Текст для чтения "An unlucky traveller" для 6 кл по теме "Путешествия"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему
Текст для чтения для 6 класса по УМК М.З. Биболетовой "Английский с удовольствием" по теме "Путешествия" с заданиями.
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Предварительный просмотр:
- Do you like travelling? Why/ Why not?
- What ways of travelling do you know?
- Read the title and try to guess what the text is about.
An unlucky traveller.
by T. V. Alzinskaya
Do you like travelling? I do. I have made so many trips in my life that you can’t even imagine. I’ve visited a lot of foreign countries, climbed the highest peaks of the world and seen endangered species. I think that I’m lucky not because of all my experience but I haven’t been eaten, poisoned or injured in any way.
It goes without saying I’m fond of travelling but I still remember one trip I took part in when I was a child. That trip showed me how it is important to be prepared to anything that might happen to you while travelling.
Well, my story begins…
I was the only child in the family and my parents tried to protect me from the dangers of the world. So, when I was at school I was afraid of doing many things. But one day we had a cross-county trip with the best friend of mine. His name was Tom and he lived next door. Tom was older than me, taller and stronger. He had fair hair and grey eyes. I always envied him because of his courage and ability to cope with difficulties.
So, we took all the things we needed to succeed in our campaign: matches, food, water, a tent, medicines, some warm clothes and so on. We got up very early to come back home before the sun went down. We walked very long and I got tired very soon. Tom offered me to have a rest. We made a fire and set up a tent. When everything had been done I suggested him to roam about the place.
While walking I saw bushes covered with beautiful berries and picked up some. Tom said, “I don’t think they are eatable. Look, they are strange!” But I was so hungry and we went too far so I ate them. In a few minutes I felt terrible. My belly was like a stone and I had a terrible stomachache. Tom said, “I knew that it was not a good idea. Let’s come back”. The way to the place we stayed seemed endless to me. At last we came up and Tom told me to drink a lot of water and take a medicine. So I was saved. In the evening we wrote a song devoted to all unlucky travelers like me.
When you are travelling alone
You should follow some of laws:
Don’t try them, don’t play with them
And you’ll stay a healthy man.
If you want to go somewhere,
You should take a lot of care
Just nick it down, keep in your mind
And then maybe you’ll stay alive.
Since that time I have read a lot of books on plants and animals. But I still remember how careless I was and always try to be prepared for any extreme situation.
- What is this text about?
- Who are the main characters?
- Where did they go?
- What did they take with them? Name things that you would take with you if you went for a trip.
- Make a list of instructions for a cross- country traveler.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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