Презентация к уроку английского языка " Добровольский Г.Т." ученицы 8 класса Туриловой Анастасии
творческая работа учащихся по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме
Презентация Туриловой Насти о Добровольском Г.Т.-летчике,герое СССР
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Dobrovol'skiy Georgiy Timofeevich Ordinal 52 - (24) The number of flight - 1 Flight duration - 23 days 18 hours 21 minutes 43 seconds. Status - pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR, the 2nd set of air force
Date and place of birth: Born on June 1, 1928 in the town of Odessa, USSR. Date and cause of death: Died June 30, 1971 in case of pressure loss SA «Soyuz-11» during the return to Earth. The urn with his ashes immured in the Kremlin wall on the R ed S quare in Moscow.
Education and academic titles: In 1941, graduated 6 classes at the secondary school №99 of the city of Odessa. After the liberation of Odessa in 1944 he passed the examinations for 7 and 8 classes and entered the school №58 in the 9th grade, and then transferred to the special school of the air force. In 1946 graduated from grade 10 special school of the air force of the city of Odessa. In 1950 he graduated from Chuguev military aviation school of pilots (ВАУЛ) 2 category on a speciality «fighter pilot».
Military service: November 9, 1950, he served as a pilot, from November 11, 1952 senior pilot 965 the fighter aviation regiment (IAP) 123rd fighter aviation division . From 7 may 1960, he served as commander of managers, 25 November 1960, a Navigator, the Deputy squadron commander, July 29, 1961 - the Deputy squadron commander for political Affairs, October 12, 1961, the chief of the political section, Deputy commander for political Affairs of the 43rd separate APIB 30th VA IN the Baltic. 6 March 1962, was recognized as one of the best commanders of the aviation unit.
Military rank: Lieutenant (07.09.1950). Senior Lieutenant (20.12.1952). Captain (16.07.1955). Mayor (19.10.1961). Lieutenant Colonel (30.01.1965).
Space training: In 1962, has passed medical examination at the military research aviation hospital (ЦВНИАГ) and in may 1962 received admission Central medical / flight Commission (ЦВЛК). 8 January 1963 at a meeting of the credentials Committee was recommended for enlistment in the cosmonaut detachment. By order of the Commander of the air force №14 dated 10 January 1963 was enrolled at CTC as a student-cosmonaut.
Maiden flight From 6 to 29 June 1971 as the commander of Soyuz-11» and the first Prime expedition (EO-1) for DOS 1 « Salut », together with В.Волковым and В.Пацаевым . Callsign : «Yantar-1». During the return of the crew (the night of 30 June) depressurization of the descent module of «Soyuz-11» (prematurely opened the valve of respiratory ventilation, стравивший air), and the astronauts were killed. The flight duration was 23 days 18 hours 21 minutes 43 seconds.
Honorary titles: Hero of the Soviet Union posthumously, (30.06.1971). Pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR (posthumously, 30.06.1971).
Proficiency: Military pilot of the 3rd class (23.09.1954). Military pilot of the 2nd class (19.01.1956). Military pilot, 1st class. Instructor of parachute-landing training (RAP) (24.12.1964), carried out a 111 jumps. By the moment of joining the total flight time was more than 330 hours mastered aircraft UT-2, Yak-11, La-9, P-39, MiG-15bis.
Awards: Was awarded the medal «gold Star» of Hero of the Soviet Union and order of Lenin (June 30, 1971, posthumously), the medal «For military services» (for 10 years of irreproachable service) and the 7-th jubilee medals. His name was given to a small planet №1789 (June 6, 1977), a crater on the moon, research vessel, USSR Academy of Sciences. Since 1972 in the USSR (and later Russia) played Cup Dobrovolsky jumping on a trampoline
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