra, which itself tours all over the world. |
8. | If you’re not sure of where to go, visit one of the many informational kiosks located throughout Yekaterinburg’s center. |
9. | Use the app 2GIS, or the detailed map for directions, hotel information, and for the locations and working hours of places of interest. |
10. | Use apps like Lingopal to help interact with locals. |
11. | Do not drink water from the tap. |
12. | Always take a little cash with you … |
a. | Using 32 different languages, these translators are experts in cultural knowledge including history and local traditions, both useful in business negotiations. The association can also arrange equipment for synchronized interpreting, set up foreign language excursions and organize tours for delegations and VIP guests. Ulitsa 8 Marta 52, Office 607,Monday-Friday 09:00-19:00,+7(343) 237-03-37 or +7(343) 290-14-95 |
b. | The international airport Koltsovo is the largest regional airport in Russia, making it both a regional and international hub. The Express Koltsovo train quickly shuttles passengers to the city, as does public transportation (buses 1, 29 and 67) and taxis. |
c. | … an Internet portal uniting hundreds of car rental companies. |
d. | These kiosks offer information on the city and provide services including hotel bookings and transportation tickets. They can be found at Koltsovo airport; Ulitsa 8 Marta 8e; Ulitsa 8 Marta 21; Ulitsa Vainera 11; Ulitsa Vainera 16; Ulitsa Voevodina 6; Prospekt Lenina 36; Prospekt Lenina 69/10 and Ulitsa Karla Libnekhta 26. There are also many maps on display throughout the city center to help visitors locate streets, museums, theaters, consulates and other places of interest. |
e. | Only drink bottled or filtered water that has been boiled. |
f. | It can help with conference planning and its services include transportation, excursions, translation, hotel reservations and tickets, catering and the leasing of all necessary equipment. +7 912 24 65 715 or +7 (343) 371-79-26. |
g. | The city also boasts more than 50 museums including the Ural Museum of Handicrafts, where visitors can find iron castings, embossed copper, painted metal trays, and handicrafts decorated with local gems. However, the most famous museum is probably the Museum of Stonecutting and Jewelry Art History, which features articles containing malachite, unique emerald ore and decorative jewelry from throughout the region. Yekaterinburg is surrounded by a “green necklace” comprised of 15 parks. In the city itself there are 15 large parks, with locals' favorites being Kharitonovsky Garden, Mayakovsky Central Park and the Shartash stone formations. For something a little more rigorous, try the ski centers Volchikha, Gora Teplaya and Gora Yezhovaya, as well as the sport center and health spa, Gora Belaya. |
h | Google Maps is also quite useful if you’re in the center of the city. |
i | Here, one can find information and book accommodations ranging from budget hostels to rooms in big international chains. They can arrange pickups, car rentals and bus rentals for larger groups. Additionally, the bureau is able to organize excursions around the city and the region with more than 40 options from walking tours to weeklong hikes through the mountains. Ulitsa 8 Marta 21, Monday-Friday 10:00-19:00, Saturday-Sunday 10:00-17:00, +7 (343) 222-24-45 |
j | … as not every establishment accepts cards and occasionally terminals are out of service. |
k | Few signs are translated into English and it is unlikely that passersby, sales clerks and waitstaff will know English very well. Using the mobile app Lingopal should help in solving most problems. |
l | There is no cost for this service and no deposit is necessary at the time of reservation. On the following website you can find a list of conference halls, along with prices, descriptions and available equipment: http://bronirovat.ru/. |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
Task 6. Read the dialogue in Café. Match English phrases (1 – 11) with their Russian equivalents (a – k). Using the dialogue as an example and make your own dialogue in Café.
1 | We still have time. Maybe we should get a bite to eat? | a | Ах ты, сладкоежка. |
2 | Look over there, this cafe is cute. | b | С вас тринадцать пятьдесят. |
3 | Do you want coffee? | c | Вам капучино большой, средний или маленький? |
4 | I know, I’m kidding, you don’t drink coffee. | d | Вон, смотри, кафешка хорошая. |
5 | How about carrot cake? | e | Мне, пожалуйста, молочный коктейль, сэндвич с ветчиной и сыром и морковный торт. |
6 | Ah, you and your sweet tooth… | f | Кофе будешь? |
7 | Can I please have a milkshake, a ham and cheese sandwich, and carrot cake? | g | Средний, пожалуйста. |
8 | And that cookie, too, please. | h | И еще вон то печенье. |
9 | Would you like a large, medium, or small cappuccino? | i | Знаю, шучу. Ты кофе не пьешь. |
10 | A medium, please. | g | А морковный торт? |
11 | That’ll be 13.50 | k | У нас еще есть время. Может, перекусим? |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
Task 7. Order food you want according to the model:
1. You want to order vegetable soup — I’ll have vegetable soup, please
- mixed salad - ____________________________________________________
- black caviar - ___________________________________________________
- smoked salmon and baked potatoes- _________________________________
- tomato soup - ___________________________________________________
- jellied fruit _____________________________________________________
- ice-cream with chocolate and topping __________________________________________________________________
- stewed rabbit ___________________________________________________
- roast lamb -_____________________________________________________
- braised beef and onions -__________________________________________
- Pancakes - __________________________________________________
2. You don’t know the meaning of ‘zabaglione” — Could you tell me what “zabaglione’ is?
- pommes anna - _________________________________________
- Souvlaki - ____________________________________________
- foo yung - ____________________________________________
- sause bearnaise - ______________________________________
- caesar salad - __________________________________________
- chicken a la Kiev - ______________________________________
- Kvass - _______________________________________________
- prime rib - __________________________________________
- Raviolli - _________________________________________
- boeufs en cocotte - _________________________________
3. You want to have breakfast in bed — I feel like having breakfast in bed.
You don’t want to have any soup — I don’t feel like having any soup.
You want | You don’t want |
to have a full copy of the bill
to have a continental breakfast
to have any spirits
to order any desert
to have a full English breakfast
to dine out
to have an extra napkin
Task 8. Use the dialogues in task 5 and 6 as examples and make your own dialogue in Café.
UNIT 4. Деловая переписка. Оформление претензий. Решение конфликтных ситуаций. (Business letters. Letters of Complaints and Claims. Handling Complaints).
Task 1. Read and translate text “Dealing with Complaints and Claims”.
A Complaint is a statement that one is unhappy about something: “children's complaints about the food”, “the holidaymakers sat in the bar, complaining about the weather”, “the customer came back with a complaint about the i-pod”.
A claim is a demand for money or other benefit:” I told them to claim their money back”, “The customer made a claim under the guarantee”. A claim can also be an allegation or an accusation, but this is usually as a verb. The police claim that he was travelling at 130 kph.
Here are some tips that will teach you how to handle customer complaints and claims effectively and ensure customer satisfaction.
Allow the Customer to Speak
It is important that you give a patient ear to the customer while he is complaining and do not make an effort to interrupt. The customer is already angry and the interruption would cause his or her temper to flare even further. Allow the customer to describe, in detail, the reason for their unhappiness with the service. The customer may yell and shout, you should never take it personally. Instead, the staff should concentrate on resolving the issue. While you can ask questions to understand the reasons better, it is important that you let the customer speak out his mind. Ask open-ended questions if you are not clear about the issue and this will show the customer you are genuinely interested in understanding their problem and resolving it. It will help the customer calm down and speak more coherently. You should be aware of the difference between a genuine problem that requires solving and a situation where the customer is venting his frustration. So, listen to the complaint carefully to find out what is troubling the custom.
Respect the Guests whatever they be
Regardless of the customer’s race, language, appearance or culture, he or she should be treated with respect and made to feel valued and special. When you respect your customers, you will make an effort to meet their needs, leading them to be satisfied.
Handle the Complaints and Claims Smoothly
When dealing with an irate customer face-to-face or over the phone, it is important to be professional and courteous. Using a polite tone and demeanor will let you show the customer that you are making an effort to understand the situation and can help in defusing it. You should not show your nervousness, as this creates an impression of uncertainty and adds fuel to the fire. By being calm and confident, you will have a more positive effect. The fact that a customer approaches you should be an indication that he believes you would be able to help and resolve his problem. Also, handle the complaint positively. See it as an opportunity to improve customer service rather than taking it personally. Give your customers alternatives and suggestions if a particular service is not available. Try to convince the customer that you have made a note of their suggestions and show your appreciation by telling them that you will ask management to implement them as soon as possible.
Take Responsibility to Resolve your Customer’s Problem
As much as possible, you should try to resolve the customer’s problem. Remember, the customer has come to you with the hope that you can help them out. This is the time to show them that you are willing to aid them. Unless the situation is something, you cannot resolve or address, avoid transferring the problem to another person. But if you do have to take the complaint to someone else then, stay on the call until the other person answers, first introduce the caller and transition the situation then after make sure that person understands the problem very clearly and is now full of aware the customer’s name and problem. Never blindly transfer an angry caller, if the call is forwarded to a voicemail box or gets disconnected, the customers will be more angry when they call back.
Ask the Customer for an Appropriate Solution
Many times asking the customer to suggest an appropriate solution can go a long way in diffusing the situation. Also, if the solution is reasonable and you have the authority, you can immediately act upon it. If you do not have the authority, explain this to the customer and give him a period within which his problem will be resolved. If the customer gives an unreasonable solution, be calm and explain why the hotel cannot use it. Then give the customer an alternative to calm him down. It is important that you first apologize and then to suggest an appropriate solution. This transition should be seamless (плавный, без пауз). Immediately after apologizing for the inconvenience caused, you should inform the customer of steps you will take to address his complaint and how long it will take. This is only possible if you listen to the customer’s complaint and understand it completely.
Task 2. Which of the following statements are True or False.
T | F | It is important to let the customer speak out his mind while you are asking questions to understand the reasons of complaint. |
T | F | Many times asking the customer to suggest an appropriate solution could go a long way in diffusing the situation. |
T | F | You will be able to inform the customer of steps you are going to take to address his complaint and how long it will take only if you listen to the customer’s complaint and understand it completely. |
T | F | When dealing with an irate customer face-to-face or over the phone, it is vital to be professional and courteous. |
Task 3. Answer the questions using information from the text.
1. What is the main requirement for dealing with complaints?
2. What is necessary to do to ensure customer satisfaction?
3. Why is it not recommended to interrupt the customer?
4. How should the dissatisfied customer be treated when the complaint is to be taken to someone else?
5. What will allow you to confirm that the problem has really been resolved?
Task 4. Match the words (1 - 6) with their definitions (a – f).
1 | complaint | a | to tell someone that you are sorry for doing something wrong or for causing a problem |
2 | satisfaction | b | an annoying problem or situation, especially one that forces you to make an extra effort to do something |
3 | apologize | c | a written or spoken statement in which someone says they are not satisfied with something |
4 | inconvenience | d | the feeling of pleasure that you get when you achieve or obtain something that you want |
5 | improve | e | a way to solve a problem or to deal with a bad situation |
6 | solution | f | to make something better |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
Task 5. Complete the sentences in the text with the words and combinations from the box.
C complaint satisfaction apologize inconvenience improve solution |
You should (1)__________ to your customers for wasting their time. Friendly service and low prices all contribute to customer (2)_______. Customers are complaining of having to suffer the (3) __________ of the delayed transfer. You must discuss these problems with the other managers and then come up with (4) ____________. Many of us have to manage complaints and feedback as part of our job, and we can use this feedback to (5) ________ the way in which we work. Customers lodged a formal (6)___________about the way they were treated.
1 | |
2 | |
3 | |
4 | |
5 | |
6 |
Task 6. Make the right order of the Top Ten Ways of Handling Guest Complaints.
a | Isolate the guest if possible, so that other guests will not overhear. | |
b | Stay calm. Do not argue with the guest. | |
c | Follow up. Even if was the complaint resolved by someone else, contact the guest to ensure that the problem was resolved satisfactory. | |
d | Monitor the progress of the corrective action. | |
e | Take notes. Writing down the key facts saves time if someone else must get involved. Guest tends to slow down when they see the front desk agent trying to write down the issue. | |
f | Set an approximate time for completion of corrective actions. Be specific, but do not underestimate the amount of time it will take to resolve the problem. | |
g | Listen with concern and empathy. | |
h | Be aware of the guest’s self-esteem. Show a personal interest in the problem. Try to use the guest’s name frequently. | |
i | Tell the guest what can be the best done. Offer choices. Do not promise the impossible, and do not exceed your authority. | |
j | Give the guest your undivided attention. Concentrate on the problem, no on placing blame. Do NOT insult the guest. |
Task 7. Read and translate instructions on writing a response to a letter of complaint and claim.
1. Summarize the complaint to allow the reader to see that you understand the customer’s complaint. Repeating the complaint does not mean that you agree, but it shows that you listened and understood. State that you empathize with the customer’s frustration.
2. Explain what went wrong, or why it happened. If you need to investigate, advise the customer immediately and assure him that you will provide updates during a lengthy investigation. Do not forget to send those updates.
3. Tell the customer how you have resolved the problem or plan to stymie (ставить в тупик) it in the future. Answer each complaint in the customer’s letter. Do not skip or ignore any issue.
4. Offer the customer something, such as an apology, gift certificate, discount on the next order, a refund or priority service with the next order. Customers need to know that you appreciate their patronage and time taken to write.
5. Close the letter by telling the customer what to do next, such as writing again if dissatisfied in the future. The customer needs assurance and a clear idea about future action. End with action rather than vague (расплывчатые) generalities.
Task 8. Read and translate two Samples of Letters: Complaint Letter and Letter for an Insurance Claim. Write the response to one of these Letters. Use the modal given in the box and the Instructions from Task 7.
Letter for an Insurance Claim From (Your name, Your Address, Your City state, Your Phone number, Your Email, Date) To (Name, Position, Department, Office address, City, State,). Dear Sir, This is regarding the insurance claim for my car. My policy number is ____________. The details of the accident are as given below: I parked my vehicle in the parking area at my office. Unfortunately a delivery truck tried to park between two cars and hit my car from behind. The body from behind got smashed. When I realized I immediately contacted your customer care and gave the details. I checked all my Insurance papers and realized that I am eligible for a claim of ____________ .Your Company sent a representative and filed the report and they told that they will call me soon regarding the insurance and will get the feedback from the company at the earliest. I would like to bring to your notice that I didn’t get any correspondence from the company yet in spite of my reminders for last ten days. Kindly look into it and expecting a positive response at the earliest. Thanking you |
Complaint Letter To the Customer Service Department of Big company Ltd. 10th May 2014 Dear Sir/Madam, I recently bought a new tripod from your New York branch on the 2nd May 2014, two days later when I needed to use it on a shoot the holding bevel came apart rendering the tripod completely useless. I have bought many items from your company and have always been pleased in the past, however with this item I am disappointed and would require you to replace the tripod with a different model to the same value. I expect to hear back from you with a full resolution to their issue by 24th May 2014 at the very latest. Yours sincerely/Yours faithfully D.M. Daye |
Dear, On behalf of < Company Name>, please accept my apology for your … at the We strive to ensure... To prove to you that we take every complaint seriously, we have enclosed … We hope you will see the improvement and enjoy your time with us in your next purchase. Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or comments concerning your purchasing. Thank you. Sincerely Yours, |
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ |
Приложение 1
Получение и сообщение информации (Getting and giving the information)
1. Как поздороваться и попрощаться
Как поздороваться | 1. Good morning./Good afternoon./Good evening. 2. Hello./Hi. 3. How are you? – I’m fine, thank you, and you? – I’m fine, thanks. |
Как попрощаться | 1. Goodbye./bye. 2. See you./See you soon./See you on Monday. 3. Have a nice time./Have a good weekend. 4. Don’t forget to drop me a line. 5. I’ll call you 6. Give me a ring some time! |
Как представить других | 1. John, this is Peter./John, meet Peter. 2. John, I’d like you to meet Peter. 3. Let me introduce Peter Black to you./May I introduce Peter Black. |
Как представиться | 1. My name’s Peter Jones./I'm Peter Jones. 2. Nice to meet you. /Pleased to meet you. 3. How do you do? |
Как начать разговор | 1. Excuse me, is this seat taken?/ Excuse me, could you tell me the time? 2. Have you been here before? I’m new here. 3. Peter, is that you? We haven’t seen each other for… 4. Lovely weather, isn’t it? – Yes, it is |
Как закончить разговор | 1. Well, it’s been nice talking to you. 2. I’m sorry, I must be going. 3. Bye, bye, take care. |
2. Как поддержать разговор.
Как попросить объяснить или повторить | 1. Could you repeat that, please? 2. Sorry, I didn’t catch what you said. Could you say it again, please? 3. I’m not sure to understand. Could you explain that, please? 4. What do you mean ..?/I don’t quite see what you mean. |
Как вежливо вступить в разговор | 1. By the way,.. 2. Excuse me, I’d just like to say that… 3. May I say something? |
Как выразить неуверенность | 1. You see …/Well,../In fact,../Actually,.. 2. The point is… 3. Let me think,.. 4. Frankly speaking,.. |
3. Как запросить и получить информацию.
Как запросить информацию | 1. Could you tell me where I can find a drug store? 2. Excuse me, what size is this jacket? 3. I wonder if you could help me? 4. Do you know this bus goes to Victoria Station? |
Как сообщить информацию | 1. Yes, of course. It’s just round the corner. 2. I’m afraid I don’t know. Ask the man over there. 3. Well, let me think… |
Как дать отказ предоставить информацию | 1. I have no idea./I’m sorry, I really don’t know./I don’t live here. 2. I can’t tell you. I’m afraid. I’m a tourist myself. |
4. Как дать указания и совет.
Как попросить дать указания | 1. Do you know how to fill this form? 2. Could you tell me how to operate this cash machine? 3. Excuse me, how do you make this thing work? |
Как сформулировать инструкцию | 1. You press this button and then a red light appears. 2. You fill in this form then go to the counter. 3. Be careful, don’t touch the handle. |
Как дать совет | 1. You’d better not drink so much coffee. 2. Why don’t you look for a job? 3. I think you could talk to him once more. 4. I don’t think you should take this exam now. 5. If I were you, I’d smile more often. |
5. Как показать дорогу.
Как спросить дорогу | 1. Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the station, please? 2. How can I get to the Centre? 3. Excuse me, I’m trying to find the Cathedral. |
Как показать дорогу | 1. Walk/Drive/Go straight on untill you see/reach the church. 2. Turn left at the traffic light. 3. Cross the street at the zebra crossing. 4. Take a number 23 bus and get off at the seventh bus stop. 5. It’ five minutes from here on foot/by bus/by car. 6. The bank is right in front of you. |
6. Как выразить различные чувства.
Как выразить удивление и сомнение | 1. What a surprise! 2. It can’t be true! 3. You must be kidding./You must be joking. 4. I’m shoked./I’m surprised to hear that! |
Как выразить страх и как успокоить человека | 1. I’m really worried about… 2. I’m scared to death. 3. It was the most frightening experience I’ve ever had! 4. Don’t worry! It’ll be all right! 5 That’s nothing to worry about. |
Как выразить ощущения | 1. I could smell cigarette smoke. 2. She looks terrific! 3. The soup tasted delicious – spicy but not too hot. 4. I felt something like cold and wet touching my neck. |
7. Как выразить просьбу.
Как выразить просьбу | 1. Will you help me with this bag? 2. Do you think you could close the window? 3. Could you lend me some money? 4. Do you mind speaking more slowly? 5. Would you mind waiting a little/give me a lift? |
Как дать отказ | 1. Sorry I can’t. 2. I can’t help you. I’m afraid. 3. I’d love to, but… 4. I’m awfully sorry, but I have to… |
Как выразить согласие | 1. Sure. OK. 2. I’d love to. I’d be glad. 3. By all means. |
7. Как говорить по телефону.
Как начать телефонный разговор | 1. Hello, (this is) Mary Smith speaking. 2. Can I speak to Mr. Brown, please? 3. I’d like to speak to Peter, please. – Speaking. |
Как попросить оставаться на линии | 1. Hang on, I’ll see if she’s in. 2. Just a minute, I’ll connect you. 3. Hold on a sec. I’ll put on you through. 4. Hold on, please./Hold on while I find a pen. |
Как сообщить, что позвать кого-либо к телефону в данный момент невозможно | 1. He’s out, I’m afraid. 2. I’m afraid he’s not available at the moment. 3. Can you call back this afternoon? 4. He’ll call you back as soon as he comes in. |
Как оставить сообщение | 1. Could I leave a message? 2. Do you think you could take a message? 3. Would you like to leave a message? 4. Can I take a message? |
Приложение 2
Языковой комментарий.
Unit 2. Индустрия Гостеприимства и Размещения. (Hospitality and Accommodation industry).
1. hospitality industry 2. accommodation 3. provision of fare 4. transportation 5. recreation 6. khan 7. motel 8. discriminatory feeding 9. the table d'hote 10. ordinaries 11. eating out 12. a la carte 13. catering 14. institutional food service 15. B&B (bed and breakfast) 16. American plan 17. European plan 18. full-service restaurants 19. cafeterias 20. canteens 21. fast food industry 22. leisure facilities 23. commercial 24. non-commercial 25. entertainment 26. resort 27. freeway 28. Luxury 29. up-scale 30. mid-scale 31. budget 32. full-service 33. residential 34. all-suite hotels 35. specialty restaurants 36. occasion restaurants 37. casual restaurants 38. cooked to order 39. buffet- type service 40. tour wholesalers 41. tour operators 42. guides 43. travel agencies 44. airlines 45. cruise lines 46. rental auto and bus companies 47. destination-management companies 48. segments 49. middle 50. independent | 1. индустрия гостеприимства 2. размещение 3. заказ еды за оплату 4. перевозка (туризм и путешествие) 5. отдых и развлечение 6. хан, караван-сарай (стойбище для верблюдов и место для ночлега людей) 7. мотель (отель, предоставляющий размещение для автолюбителей) 8. трапеза, отличающаяся в зависимости от ранга и сословия гостя 9. “хозяин угощает” (трапеза, при которой гость должен отведать угощение хозяина вместе с его семьей за символическую плату) 10. дежурное блюдо (фиксированное меню по фиксированным ценам) 11. питание вне дома 12. по желанию (на заказ) 13. общественное питание 14. общественное питание учреждений 15. B&B (кровать и завтрак) 16. полный пансион (трехразовое питание) 17. проживание без питания 18. ресторан, предлагающий более 13 видов главных блюд 19. кафетерий, кафе-закусочная 20. столовая 21. индустрия быстрого питания 22. приспособления для отдыха 23. коммерческий 24. некоммерческий (финансируемый из государственного бюджета) 25. развлечение 26. курортный (расположенный в экзотическом месте), 27. вдоль автомагистралей 28. отель - люкс 29. отель - люкс 30. средний уровень 31. бюджетный 32. с полным спектром услуг 33. для проживания 34. отель – люкс 35. специализированные рестораны 36. ресторан - люкс 37. casual restaurants. 38. приготовленный на заказ 39. шведский стол 40. туроптовики (разрабатывают и оформляют туры) 41. туроператоры (продают туры и сопровождают их) 42. гид 43. турагенства 44. авиакомпании 45. круизные компании 46. копании по прокату автомобилей и автобусов 47. туроператоры по приему 48. сегменты (группы пользователей) 49. средний 50. независимый |
UNIT 3. Достопримечательности. Лучшие места для путешественников в Екатеринбурге. (Attractions and Sightseeing. The best destinations for travelers in Yekaterinburg.
1 attractions 2. sightseeing 3. destination 4. border (boundary) 5. conceal 6. annually 7. business trip 8. capture 9. aerial view 10. observation deck 11. skyscraper 12. execution site 13. neighborhoods 14. put on hold 15. construction 16. sidewalk 17. side-by-side 18. architecture 19. contemporary 20. dedicate 21.pre-revolutionary aristocratic mansions 22. campus 23. route 24. pedestrian street 25. embankment 26. surrounding region 27. indicate 28. highway 29. dog sled 30. recreation 31. commemoratе 32. facetious 33. designate 34. “border trespasser” 35. demarcate 36. cape 37. rural corner of paradise 38. pre-glacial plants 39. enchanting 40. hiking 41. immortalized 42. gold rush 43. coffers 44. sustain 45. artisanal craftsmanship 46. pan for gold 47. mobile apps (applications) 48. tip 49. shuttle 50. book a last-minute hotel room 51. waitstaff 52. sweet tooth | 1. достопримечательности 2. достопримечательности 3. направление 4. граница 5. скрывать 6. ежегодно 7. деловая поездка (командировка) 8. захватывать (захват) 9. с высоты птичьего полета 10. смотровая площадка 11. небоскреб 12. место казни 13. окрестности 14. на удержание 15. строительство 16. тротуар 17. бок-о-бок 18. архитектура 19. современный 20. посвящать 21.дореволюционные аристократические особняки 22. территория университета 23. маршрут 24. пешеходная улица 25. набережная 26. окружающая область 27. указывать 28. шоссе 29. собачья упряжка 30. отдых 31. служить напоминанием 32. шуточный 33. определять 34. "нарушитель границы" 35. разграничивать 36. мыс 37. сельский райский уголок 38. приледниковые растения 39. очаровывающий 40. пеший туризм 41. увековеченный 42. золотая лихорадка 43. казна 44. поддерживать 45. кустарное мастерство 46. намыть золота 47. мобильные приложения 48. совет 49. перевозить (курсировать) 50. заказать в последнюю минуту комнату в отеле 51. официанты 52. сладкоежка |
UNIT 4. Деловая переписка. Оформление претензий. Решение конфликтных ситуаций. (Business letters. Letters of Complaints and Claims. Handling Complaints).
1. to handle complaints 2. dissatisfaction 3. evident 4. tip 5. to ensure 6. satisfaction 7. to interrupt 8. to yell 9. to resolve the issue 10. coherently 11. genuine problem 12. to trouble 13. feedback 14. consequence 15. to treat 16. to value 17. courteous 18. uncertainty 19. confident 20. to approach 21. to improve 22. suggestion 23. appreciation to implement 24. frustration 25. apology 26. to empathize 27. to aid 28. authority 29. inconvenience 30. to confirm 31. allegation 32. accusation | 1. работать с жалобами 2. недовольство 3. очевидный 4. рекомендация, совет 5. гарантировать, обеспечивать 6. удовлетворение 7. перебивать 8. кричать, вопить 9. решать проблему 10. понятно, вразумительно 11. истинная проблема 12. беспокоить 13. отклик, отзыв, ответная реакция 14. последствие 15. относиться 16. ценить 17. вежливый, обходительный, учтивый 18. неуверенность 19. уверенный 20. обращаться (с просьбой) 21. улучшать 22. предложение 23. оценка, понимание, признательность 24. разочарование 25. извинение 26. сопереживать 27. помогать, способствовать 28. полномочия 29. неудобство 30. подтверждать 31. утверждение 32. обвинение |
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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