Проверочная работа для 7класса.
олимпиадные задания по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему

Лукьянова Ирина Вячеславовна

Проверочная работа для подготовки к олимпиаде для 7 класса


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7 класс

Read the text and decide which word (1, 2, 3 ) best fits each space. Circle the correct answer.

My favorite hobby is gardening. I have developed the open space near 1) ... house into a beautiful garden. I am always devoting my free time for the up keeping of my beautiful garden 2) ... is very dear to me. I get a sense of joy and pride when I visit my garden 3) ... my free time. In my garden I have planted some fruit trees. I have also planted 4) ... beautiful flowers. Now I have also stated growing vegetables. Our needs 5) ... fruit and vegetables are wholly met from my small garden, which give me a great sense of achievement. I am really proud 6) ... my garden which is admired by all who visit our house. Whenever I am much tired 7) ... my routine work, I just go to my garden and lie there on 8) ... green grass in the midst of blooming flowers and I feel very active 9) ... smart again. My hobby 10) ... a good amount of physical exercise, too.

№1.         1)Ours        2) Own        3) Our

№2.         1) which        2) who        3) what

№3.         1) at                2) in                3) on

№4.         1) little        2) some        3) any

№5.         1) at                2) to                3) for

№6.         1) with        2) of                3) that

№7.         1) of                2) with        3) in

№8.         1) a                2) ---                3) the

№9.         1) but        2) if                3) and


1.is providing me

2.provides me

3.provided me

Choose and circle the correct item.

№11. Liz was doing        for the party.

1) out                2) with                3) up

№12. At last he decided to do ... watching films at night.

1) away with         2) out                3) with

№13. The game is not worth a candle, it's time to drop . .

1) out                2) off                  3) in

№14. I wanted to go on a holiday abroad, but we had to give .. the idea.

1) away         2) out                 3) up

№15. When will you give my book        

1) out                2) back                  3) up

№16. John is reading a book now. He .... about 50 pages.

1) read         2) have read         3) has read

№17. When the programme ..., tell me, please.

  1. start                        2) starts          3) started

№18. Ann did't take ... photos on her holiday.

1) some                 2) any                 3) no

№19. I've bought ... interesting books for you.

  1. some                 2) any                 3) an

№20. ... she ... this kind of music?

  1. Is  ... like
  2. Do  ... like
  3. Does  ... like

Can you guess what the hobby is in each case? Choose and circle the correct item.

№21. To walk a long way in the mountains or countryside.

  1. jogging         2) hiking                 3) cycling

№22. To make or repair clothes using a needle and thread.

  1. shopping         2) ironing                3) sewing

№23. The activity of understanding written works.

  1. writing         2) reading         3) chatting

Find the odd in meaning word in each line, circle its number.


  1. hiking
  2. writing
  3. walking
  4. camping


  1. board games
  2. chess
  3. cards
  4. dancing №26.
  1. reading
  2. gardening
  3. cooking
  4. painting


  1. stamps
  2. museums
  3. postcards
  4. badges

Choose the right meaning and circle the correct item.

№28. Outdoorsman

  1. a person who enjoys building new doors outside
  2. a person who enjoys being outside and doing outdoor activities
  3. a person who enjoys going to the cafes

№29. Couch potato

  1. a person who prefers different dishes with potato
  2. a person who can cook potato
  3. a person who sits in front of the TV all day

№30. Avid

  1. to be very enthusiastic about something
  2. to be lazy
  3. to be bored with something

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