6 класс итоговый тест Биболетова
тест по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему

Тазетдинова Алсу Талгатевна

Задания тестовой формы за 6 класс


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Предварительный просмотр:

Контрольный срез по английскому языку для 6 класса


1. Match the person with their profession:

a) Daniel Defoe

b) Joseph Turner

c) Charlie Chaplin

d) Margaret Thatcher

1. actor

2. writer


4. artist

2. Fill in the gaps with “The”, “A” or “no article” as necessary: … West, …Thames, … Elbrus, … UK, … France, … scintist

a) A West, The Thames,  Elbrus, A UK, A France, A scintist

b) The West, A Thames, A Elbrus,  UK, The France, The scintist

c) The West, The Thames,  Elbrus, The UK,  France, A scintist

d)  West, Thames, The  Elbrus, The UK, A France,  scintist

3. Make up professions from the words: to teach, poetry, police, architecture, science

a) a teacher, a poet, a policeman, an architect, a scientist

b) a teaches, a poetry, a policer, an architect, a sciencer

c) a teaches, a poet, a policeman, an architecter, a sciencer

d) a teacher, a poetry, a policer, an architecter, a scientist

4. Choose only female members of the family:

a) grandmother, son, uncle, nephew, wife

b) mother, daughter, aunt, niece, wife,

c) elder sister, cousin, uncle, niece, husband

d) younger sister, cousin, aunt, nephew, husband

5. Fill in the gaps using: myself, yourself, herself, himself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves:

1. I saw … in the mirror. 2. We enjoyed … at the disco. 3. My sister goes to school … . 4. Students can do this work … .

a) myself, himself, itself, ourselves

b) herself, themselves, himself, itself

c) myself, ourselves, herself, themselves

d) ourselves, herself, yourselves, myself

6. Put the sentences in the correct order:  

1. Chop them. 2. Wash cucumbers and tomatoes under cold water. 3. Add some salt. 4. Put the chopped vegetables into a bowl. 5. Mix everything. 6. Add mayonnaise.

a) 3, 5, 4, 6, 1, 2

b) 4, 1, 3, 2,6, 5

c) 6, 1, 5, 3, 2, 4

d) 2, 1, 4, 3, 6, 5

7. Find the words with the sound [i:]:

a) biscuit, chips, pie, tin

b)knife, sandwich, meat, tea

c)biscuit, cheese, chips, knife

d) sweet, tea, meat, cheese

8. What do people do

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