Физминутки на уроках английского языка.
статья по английскому языку на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
Физкультминутки на уроках английского языка.
Каждому человеку во время умственного напряжения хочется отдохнуть. Урок - это работа мозга и эмоциональная деятельность. Чтобы не перегружать ребенка, необходимо использовать физкультминутки на уроках английского языка.
Для каждого возрастного этапа следует подбирать определенные разминки. Для деток помладше, больше подойдут анимационные, стихотворные физминутки. Для старших также можно использовать стихи, можно шутки, анекдоты, скороговорки или что-то, что одновременно и связывает с языком, и расслабляет. Связь с английским — одно из основных требований. Тем самым, вы можете закрепить какой-то материал, как по лексике, так и по грамматике. А порой, расширить словарный запас.
Физкультминутки классифицируются следующим образом:
- Физкультминутки для глаз
- Физкультминутки для рук
- Физкультминутки для ног
- Общая разминка
Funny Face
Paint your hair and paint your nose
Show me show me
Paint your hair and paint your nose
Show me a funny face
Funny hair funny face
I have a funny face
Paint your eyes and paint your mouth
Show me show me
Paint your eyes and paint your mouth
Show me a funny face!
Funny eyes
Funny mouth
Funny face
A Song From a Game
Blind man, blind man
Sure you can`t see?
Turn round three times
And try to catch me!
Turn East turn West
Catch as you can
Did you think you caught me?
Two little eyes
Two little eyes to look around
Two little ears to hear each sound
One little nose to smell what` s sweet
One little mouth that likes to eat
I can see ,I can see
Two legs across the sea
I can see, I can see
Two arms across the sea
I can see, I can see
Ten toes across the sea
I can see, I can see
Ten fingers across the sea
I can see, I can see
One head across the sea
Oh, no! It`s pirate! Help !
Put your hands on your head
Put your hans on your head
One,two, tree
Put your hands on your head
Put your hands on your head
Sing with me
Put your fingers on your arm
Put your fingers on your arm
Put your fingers on your arms
One,two,tree A,B,C
Sing with me
Put your pencil on your shoulder
Put your pencil on your shoulder
Put your pencil on your shoulder
One,two,three A,B,C
Put your pencil on your shoulder
Sing with me
Hands up Hands down Hands on hips Sit down Stand up Hands to sides Bend left Bend right Hands on hips
One, two, three – hop! One, two, three – stop!
My Hands
Here`s my left hand And here`s my right I can clap them With all my mind!
Touch your shoulder
Touch your knee
Raise your arms
Then drop them, please!
Touch your ankles
Pull your ears
Then touch your nose
With your toes go
Tap, tap, tap
Now your fingers
Snap, snap, snap!
My Hands Upon My Head
My hands upon my head I place On my shoulders, on my face Then I put them in front of me And gently clap: one, two, three!
I Have Got Ten Fingers
I have got ten fingers I have got ten fingers
I have got two ears, two eyes one nose
One, Two
One, two, touch the blue Three, four, point the door Five, six, stamp your feet Seven, eight, touch your face Nine, ten start again!
My New Shoes
Hop,hop,I can hop
I can hop in my new shoes!
Red,black,orange and blue
Look at my new shoes!
Run, run, I can run
I can run in my new shoes!
Red, black, orange and blue
Look at my new shoes!
Jump,jump,I can jump
I can jump in my new shoes!
Red,black,orange and blue
Look at my new shoes!
Dance,dance,I can dance
I can dance in my new shoes!
Red,black,orange and blue
I can dance in my new shoes!
Count with me 1, 2,
Jump with me!
Count with me 3, 4,
Jump with me!
Count with me 5, 6,
Jump with me!
Count with me 7, 8,
Jump with me!
Count with me 9, 10,
Jump with me!
Brush Your Hair
Brush (3 times) your hair and say
This is a happy day!
Clap (3 times) your hands and say
This is a happy day!
Stamp (3 times) your feet and say
This is a happy day
Brush your hair
Clap your hands
Stamp your feet
Boys and Girls
Boys hands up!
Boys hands down!
Boys and girls
Turn around!
Girls hands up!
Girls hands down!
Girls and boys
Turn around!
Stand up! Stand up! Hold your pencil please! Sit down! Sit down!
And put your pencil down! Stand up! Stand up!
Hold your crayon please! Sit down! Sit down!
And put your crayon down! (book, rubber…)
Look at Me
Look at me
I can climb the tree
Look at me (2 times)
Look at him
He can swim
Look at him (2 times)
Look at her
She can run
Look at her (2 times)
Look at me (repeat)
One, one, one
Little Jim run!
Two, two, two
Run after Sue!
Three, three, three
And then after me!
Trams and cars in your town, Run up and down,
Up and down! Stop! Look at the light!
First look to the left, And then to the right!
Can you?
Can you hope like a rabbit? Can you jump like a frog? Can you walk like a duck?
Can you fly like a bird? Can you swim like a fish? And be still like a good child, As still as you wish?
Let`s play
Let`s play follow the leader
Let`s go!
Touch your toes
Wave your arms
Hop and skip
And now sit down!
Click your fingers
Stamp your feet
Hop and skip
And now sit down!
Clap your hands
And turn around
Hop and skip
And now sit down!
I Am a Little Tea-pot (song)
I am a little tea-pot
Short and stout
Here is my handle
Here is my spout
When the tea is ready
Give me a Shout
Then tip me up
And pour me out!
Конечно же, это не весь запас физминуток, которые учитель может использовать в своей работе. Разнообразие разминок очень велико. Главное, не забывать о физкультминутках на уроках английского языка. Это совсем не лишний элемент. Это способ расслабить детей, снять нагрузку, заинтересовать. Физминутки делают урок еще более занимательным.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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