Презентация к уроку, посвященному песне Rock Around the Clock
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (8, 9 класс) по теме
Данный урок был разработан в процессе апробации проекта "Использование современных песен на уроках английского языка как способ повышения мотивации подростков". Выбор музыкального произведения обусловлен простотой песенного текста и желанием показать ребятам молодежный сленг 50-х годов. В процессе урока ученики анализировали не только лексическую составляющую текста, но и обсуждали зарождение нового музыкального жанра и особенности музыкальной культуры середины ХХ века.
Вложение | Размер |
rock_around_the_clock.pptx | 443.11 КБ |
rock_around_the_clock.docx | 17.46 КБ |
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
g lad rags s mart clothes h on ’ i n seventh heaven to yell b road daylight t o go strong h oney (=darling) v ery, very happy t o continue with energy a fter night, when it’s completely light t o shout
g lad rags s mart clothes h on ’ i n seventh heaven to yell b road daylight t o go strong h oney (=darling) v ery, very happy t o continue with energy a fter night, when it’s completely light t o shout
honey • is going strong • in broad daylight• in the seventh heaven • glad rags • yelled Hey, Daisy, put on some ___ and I'll take you to a ritzy night club. I can`t live without you, ___! He ___ to us that the house was on fire. And since 2011, we did not expect the same growth rate, but it ___ and stable. She was ___ with her new washing machine. His car was stolen in front of the bank, ___, and apparently there was not one witness!
Rhyme time! One sun , … Four door , … Seven eleven , … Too who , … Then men , … Tonight bright , …
Find the words which mean: to meet or accompany to enjoy oneself to hit t o become slower a set of bells, or a tool for striking bells to become calmer or more reasonable
to meet or accompany (join) to enjoy oneself (have fun) to hit (strike) to become slower (slow down) a set of bells, or a tool for striking bells (chime) to become calmer or more reasonable (cool off)
The lesson was… I have learnt… I liked/didn’t like the lesson. I feel… Now I can… It was surprising that…
Предварительный просмотр:
Rock Around the Clock
- Урок можно начать с просмотра видеоклипа “Bill Haley & his Comets – Rock Around the Clock”.
T: Looking at the people, can you say when the song was sung? Is it a happy song or a sad song? What is it about? Where could the people in the song be? What are they doing? Are they having a good time?
- Слайд 1: This song, "Rock Around the Clock", was written in 1952. Not the first but the best-known and most successful rendition was recorded by Bill Haley and His Comets in 1954. It was a number one single on both the US and UK charts. Actually, it was not the first rock and roll song but it, more than any other, brought rock and roll into mainstream culture around the world.
- Слайд 2: What does the song title mean? How can you paraphrase it?
Здесь для учащихся важно определить, что “rock” – это глагол (to dance rock ‘n’ roll) и что “around the clock”- устойчивое выражение (without stopping, continuously for 24 hours).
- Слайд 3: снятие лексических трудностей.
T: The stars contain some words and phrases from the song, and the clouds contain their meanings. Please, match the stars and the clouds.
Слайд 4: Let’s check.
- Слайд 5: упражнение на запоминание ЛЕ.
T: Fill in the gaps, please.
- Слайд 6: подборка рифмующихся слов поможет при выполнении следующего задания.
T: Think of words that rhyme to add to the list.
Учитель пишет на доске/впечатывает в слайд все предложенные учащимися верные варианты. Возможные варианты:
one | Run, sun, son |
four | Law, more, war |
seven | Heaven |
too | Do, menu, you |
then | Hen, pen, when |
tonight | Light, right, bite |
После этого учитель раздает текст песни с пропущенными словами в конце строчек. Задача учащихся – заполнить пробелы (сначала по памяти, а потом еще раз прослушивают песню и исправляют ошибки):
1 One, two, three o'clock, four o'clock rock,
2 Five, six, seven o'clock, eight o'clock, rock,
3 Nine, ten, eleven o'clock, twelve o'clock rock,
4 We're gonna rock around the clock tonight.
5 Put your glad rags on and join me ________,
6 We'll have some fun when the clock strikes one.
7 We're gonna rock around the clock tonight,
8 We're gonna rock, rock, rock til broad ______,
9 We're gonna rock, gonna rock around the clock tonight.
10 When the clock strikes two, three and four,
11 If the band slows down we'll yell for __________.
12 When the chimes ring five, six, and seven,
13 We'll be rockin’ up in seventh _________.
14 When it's eight, nine, ten, eleven too,
15 I'll be goin' strong and so will ______.
16 When the clock strikes twelve we'll cool off, then,
17 Start a rockin' round the clock _____.
7*. Слайд 7: Учитель предлагает учащимся найти в тексте песни другие слова и выражения, которые, возможно, им незнакомы.
- Слайд 9: рефлексия.
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