The Creative Report.
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (11 класс) по теме
16.02.2015 прошёл мой творческий отчёт по теме:" Мои поэзия и проза". Написанные мной стихотворения, сценарии мероприятий для детей и взрослых, короткие рассказы были использованы в творческом отчёте и представлены на английском языке. Мне помогали мои 11-классники и коллеги. Большое им спасибо!
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Подписи к слайдам:
GOD’S GIFT We skimp to love, we skimp to love, And our heart is cold. We shame of the momentary blow Of recognition word. And our days go far away And spend themselves for trifles. And it’s so late when we can stay, And understand true life.
GOD’S GIFT We skimp to love, we skimp to love, And our life’s one fall! Hug and believe and fly above Forgive your previous role. Why, say, we’re looking for excuse That life is not sweet pear? And our time, and our muse Goes quiet ... to nowhere .
RUSSIAN WINTER Chilled traveler asks with curved mouth Whether I love this frozen strike? I take off my fur coat and zealous Will say in hearts: ‘I do not like’. But drinking tea, and watching Worners , I suddenly change my point of view, And looking at my skis in the corner Will say: ‘ Oh, winter, I love you’.
RUSSIAN WINTER But morning comes… Again I’m frozen. After the window’s storm with snow… Somehow immediately I’m chosen All Russian words in the obscene row. Again hot tea, again few toasters, Then take my skis and run away. The track by skis, the trees – kind monsters… How fair is day, this winter day!
St. Valentine`s Day. SCRIPTS OF PLAYS
THE DEAREST WORD Teaching preschool reading the English tutor Elena Nickolaevna noticed that reading of the word "MOTHER" caused the kids some difficulties. Perhaps it was due to the letter "O", which followed the letter "M" and was not associated with a Russian syllable "MA". Once showing the plate with the word "MOTHER", and watching the kid suffered and couldn’t read it, she decided to help him. “This word is the dearest word for the people,”-she explained. Looking at Elena Nikolaevna’s eyes the child exhaled hopefully: “Wife?”
ENGLISH LESSONS Vanya , a burly five year old boy, stared blankly at his first teacher of English and jolly playing peers. The teacher funny depicted animals, calling them in English and learnt small dialogues with children. The children did the best, trying to pronounce foreign words correctly. But Vanya was bored and uninterested. They learnt a new song and did not notice that it was time to engage in their Workbooks. The children brightened even more, because it was one of their most favourite activities. At this time the task was to connect properly all letters of the English ABC whereby the vehicle should be appeared. After hearing about the car,
ENGLISH LESSONS Vanya started and took up the job with great enthusiasm too. The teacher noticed it immediately and to maintain the interest of the child, invited the children to tell about the cars driving by their fathers, mothers and grandparents. Interrupting each other kids began to talk about their family vehicles. Suddenly Vanya gazed at the teacher and asked loudly: “And what is your car?” The teacher shook her head and said: “ Vanya , I have no car”. There was a ringing silence. All looked in surprise at the teacher. Still not understanding what had happened, she heard Vanya took a deep breath and hopefully said: “Well, then have you got a man at least?” Stunned, the teacher shook her head again. Vanya looked at her with regret and closed his book. His mood was completely ruined.
HELMET Returned from a trip to the UK the English teacher Elena Nikolaevna got a good impression, shoot six movies and bought a lot of interesting souvenirs. One of them was a police helmet. Policemen are called “Bobbies” in London. Now every September during the first classes with preschool children the teacher talked about traditions and customs of the UK and showed them the helmet of “Bobby”. That time she did not immediately tell the children about people wearing these helmets, but invited themselves to dream and think about the profession. The answer came immediately: “Firefighters!” - Someone shouted.
HELMET Elena Nikolaevna shook her head. And as she did not hear the correct answer, she decided to help kids. “There are people of the same profession in Russia too, they keep order and help in difficult situations, but instead of helmets they wear caps,”- she said. The children were thinking. They began to remember all the noble professions of people in caps. Suddenly one kid shouted joyfully: “I know! I know! My Grandma used to say to me!” “Who are they?” - asked the teacher. “They are swindlers!”
FOODIE “ Vasenka , my pussy cat, be patient, please. We’ll soon be back,” - stooping and patting the cat, said Olga Pavlovna . “Poor Vasily ! How will he live without you for two days?” – hemmed Vladlen Viktorovich and looked expressively at his wife. Vasily was a red, medium fluffy cat with brazen but a “pretty” snout, moody and slow. He was so lazy that even when he wanted to eat, he didn’t mew, as the other cats did, but just sounded in short " Mya !". When he was thirsty, Vasily turned his steps slowly to the bathroom and sat down in front of the water tap. The tap was turned on for him and he long looked lost in thought looking at the trickle of the water. It was only after some time, when he proceeded to the "process."
FOODIE In food Vasily was picky and choosy. Olga Pavlovna bought him a wide variety of cat treats. And every time Vasily was capricious and prefered particularly the liked product. Going to the dacha, Olga Pavlovna was nervous, worrying about the cat. Vasily felt it and did not depart from her getting in the way. Remembered something Olga Pavlovna opened a drawer in the kitchen and pulled out a few packets. “I’ve spread crisps and poured some water,”- she said referring to the cat and wanted to pat Vasily again, but for some reason he was not close.
FOODIE “ Offended, left without even saying goodbye,” -said Olga Pavlovna . She closed the drawer and came out of the kitchen. Olga Pavlovna and her husband were young gardeners close to retirement age. Working they could escape to the country only at the weekends. Weeding the beds, watering cucumbers and tomatoes, spuding potatoes they were very happy with their harvest. And now going back to Moscow Olga Pavlovna remembered the good harvest of carrot and last minute she stuffed it with tops into the backpack. Half and hour later they stood at the door of their apartment.
FOODIE “How's my cat?” - referring to her husband, asked Olga Pavlovna . At this point both heard a drawl and heartbreaking " Myauuuuu ." Opening the apartment and threw backpacks they rushed into the kitchen where heart-rending Vaskin’s howl was resounding. Olga Pavlovna quickly opened the drawer from which zonked Vasily jumped out and rushed to somewhere. But he didn’t run long. Seeing the backpack with protruding carrot tops, Vasily one jump was next and began to eat voraciously these tops. “Look! Our Vaska is a vegetarian,”- said Vladlen Viktorovich and expressively looked at his wife.
DAISY Having already approached the entrance Lina heard: “Daisy! Daisy!” - the neighbor Tamara was calling her dog. “ How touching,” - Lina thought. Owners typically name their pets like Shariks or Bobiks and here is Daisy! Lina immediately imagined a small fluffy dog with little eyes - “buttons”, with a little nose and a pink bow on its head. “You can’t imagine the best dog’s name,” - she praised Tamara in her thoughts.
DAISY At this point Lina heard some strange squish sounds behind her. Turning she saw two bulging bloody eyes, a flat nose, bared fangs with long hanging saliva. Wheezing growl escaped from the half- opened jaws of the bulldog. Lina stopped in horror. “Kid! Don’t bother!” “He doesn’t bite,” – the neighbor shouted addressing to Lina . "Kid" heard the familiar voice, turned all his plump ass to Lina and rearranging thick and crooked legs went to the hostess. The manhood was dangling from side to side between Daisy’s legs.
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