Exam taking tips.
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (11 класс) на тему
Рекомендации обучающимся, которые сдают экзамен по английскому языку.
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Exam taking tips:
- Get at least 6 hours sleep the night before a test.
- You are more likely to remember what you have learned if you have had a good night’s sleep.
- Eat before a test.
- Food will give your brain energy and help you to concentrate.
- Wear comfortable clothing.
- Being uncomfortable is a distraction. Also, it’s better to wear several layers of clothing so you can put on or take off an item if you feel hot or cold.
- If possible, sit at the front of the examination room.
- If you sit at the front of the room you are less likely to be distracted by other students and can hear the recording better for the listening paper.
- Make sure you understand all the instructions before you begin.
- Don’t be afraid to ask the examiner to repeat any information you are unsure about.
- Before you start your test, quickly look at the whole test paper.
- Looking at the test paper quickly before you start will help you to manage your time better. Decide how long you should spend on each question.
- Always read the questions carefully.
- One of the most common mistakes students make is not to read the questions carefully enough. Read all instructions slowly and twice if you have time.
- Answer the questions you find easy first.
- Answering the questions you find easy first will give you confidence and save you time later on.
- Don't waste time on questions you cannot answer.
- Spending a lot of time on a question can make you lose confidence. If you can’t answer a question go to the next one and come back to it later, if you have time.
- Check your answers carefully.
- If you have time at the end of the exam, read through your answers. But remember, your first answer is usually correct so only change answers if you see a mistake.
- Be positive and try to stay relaxed.
- If you are relaxed you will be able to concentrate better. Breathe slowly and deeply and try to put all negative thoughts out of your mind.
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