Test in English on Grammar (Modal verbs), the 8th form, K.Kaufman.
тест по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

Голышева Елена Николаевна



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Test  in English on Grammar (Modal verbs), the 8th form, K.Kaufman.

1. Choose “may, can or could”:

  1. ___________________ you give me a cup of tea, please?
  2. I am sorry, I am late.______________  I  come in?
  3. Lena, ____________________ I use your book ?

2. Choose “must, should or have to”:

  1. I am ill. I      _________________         stay at the hospital for a month.
  2. She    ________________     learn English well, because I want to become an English teacher.
  3. You _______________ do your homework regularly.

3. Choose  “can, could or to be able to”:

  1. My sister_________________read, when she was five years old.
  2. He _______________  speak English very well.
  3. My brother  ___________________to drive a car in 3 months.

4. Put the sentences into the Future Simple:

  1. The pupil can translate the text into Russian.________________________________________________


  1. I am able to learn this poem by heart. ____________________________________________________


  1. Sasha  must write the composition in English. ______________________________________________


5. Put the sentences into the Past Simple:

  1. They must prepare for an English test. ____________________________________________________


  1. His brother can swim very well. _________________________________________________________


  1. Her friend is able to learn English very well. ______________________________________________


6. Fill in the gaps:

  1. There are clouds in the sky. It ____________ rain.
  2. The ice is thin. You _________________ go on it.

7. Make sentences negative and ask general questions:

  1. I am able to learn many English words.



  1. She can sing very well.



  1. He must learn all Grammar rules.



  1. We have to catch a bus.



  1. They could buy an expensive computer.



  1. You had to do many exercises.



  1. You will be able to improve your pronunciation.



  1. He will have to buy a dictionary.



  1. You should listen to English tapes.



  1. He was able to read English books.



  1. You may sit down.




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