Методическая разработка по английскому языку. Тренировочные упражнения к письменной части ЕГЭ, раздел "Лексика и грамматика"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10, 11 класс) по теме
Практика подготовки к ЕГЭ обучающихся 10 и 11 классов показывает,что многие из них допускают большое количество ошибок в разделах" Словообразование,лексика, грамматика". Поэтому на своих уроках я стараюсь уделять больше внимания именно этим разделам.Я надеюсь,что данные упражнения помогут обучающимся проверить свои знания и закрепить их.
Предварительный просмотр:
Grammar and Vocabulary Practice
Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста.
Do you like playing games with other people, or do you prefer playing on your own?
B4 Children……………… playing since the first humans walked on the Earth ENJOY
thousands of years ago.
B5 Playing ………….to be an important way for children how to work together. SEEM
B6 It also helps………….to find out how the world works. THEY
B7 Indeed, many scientists think that one of the……….. ways for children GOOD
to learn a foreign language, for example, is to learn while playing games.
B8 Children play games and play with toys, but what……… the differences BE
between games and toys?
B9 Firstly, toys …………rules or winners and losers. Most games do. NOT HAVE
B10 Secondly, a toy is always a physical thing that someone…………. MAKE
Some games, like Monopoly or football, need physical equipment
but others, like word games, do not .
B11 There is a well-known……….”School days are the best days of our life” SAY
B12 No…………. at school ever believes it though, and by the time you STUDY
realize it’s true, it’s too late! It’s when you are worried about your
B13……………situation and are beginning to hate the FINANCE
B14…………….of working in an office or factory every day that you BORE
B15 look back fondly on the……………times you had at school. EXCITE
When you are still at school you often focus on the negatives, like having
B16 to pay……………..during a tedious chemistry lesson, being punished ATTEND
B17 for bad………… (when you didn’t do anything wrong anyway) BEHAVE
B18 or feeling………..in an exam because you don’t know any of the HELP
B19 answers and had completely………….the questions. UNDERSTAND
B20 Sally works as a…………for a large modeling agency. STYLE
B21 There is a……………between the fashion of the 1980s and the 1960s. SIMILAR
B22 I think you should lower your……..a little, it’s not easy to become EXSPECT
B23 a supermodel, you know. Let me know when you make a …..... DECIDE
about what to wear for the wedding.
B24 Fashion critics have greeted the new clothing line with………… ENTHUSE
B25 The factory has increased………….of its shoes in an attempt PRODUCE
to keep up with demand.
B26 That necklace is so…………….! BEAUTY
B27 All our clothes are designed for men and women……………. LIKE
B28 If you want to try something…………..this summer, maybe DIFFER
you should consider camping.
B29 A camping holiday can be an extremely………….. and ENJOY
educational experience, whether you are camping on your own
B30 or with friends or ……………… You don’t have to go a long RELATE
way from home as there are often good places to camp
B31 within a short……………. of most towns and cities. DISTANT
B32 Do make sure you have the right…………..though. EQUIP
B33 If there’s a chance it might rain, be …………..to choose a tent CARE
that is waterproof.
B34 Sleeping in a tent that’s wet inside can be very……………… COMFORT
KEYS: B4-have enjoyed, B5-seems, B6-them, B7-best, B-8-are, B9-don’t/do not have
B10-has made/makes, B11-saying, B12-student, B13-financial, B14-boredom,
B15-exciting, B16-attention, B17-behaviour, B18-helpless, B19-misunderstood,
B20-stylist, B21-similarity, B22-expectation, B23-decision, B24-enthusiasm,
B25-production, B26-beautiful, B27-alike, B28-different, B29-enjoyable,
B30-relatives/relations, B31-distance, B32-equipment, B-33-careful,
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