Презентация по грамматике для 6 класса
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему
Употребление Present Simple, Present Continuous
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Подписи к слайдам:
Present Simple V(1), V+ s (he,she,it) Example: I write but He, she write s Present Continuous be + V + ing Example: I am writ ing You are writ ing He, she is writ ing How do we form
(listen) Jack never The children usually listen to the teacher. listens to the teacher.
(write) Jack never The children usually write at the lesson. writes at the lesson.
(get marks) This boy often The children often get good marks. gets bad marks.
(do homework) This boy seldom The children do their homework every day . does his homework .
What are the members of the family do ing at the moment? Granny is watch ing TV now. Mum is cook ing dinner now . Dad is train ing now .
What are the members of the family do ing at the moment? Little children Two brothers Their sister are paint ing now. are watch ing TV now . is read ing the book now.
Present Simple What does the boy do every day? help play walk read write
Present Simple What does the girl do every day? walk with her dog paint play clean her teeth do homework
Present Continuous What are they doing now? play computer games write
Present Continuous What are these nice kittens doing now? listen to music
Match the questions and the answers : Does the girl go to school every day? Are you writing? Is the cat eating now? Are the boys writing? Do children often play? Is Granny sleeping? No, they are not. Yes, it is . Yes, she does . No, she is not. Yes, they do, No, I am not.
Make up general questions: The children often paint in the evening. Do the children often paint in the evening? Does the boy go to school every day? The boy go es to school every day.
Make up general questions: The children are sleep ing now. Are the children sleep ing now? Is the cat listen ing to music? The cat is listen ing to music.
How do we form questions: Present Simple with the help of Do Does (he, she, it) Present Continuous with the help of am, are, is
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