Презентация к уроку английского языка в 9 классе по теме: «Reading…? Why not?» УМК Кузовлёв В.П.
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме

Штульберг Татьяна Юрьевна

 Презентация к уроку английского языка в 9 классе по теме: «Reading…? Why not?» УМК Кузовлёв В.П. . Художественный анализ текста.


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Слайд 1

ПРЕЗЕНТАЦИЯ К УРОКУ АНГЛИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА В 9 КЛАССЕ ПО ТЕМЕ: « Reading… ? Why not ?» УМК В.П.Кузовлев. Английский язык. 9 класс.

Слайд 2

Text Interpretation « Ruthless » after W.de.Mille

Слайд 3

A SUMMARY Start your summary with an introductory sentence! ( I am going to analyze a story, an episode, a passage, a chapter, an extract, a piece of fiction from…) Can you state the theme of the story in a single sentence?

Слайд 4

He that hatches matches hatches catches. Не рой другому яму, сам попадёшь.

Слайд 5

RUTHLESS (a person who has no…)

Слайд 6

THE TITLE The title of the text is… to throw light on the text to give clues to… to be closely connected with… to catch and hold the reader’s interest Looking at the title I can guess (anticipate)…

Слайд 7

THE AUTHOR The text is written by… Judging by the text we can say that… to keep the reader in suspense… to give a very detailed and precise description of… to raise the problem… to offer food for thought to explore the complexity of human character to convey one’s mental (psychological) condition to touch upon the problem… to describe characters life-like, with understanding…

Слайд 8


Слайд 9

THE PLOT. THE SETTING (the time and the place of the action) well-constructed, skillfully-developed effectively arranged The action starts in…and develops in… to develop gradually, logically, step by step is based on… to centre on the events to contain emotional, moral conflicts to observe human nature, behavior the plot is vivid… the point of the greatest intensity is… to slide down smoothly into the content to create convincing images the atmosphere of…is conveyed by the plot the turn of events is…in the story

Слайд 10

THE MAIN CHARACTERS to be clearly labeled as good or bad to be a very controversial person (prove!) to have a complicated…personality to be a man of marked individuality to be a monster of evil to be haunted by… to nurse (experience) a sense of … to be kindness/patience/sincerity itself to be opposed to/contrasted with… … to prevail in the character to justify the character’s behavior to be portrayed/depicted/presented/conveyed/revealed/ characterized/classified

Слайд 11

A graphic organizer Organize the information about Judson’s/Helen’s behavior. Judson ________ Helen what he _______ what she did-felt-said _____ did-felt-said “The only way of getting rid of a thief is to kill him. If a man robs me of five dollars it is the same as if he took a hundred. A thief is a thief.” “Don’t do it, Judson!” she cried. “It is horrible, it’s murder, the law doesn’t punish burglary by death, what right have you?” “When it comes to protecting my property, I make my own laws. I have made my money by taking risks.”

Слайд 12

GUESS GAME Characters like all people have both positive and negative traits of character…

Слайд 13

THEMES AND IDEAS The message the author wants to bring home to the reader… The lesson to be learned from this story… The value of human life… Not to do harm to… To give a greater understanding of life

Слайд 14

PERSONAL APPRECIATION to appeal to… to stir one’s soul to arouse one’s interest to make think about the problems of great importance to help to look at yourself, friends, society from different angle to produce (make) a special impression on somebody to find some themes especially exciting, breathtaking to gain a lot by reading

Слайд 15

HOME WORK To write a detailed analysis of the text “Ruthless”. Write a continuation of the story. Imagine that you are Helen. Write a letter to your mother telling her what you think of the situation.

Слайд 16

Thank you for the lesson! Презентация выполнена учителем английского языка Штульберг Т.Ю.

Слайд 17

ИСПОЛЬЗОВАННАЯ ЛИТЕРАТУРА: Мясникова Н.А. «Читаем, говорим и пишем по-английски». Минск, «Народная Асвета», 1992 г. Ю.Э.Левицкая, Е.Ю.Зубец, О.В.Позднеева. Английский язык. Сборник заданий по работе с текстом. Издательство «Экзамен». Москва. 2006г.

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