Страноведение : Познавательная викторина по английскому языку для 9- 11 классов.
план-конспект занятия по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему
Подборка материалов страноведческого характера позволяет учителю более продуктивно проводить уроки в формате диалога культур. В рамках декады иностранного языка такие мероприятия как страноведческие викторины ,опросы , обсуждения , заочные путешествия являются наиболее удачными.
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QUIZZ . Native culture. ( 9-11 classes)
Choose the right variant.
1.What are the most popular magazines for boys in Britain
a. Sugar b. Bliss C. NME
2. What does the word “dosh” mean
a. favourite b. Talk c. money
3. How are the guard of the Tower of London called?
a. Beefeaters b. Black Warders c. Yellow Guards
4.What country is called the country of ghosts:
a. Scotland b. England c. Wales
5. RFDSA is short for Royal………… ……….. of Australia.
6.The idiom “ my cup of tea” means:
a. I like tea. B. It’s what I like. C. I didn’t enjoy it.
7.Loch Lomond is situated in:
a. The USA b. Ireland C. Scotland
8……………. College created rules to make football less violent.
a. Eton b. Trinity c. Cambridge
9. Tuk- tuks mean
a. big vehicles b. sound of the instrument c. rickshaws from Asia.
10.W. Shakespeare performed his plays at….
a. London Opera House b. Globe Theatre c. Royal Cavern Garden
11.What is the national symbol of Scotland?
a. a red rose b. a poppy c. a thistle
12.Where does the Prime Minister of GB live:
a. 10 Downing Street b. Windsor Castle c. Buckingham Palace
13.Tenth grades in the American schools are:
a. Freshmen b. sophomores c. seniors
14. who was not British:
a. M. Faraday b. J. Logie Braid c. H. Ford
15. You can bump into princess Diana in…..
a. Madame Tussauds b. Royal Theatre c. St. Paul’s Cathedral
16.Big Eye is…..
a. A Big Foot b. UFO c. Riding wheel
17. Who was the first president of the USA
a. A Lincoln b. G. Washington c. J. Nelson
18. Obento is typical for:
a. Japan b. China c. Korea
19. OXFAM means:
a. the shopping Street b. a chain of charity shops c. medical center
20.AlexanderFleming was …………… by origin.
A .English b. Scottish c. American
21.All the banknotes in the UK have a portrait of….
a. Queen Elizabeth Fry b. Queen Elizabeth -2 c. Sir John Houblon
22.Who was the master thief of the new World:
a. Frances Drake b. Christopher Columbus c. Amerigo Visspicci
23. Morris dancing is typical:
a. Scotland b. England c. Ireland
24. Where do coos live:
a. the USA b. Wales c. Scotland
25. The unspoilt American countryside can be admired in:
a. Hyde Park b. St. James Park c. Yellowstone National Park
26.Which important event takes place on the Thames every spring:
a. The Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race b. Canoe Race c. water polo race
27.The Statue of Liberty in the USA was a gift from:
a. Asian countries b. France c. Japan
28. What is the GCSE:
a. final exams b. charity organization c. the certificate of education
29.What is the oldest and most prestigious university in Ireland:
a. Oxford b. Howard c. Trinity
30.Kishi is an ancient Russian settlement of the ..
a. 17 century b.12 century c. 16 century
31.Loft is ……
a. an attic b. a study c. a basement
32. Terraced houses are houses……
a. with many windows b. that are built back- to - back and joined together
c. with high terraces
33.You’re talking rubbish means:
a. you’re joking b. you’re saying unimportant things c. you’re taking out rubbish
34. Some people in Britain speak Gujarati because they are ……………..by origin.
a. British b. Indian c. Georgian
35. Florence Nightingale was called:
a. Red Cross Lady b . Lady with the lamp c. a nightingale
36. The book “ White Fang “belong to the pen of….
a. M. Curie b. J. London c. S . Clements
37. the national Scottish costume is……
a. the kilt b . along skirt and the blouse c. a colorful uniform
38.Idiom “ It’s a hot potato” means:
a. it’s a hard task b. it’s rather popular c. you need to eat this potato only when it’s hot
39. Near the Tower of London you can see :
a. a lot of swallows b. some hawks c. some old ravens
40. Who is called the Iron Lady:
a. Hillary Clinton b. Kennedy’s Wife c. M Thatcher
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