Сказка "Колобок"
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку на тему

Калмыкова Елена Николаевна

Сказка на английском языке.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Once upon a time old man and old woman lived.

-Bake me Kolobok.

-I can not. There is no flour.

Oh old woman! Sweep in the barn, scrape in the corners and it will be enough to bake Kolobok.

    The old woman did as she was told, she had two hands full of flour made Kolobok and put it on the windowsill to get cold.

     It was boring for Kolobok  to lay on the  sill and he ruled  from the window to the zavalinka, from zavalinka  to the grass , from grass to the road and rolled  along

the road. While roling an the road he met a hare.

-Kolobok,        Kolobok I shall eat you!

- No, you will not eat me, it will be better if you listen to my song.

The hare rose his ears and Kolobok  began to sing.

-I am Kolobok!

In barn was scraped

In corners was scraped

On cream was made

On window was put to get cold.

I went away from grandfather

I went away from grandmother.

I shall go away from you.

And he rolled further.

While he was rollind along the road in the forest he met a grey wolf.

-Kolobok, Kolobok I shall eat you.

-  Don,t eat me grey wolf

I shall sing you.

-I am Kolobok!

In barn was scraped

In cornes was scraped

On cream was made

On window was put to get cold.

I went away from grandfather

I went away from grandmother.

I shall go away from you.

I went away from hare and

I shall go away from you.

Kolobok rolled further - the grey wolf didn,t see him. Whill he was rollind through the forest he met a bear.

Kolobok, Kolobok I shall eat you.

-You will not eat me!

It will be better if  you listen to my song.  The bear began to listen.

-I am Kolobok!

In barn was scraped

In cornes was scraped

On cream was made

On window was put to get cold.

I went away from grandfather

I went away from grandmother.

I shall go away from you.

I went away from hare

I went away from wolf and   I shall go away from you.

Kolobok rolled further. Oh his way   he met a fox

-Hi , Kolobok!

-you look nice. Kolobok was  glad  to hear that and he sang his song .

-I am Kolobok!

In barn was scraped

In cornes was scraped

On cream was made

On window was put to get cold.

I went away from grandfather

I went away from grandmother.

I went away from bear and I shall go away from you fox.

-A         merry song! - said the fox.

-It is a pity my dear I an old, sit on my nose and sing  once more.

Kolobok was glad to hear that. He sat on the nose and bigan to sing.

  • I am  Kolobok, Kolobok.
  • And the fox caught him and ate.

Предварительный просмотр:

Kolobok: I am Kolobok. It is boring for me to lie on the sill. I want to walk.

Hare: I am a Hare! I shall eat you!

Kolobok:         No, you will not eat me, it will be better if you listen to my song.

-I am Kolobok!

In barn was scraped

In corners was scraped

On cream was made

On window was put to get cold.

I went away from grandfather

I went away from grandmother.

I shall go away from you.

And he rolled further.

Grey Wolf:         I am a Grey Wolf! Kolobok, Kolobok I shall eat you.

Kolobok:         Don,t eat me, grey wolf

I shall sing you.

I am Kolobok!

In barn was scraped

In corners was scraped

On cream was made

On window was put to get cold.

I went away from grandfather

I went away from grandmother.

I shall go away from you.

I went away from hare and

I shall go away from you.

A Bear:         I am a Bear! Kolobok, Kolobok I shall eat you.

Kolobok:         You will not eat me!

It will be better if you listen to my song.  The bear began to listen.

I am Kolobok!

In barn was scraped

In corners was scraped

On cream was made

On window was put to get cold.

I went away from grandfather

I went away from grandmother.

I shall go away from you.

I went away from hare

I went away from wolf and   I shall go away from you.

A Fox:         I am a Fox! Hi, Kolobok! You look nice.

Kolobok:         I am Kolobok!

In barn was scraped

In corners was scraped

On cream was made

On window was put to get cold.

I went away from grandfather

I went away from grandmother.

I went away from bear and I shall go away from you fox.

A Fox:         It is a funny song, but I eat you!