The hen Ryaba
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку на тему

Калмыкова Елена Николаевна

Сказка "Курочка Ряба" на английском языке


Microsoft Office document icon kurochka_ryaba.doc22.5 КБ

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The hen Ryaba.

Once grandfather and grandmother lived. And they had the hen Ryaba.

Ryaba: I am Rayba. And I give you an egg. It is not a simple egg, it is a gold egg.

Grandfather: I beat, beat it and can’t break the egg.

Grandmother: I beat, beat it and can’t break the egg.

The little mouse: I am the little mouse. I can wave the tail and break the egg. Look! (she does it). I am the strongest mouse.

Grandfather and grandmother are crying.

Ryaba: Don’t cry grandfather! Don’t cry grandmother! I will give a new egg.

The hen Ryaba.

Once grandfather and grandmother lived. And they had the hen Ryaba.

Ryaba: I am Rayba. And I give you an egg. It is not simple egg, it is gold egg.

Grandfather: I beat, beat it and can’t break the egg.

Grandmother: I beat, beat it and can’t break the egg.

The little mouse: I am the little mouse. I can wave the tail and break the egg. Look! (she does it). I am the strongest mouse.

Grandfather and grandmother are crying.

Ryaba: Don’t cry grandfather! Don’t cry grandmother! I will give a new egg.

The hen Ryaba.

Once grandfather and grandmother lived. And they had the hen Ryaba.

Ryaba: I am Rayba. And I give you an egg. It is not simple egg, it is gold egg.

Grandfather: I beat, beat it and can’t break the egg.

Grandmother: I beat, beat it and can’t break the egg.

The little mouse: I am the little mouse. I can wave the tail and break the egg. Look! (she does it). I am the strongest mouse.

Grandfather and grandmother are crying.

Ryaba: Don’t cry grandfather! Don’t cry grandmother! I will give a new egg.

The hen Ryaba.

Once grandfather and grandmother lived. And they had the hen Ryaba.

Ryaba: I am Rayba. And I give you an egg. It is not simple egg, it is gold egg.

Grandfather: I beat, beat it and can’t break the egg.

Grandmother: I beat, beat it and can’t break the egg.

The little mouse: I am the little mouse. I can wave the tail and break the egg. Look! (she does it). I am the strongest mouse.

Grandfather and grandmother are crying.

Ryaba: Don’t cry grandfather! Don’t cry grandmother! I will give a new egg.