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AUSTRALIA FACT FILE OFFICIAL NAME OF THE COUNTRY : The Commonwealth of Australia AREA: 7,686,850 square km POPULATION: 18,300,000 people FEDERAL CAPITAL: Canberra FORM OF GOVERNMENT : Constitutional monarchy HEARD OF STATE : Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain, who is also Queen of Australia
AUSTRALIA FACTFILE HEAD OF GOVERNMENT: Prime minister CURRENCY: Australian dollar NATIONAL COLOURS: Green and gold NATIONAL HOLIDAY: Australia Day, 26 January NATIONAL ANTHEM: Advance Australia fair NATIONAL EMBLEMS The eucalyptus, wattle, emu and kangaroo
AUSTRALIA FACTFILE STATES AND THEIR CAPITALS: Queensland-Brisbane Western Australia-Perth New South Wales- Sydney Victoria- Melbourne South Australia-Adelaide Tasmania- Hobart TERRITORIES AND THEIR CAPITALS Australian Capital Territory- Canberra Northern Territory- Darwin HIGHEST POINT: Mount Kosciusko/2,228m LONGEST RIVER the Darling/2,757km/ LARGEST CITIES: Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth, Darwin, Canberra
AUSTRALIA AN UP SIDE-DOWN WORLD Australia is the world’s largest island and its smallest continent. People often call Australia the “ land down-under” because it lies entirely south of the equator. February
AUSTRALIA SEASONS The seasons are the other way round. Summer is from December to February, autumn from March to May, winter from June to August, and spring from September to November.
AUSTRALIA “TERRA AUSTRALIS INCOGNITA” Hundreds of years ago there were stories about a large continent in the Southern Hemisphere. People called it “the unknown southern land” But no one could say what it was like and whether it was inhabited until the Dutch discovered it in 1606.Willem Jansz was the first European known to sight the mysterious continent.
AUSTRALIA JAMES COOK In 1769 the Royal Society of London, with the help of the Admiralty, sent Captain James Cook to Tahiti, in command of Endeavour . Cook’s instructions were to search for the Terra Australis Incognita. James Cook became the first European to sight and explore Australia’s fertile east coast.Cook claimed the region for Great Britain and named it New South Wales. This first voyage has been described as being “to the English nation the most momentous voyage of discovery that has ever taken place.”
AUSTRALIA “….TO AVOID OVERCROWDING OF BRITISH JAILS… ” In 1786, Captain Arthur Phillip, a retired naval officer, was appointed to establish a prison colony in Australia and serve as its governor.
AUSTRALIA THE ABORIGINES The aborigines had lived there for at least 40,000 years.By the time of first settlement there were about 350,000 people.Today, only 1 per cent of the country’s population is aboriginal .
ABORIGINES IN THE DIM PAST… These people generally had black wavy hair and brown skin. They were of medium height and had slender limbs. They are different from any other race in the world. They kept no domestic animals except the dingo and used weapons made of wood and stone. They had no permanent homes but moved about hunting and gathering food. They did their hunting mainly with spears and boomerangs. For shelter, they found protection under rocks or built huts out of branches, grasses, or other materials they found. AUSTRALIA
AUSTRALIA THEIR CUSTOMS There were about 500 tribes, each with its own language. All members of a tribe were related. Marriage united 2 families, not just two people.Most men had one wife, though custom allowed a men to have more than one wife at a time.Men directed local groups and tribal affairs. But women often worked together and took part in special secret activities apart from men.
AUSTRALIA A MULTICULTURAL SOCIETY Australia is a multicultural society with about a quarter of the population foreign born. Settlers from about 200 countries have made Australia their home.Aborigines now comprise only 1.5 per cent of the population.
AUSTRALIA CAPITAL CITIES It is very urban country. About70 per cent of the population live in the 10 largest cities.Most of the population is in the south-eastern corner of the country and only15 per cent of the population live in rural areas. Canberra is the capital.The state of Tasmania is separated from the continent.It is an island-state.
AUSTRALIA ADELAIDE . BRISBANE. Adelaide is the capital of South Australia. A pretty and industrial city.Population of about 1,100,000. Brisbane is the capital of Queensland. Tropical climate makes it a year-round vacation place. Population of about 1,400,000.
AUSTRALIA CANBERRA. DARWIN. Canberra is the capital. Located in the Australian Capital Territory in the south-east corner of New South Wales.Only Australian capital which is not situated on the seacoast. Population of about 300,000. Darwin is the largest city of the Northern Territory.Tropical climate. Population of about 70,000.
AUSTRALIA HOBART. PERTH . Hobart is the capital of the Australian island-state Tasmania. Winters are cold. Population of about 200,000. Perth is the capital of the state of Western Australia. One of the best climates in Australia. Population of about 1,200,000.
AUSTRALIA SYDNEY. MELBOURNE . Sydney is the capital of New South Wales.It is the oldest and largest city. Australia’s leading industrial city. Population of about 3,700,000 and growing. Capital of Victoria. Second largest city in Australia.Hosted 1956 Olympics.Population is about 3,200,000.
AUSTRALIA TIME DIFFERENCE Australia is just to the west of the International Date Line, where the day “begins”, and therefore the sun rises earlier in Sydney than in most other parts of the globe.When you are in Sydney,subtract: 2 hours to find local time in Hong Kong 9 hours to find local time in Paris 10 hours to find local time in London 15 hours to find local time in New York 18 hours to find local time in San Francisco 1 hour to find local time in Tokyo
AUSTRALIA WILDLIFE Australia has nearly half a million species of plants and animals.While many countries have their own unique fauna, Australia is unusual in that. It includes: 70% of the world’s marsupials All of the world’s monotremes Onlya small percentage of the world’s placentals Many parrots and other birds Reptiles, amphibians and fish
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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