"Знаменитые люди"-комментарий к презентациям
проект по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему

Famous people of Great Britain, people who have made supreme contributions to the society.


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Famous people of Great Britain, people who have made supreme contributions to the society.

Great Britain gave the world a lot of great names.

Among them, there are great discoverers such as James Cook, Sir Francis Drake and Christopher Columbus; great writers-William Shakespeare and Lewis Carroll; great political and social leaders such as Margaret Thatcher, Lady Diana and Florence Nightingale; great singers –John Lennon; great scientists such as Alexander Fleming and Michael Faraday.

Eminent scientists have done a lot of for the mankind. Modern civilization is everything that has been achieved thanks to science. All scientific discoveries have been made by people and we can’t help admiring them because they deepen our knowledge of the Universe.

We’d like to tell you a few words about the people who changed the world, who brought glory to the country. These people made a great contribution into different spheres of life, changed the course of history, developed people’s knowledge of the world, and widen the horizons of the mankind.

(We show the projects)

These people made a great contribution into different spheres of life, changed the course of history, developed people’s knowledge of the world, and widen the horizons of the mankind

As the aim of the project is to find out the secrets of success we have studied the biographies of famous people and learnt that if you are serious about being successful in life then you can do nothing better than educating yourself about the inspirational stories of successful and famous people.

In studying the biographies of successful people, we found out that many of them had a chief interest in one or the other subject and it helped them to succeed.

We understood that the key to success is making your dreams’ come true. We have found several main keys that will help turn our dreams into reality.


Success loves preparation. To succeed, you must be ready when opportunity comes. Spend your time preparing for success, when your opportunity comes, you’ll be glad you did.


 Success is directly and proportionally linked to work. Even an amazing strategy can’t guarantee success if you don’t work hard

Never Stop Learning

Go to school or read books. Get training and acquire skills.


“Confidence is the companion of success.”

If you don’t believe in your abilities no one else does either.

But, when you believe in yourself and your potential you succeed. 


To be successful you must be a great leader.  There’s probably nothing more difficult than being a great leader. You have to do what’s best for the people; you must bring the best out of those in whom you lead.

When you really lead, you will succeed.

Be Persistent and Work Hard

Never give up

It's All Up To You!
- How you see failure, how you look at challenges, how you set goals - so in the end it is a combination of things not just one thing that will contribute to our success!

 As the aim of the project is to find out the secrets of success we have studied the biographies of famous people and learnt that if you are serious about being successful in life then you can do nothing better than educating yourself about the inspirational stories of successful and famous people.

In studying the biographies of successful people, we found out that many of them had a chief interest in one or the other subject and it helped them to succeed.

We understood that the key to success is making your dreams’ come true. We have found several main keys that will help turn our dreams into reality.

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