Сценарий спектакля на английском языке "Alice in Wonderland".
методическая разработка по английскому языку по теме
Сценарий составлен по книге известного английского писателя Льюиса Кэрролла и может быть использован в работе театральных студий.
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ГБОУ Школа №2073 г.Москва
Сценарий спектакля
на английском языке
«Alice in Wonderland»
Составила учитель английского языка
Солдаткина Н. Н.
2012-2013 уч.г.
Alice Sister
White Rabbit Caterpillar
The Duchess Cook
Cat Hatter
March Hare Dormouse
Cards The Queen of Hearts
Сцена 1. Лужайка.
sister | Please, Alice, be attentive! |
Alice | No pictures, no conversations! What is the use of a book without pictures or conversations! |
Rabbit | Oh, dear! Oh, dear! I shall be late! |
Alice | A rabbit! With a watch! Strange, very strange! |
Rabbit | I’m late, I’m late, I’m late! Oh! It’s really is a crime! I’m always in a hurry But I never quite on time! I’m going to be in trouble, The duchess hates to wait! She’s going to be so angry, Cos I’m late, I’m late, I’m late! |
Alice | Mr. Rabbit! Wait, please, wait! |
Сцена 2. Комната с дверями.
Alice | What a strange place! Let me out! Let me out! Oh! A key! What a beautiful garden! But I am too big! |
Oh! A little bottle! … «Drink Me!» | |
Oh my! What’s happening? Now for the garden! The key! The key is on the table! | |
Oh, here is something! … «Eat me!» | |
Curiouser and curiouser! | |
Rabbit | Oh, the Duchess, the Duchess! She will punish me. She is so strict. Ah! |
Alice | Mr. Rabbit! Please, wait, please… It’s a magic fan! |
How queer is everything today! Let me think. I am not the same. And …who am I? |
Сцена 3. Гусеница.
Caterpillar | Who are you? |
Alice | I… I don’t know. |
Caterpillar | What do you mean by that. Explain yourself. |
Alice | I can’t explain myself, because I’m not myself, you see. |
Caterpillar | I don’t see. |
Alice | Well, you know, TRANSFORMATIONS. |
Caterpillar | - I know transformations, and so what? I’ve been constantly changing but I never forget who I am. You, who are you? |
Alice | That’s enough. Everybody is teaching me here! I’m leaving! |
Caterpillar | Come back. I have something important to say. Keep your temper! |
Alice | Is that all? |
Caterpillar | No. So you think you’re changed, do you? |
Alice | I am, sir. I don’t keep the same size for 10 minutes together. |
Caterpillar | What size do you want to be? |
Alice | Well, I don’t like changing so often, you know. |
Caterpillar | - I don’t know. One side will make you grow taller, and the other side will make you grow shorter. |
Alice | One side of what? The other side of what? |
Caterpillar | Of the mushroom… |
Сцена 4. У герцогини.
Fish | For the Duchess. An invitation from the Queen to play croquet. |
Frog | From the Queen. An invitation for the Duchess to play croquet. |
Alice | It’s no use in knocking! |
Cook | Pepper! I want more pepper! Pepper! I need more pepper! |
Alice | Please, would you tell me why your cat smiles like that? |
The Duchess | It’s a Cheshire cat and that’s why. |
Alice | I didn’t know that cats could smile. |
The Duchess | They all can. |
Alice | I don’t know… |
The Duchess | You don’t know much and that’s a fact. |
Cook | Pepper! More pepper! |
Alice | Please, be careful! |
The Duchess | Nonsense! |
The Duchess | Speak roughly to your little boy, And beat him when he sneezes: He only does it to annoy, Because he knows it teases. Wow! Wow! Wow! |
Cook | I speak severely to my boy, And beat him when he sneezes: For he can thoroughly enjoy, The pepper when he pleases! Wow! Wow! Wow! |
The Duchess | Here! You may nurse it a bit, if you like. I must go and get ready to play croquet with the Queen. |
Alice | Don’t grunt! Oh, it’s a pig! |
Сцена 5. Чеширский кот.
Alice | Cheshire Puss, would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here? |
Cat | That depends on where you want to get to. |
Alice | I don’t much care where. |
Cat | Then it doesn’t matter which way you go. |
Alice | What sort of people live about here? |
Cat | - In that direction lives a Hatter. And in that direction lives a March Hare. They are both mad. We are all mad here. I’m mad. You are mad. Do you play croquet with the Queen today? |
Alice | But I haven’t been invited yet. |
Cat | You’ll see me there. By the by, what became to the baby? |
Alice | It turned into a pig. |
Cat | Did you say pig or fig? |
Alice | I said pig. Will you be so kind not to vanish so suddenly? |
Cat | All right. |
Alice | Well, I’ve often seen a cat without a smile, but a smile without a cat… It’s the most curious thing I ever saw in my life! |
Сцена 6 Сумасшедшее чаепитие.
Hatter- March Hare | No room, no room! No room, no room! |
Alice | There’s plenty of room! |
March Hare | Have some wine. |
Alice | I don’t see any wine! |
March Hare | There isn’t any. |
Alice | It wasn’t very polite of you to offer it. |
March Hare | It wasn’t very polite of you to sit down without being invited. |
Hatter | Why is a raven like a writing desk? |
Alice | - I don’t know. |
Hatter | What day of the month is it? |
Alice | The fourth. |
Hatter | Two days wrong. I told you butter wouldn’t suit it. |
March Hare | - It was the best butter. It was the best butter, you know. |
Alice | What a funny watch! It tells the day of the month |
Hatter | Have you guessed the riddle? |
Alice | No, and what’s the answer? |
Hatter --- March Hare | - I haven’t the slightest idea --- Nor I. |
Hatter | Clean cups! Clean cups! |
March Hare | We have quarreled with Time. |
Hatter | It’s always 6 o’clock now. |
March Hare | It’s always tea-time. |
Hatter | We have no time to wash the cups. |
Hatter | Tell us a story, please. |
Alice | I’m afraid , I don’t know any. |
March Hare | The Dormouse is asleep again. Wake up, Dormouse. Tell us a story. |
Dormouse | I wasn’t asleep. |
Dormouse | Once upon a time there lived three little sisters… |
Hatter-MarchHare | Wake up, Dormouse, wake up! |
Dormouse | Twinkle, twinkle, little bat! -------- How I wonder what you are at! Up above the world you fly --- Like a tea-tray in the sky, Twinkle, twinkle, little bat! --- How I wonder what you are at! |
All | Clean cups! Clean cups! |
Alice | - It’s the stupidest tea-party --I ever was at --in all my life! --They are absolutely mad! |
Сцена 7. У королевы.
Alice | Would you tell me please, why you are painting roses? |
Cards | You see, Miss, it’s a terrible mistake. The queen likes red roses. The Queen, The Queen! |
Queen | -Who painted my roses red? You? You? You? Off with his head! Off with his head! Off with his head! |
Who is this? Idiot! What’s your name, child? | |
Alice | My name is Alice, your Majesty. |
Queen | Can you play croquet? |
Alice | Yes, your Majesty. |
Queen | Come on then. Take your places! |
Rabbit | It’s… It’s a very fine day. |
Alice | Very fine. Where’s the Duchess? |
Rabbit | Oh, hush, hush… The Queen will here you. The Duchess is in prison. |
Cat | How are you getting on? How do you like the queen? |
Queen | Who are you talking to? |
Alice | It’s my friend-a Cheshire cat, your Majesty. |
Queen | I don’t like it. But it may kiss my hand if it likes. |
Cat | I’d rather not. |
Queen | Off with his head! Off with his head! |
Cards | No head! your Majesty. |
Queen | Good. Lets play. |
Сцена 8. Суд королевы.
Herald | The king calls you all - To the courtroom today - The trial is starting - So come right away! Come to the trial -Come and see the show - Stop what you are doing -Because it’s time to go Come to the courtroom - For a little while -Come everybody - Come to the Trial! Someone is guilty - Someone must pay - So come to the courtroom - The trial starts today! |
Rabbit | Silence in the court! |
Queen | Herald, read the accusation. |
Rabbit | The Queen of Hearts, she made some tarts, All on a summer day, The Knave of Hearts, he stole those tarts and took them quite away. |
Queen | Call the first witness! |
Rabbit | First witness! The Hatter. |
Queen | Give your evidence. |
Hatter | - I am a poor man, your Majesty… And the March Hare said… |
March Hare | - No, no! I didn’t! I deny it! |
Hatter | Well, the Dormouse said… I can’t remember… |
Queen | You must remember. Call the next witness. |
Rabbit | Next witness! Alice! |
Queen | What do you know about this business? |
Alice | Nothing! |
Queen | Off with her head! Off with her head! |
Alice | Who cares for you! You are just a pack of cards! |
Sister | Wake up, Alice dear! What a long sleep you’ve had! |
Alice | Oh! I’ve had such a curious dream! |
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