Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку для 7 класса "Путешествие в Лондон"
план-конспект занятия по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему
В разработке размещён план-конспект внеклассного мероприятия для учащихся 7 класса. Данное мероприятие - это активное участие учащихся и преподавателя в празднике, посвящённом маленькому путешествию в прекрасный город Лондон. Здесь интересные диалоги, представления, информация, музыка и танцы.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Министерство образования Республики Марий Эл
Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение
«Средняя общеобразовательная школа №3 п.Советский»
В Лондон
(Открытое мероприятие по
английскому языку в 7Б классе)
учителя английского языка
Морозовой Г.Г.
МОУ «Средняя общеобразовательная школа №3 п.Советский»
Советского района
Республики Марий Эл
п.Советский, 2010
Класс: 7 Б
Предмет: Английский язык.
Тема: Путешествие в Лондон.
Задачи мероприятия:
1. Воспитание уважения к изучаемому языку, его народу.
2. Развивать у обучающихся интерес к изучаемому языку.
3. Воспитывать умение работать в команде, группе.
4. Развивать внимание, память, воображение учащихся.
Форма проведения: Мероприятие – путешествие.
Основной дидактический метод: Частично-поисковый.
Частичные методы и приёмы: Познавательный, практический, объяснительно-иллюстративный, наглядный.
Оборудование: Слайды, магнитофон, костюмы участников, предметы интерьера (гитары, книги, диванчик).
Методическая литература: 1. Учебная серия «Окошко. Занимательные упражнения». 2. Дзюина Е. В. «Игровые уроки и внеклассные мероприятия на английском языке» М., «Вако», 2007.
План мероприятия:
- Знакомство с географическим и политическим положением Лондона.
- Путешествие по знаменательным местам.
- Встреча со студентами. Викторина.
Ход мероприятия:
Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия «Путешествие по Лондону» для 7 Б класса.
Dear boys and girls! Let’s travel about London. Let’s take this double-decker and go on a trip about this city.
London is the capital of Great Britain, its political, economic, cultural and commercial center.
London is situated on the river Thames. The city is very old. It has more than a 20century old history.
Pupil 1
Can you recognize Westminster Abbey?
It is the ancient church where a lot of kings and queens have been crowned and buried for nearly 1000 years. Westminster Abbey is also famous for the Poet’s Corner, where many of the greatest writers are buried: Dickens, Hardly, Kipling. There are also some memorials to those writers and poets who are not buried there: Shakespeare, Burns, Byron, Scott and Longfellow.
Pupil 2
Buckingham Palace is not far from Westminster Abbey. It’s the official London residence of the Royal Family.
( Танец «Вальс в королевском дворце» Танцуют
обучающиеся кадетского 8Б класса)
The Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace is a ceremony of historic interest. This event is the finest spectacle and attracts great number of people.The most important streets of this part are White Hall.
Pupil 3
At the end of White Hall is Trafalgar Square.
- Trafalgar Square is one of the most beautiful places in London. It was named in the memory of Admiral Nelson. The tall Nelson’s Column stands in the middle of the square.
- What was he?
- Admiral Nelson was a famous English Admiral. On October 21, 1805 the English fleet under his command had a victory over the French fleet in the battle of Trafalgar. Admiral Nelson died in this battle.
Pupil 4
Opposite the Nelson’s monument is the National Gallery. It contains the finest art collections in the world.
William Hogarth was the first artist of English national school of painting. He portrayed not only the representatives of the upper classes but also common people. For example he painted all the servants of his house.
His sketch “Shrimp Girl” is known all over the world.
Pupil 5
Another outstanding representative of 18-th century is Joshua Reynolds. He was the first president of the Royal Academy and the principal painter of the king. His best creations are: “Miss Elizabeth Johnson’s” and “Sisters of Waldergroves”.
Thomas Gainsborough was the first creator of the English school of landscape painting. Besides he was one of the greatest portraitists of his time. In the National Gallery you can see his works: “The girl with a dog” and “ Sarah Siddon’s portrait”.
Pupil 7
John Constable was a landscape painter too. He made his sketches directly from nature in the open air. He didn’t follow classical principles of landscape painting. He created his own art. His masterpieces are “ The Hay Wain”, and “The Cornfield”.
Pupil 8
William Turner attended Academy school and at the age of 15 he exhibited his first work at the Royal Academy. Then he established his own gallery. He has many paintings. Most of them are landscapes and sea-scapes.
British Museum.
Not far from the National Gallery is the British Museum famous for its rich library. In the centre of the museum there is a large Reading Room. There are 7 millions books in it.
The British museum is consist of national museum of archaeology and ethnograthy and the national library. It was build in the middle of the last century.
In the centre of the museum there is a large Reading Room. It is a perfect circle. Many people from different countries are using this library because they have all the necessary books and magazines. I know you like reading, but I want you to listen to different dialogues.
The dialogue
- What are you reading dear?
- I don’t know.
- You don’t know? Really? But you were reading aloud!
- I was reading aloud, Mummy, but I was not listening.
Pupil 10
Londoners are fond of parks and gardens. There are about 550 parks in London. The most beautiful parks are Regent Park with the Zoo, St. James Park, Soho Park, and Hosterly Park. Hyde Park is the biggest of them. In the middle of it there is the Serpentine – a lake in which you can swim and go out in a boat. Hyde Park is famous for its Speaker’s Corner, where orators of all types declare their opinion or make speeches on politics and other subjects. Hyde Park is also a scene of political demonstrations.
Pupil 11
Madam Tussauds’s Museum.
Among lots of museum in London there’s one of special interest which has the name of its founder – Madam Tussauds. This is the largest exhibition of life – size wax figures.
Мари Тюссо создала свою первую восковую фигуру ещё в 17-летнем возрасте. Это была фигура Вольтера. В течении многих лет Мари представляля свои работы в разных городах мира, пока в 1835 году не обосновалась в Лондоне. В 1884 году её внук перевёз коллекцию на Бейкер – Стрит где она и находится поныне.
There are about 500 figures of kings, queens, statesmen, writers and others. Among them there are figures of our statesmen such as Lenin, Gorbachyov and Eltsyn.
Pupil 12
You can see the Royal Albert Hall. In front of the Albert Hall there is a monument to Prince Albert. Prince Albert was Queen Victoria’s husband. He died at the age of 42. This place remind us of Victoria and Albert’s love. This is a large concert hall where the best musicians of the world perform classical music.
Звучит песня “Beauty and the beast”
Oxford is a beautiful town about 50 miles from London. Oxford University consists of 32 colleges – 27 colleges for men and 5 colleges for women. Let’s greet them. (Хлопать) They have some questions for you and for our guests.
Ребята, играя роль британских студентов задают
вопросы об истории Лондона.
How old is London?
How many parts are there in London?
How do the Englishmen call buses in London?
How can people know that the queen is in the palace?
What park is the London Zoo situated in?
What song do the British people sing at New Year’s night?
How long did the Great Fire last?
What is the name of one of the towers of the House of Parliament?
What square is a meeting point of six streets?
What is a very democratic park in London?
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