PowerPoint презентация "Магазины и покупки "
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему
Презентация предназначена для учащихся 10 класса, содержит задания для устных монологических и диалогических высказываний по теме в формате ЕГЭ
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Number one leisure activity The British, in the words of Napoleon, is 'a nation of shopkeepers‘. It is their number one leisure activity and accounts for around 37% of all money spent in England.
Some towns also have street markets where fresh food and cheap goods can be bought. Away from the town centre , small 'corner' shops provide groceries to local customers.
A few small shops are owned by local people . Most are owned by national 'chains' of stores. This makes many town centres look the same . Task 1 – discuss advantages and disadvantages of small shops, street markets and “corner” shops The main shopping street in many towns is called the High Street, where you should head for if you want to go shopping .
Is it about small shops or hypermarkets? 1. We can buy a lot of goods under one roof there. 2. They sell a wider variety of goods. 3. They sell more specialized goods such as freshly baked bread, etc. 4. We can get extra services there, such as cafes, children centers, banks, etc. 5. Shop-assistants there can be aware of our preferences and tastes. 6. Many of them are located in suburban areas. 7. They are not overcrowded. 8. They can attract the buyer with discounts or a lottery
Make up a dialogue You would like to go to a new shopping mall on Sunday and you want your friend to join you. He/she is not eager to go. Remember to discuss: The pros and cons of shopping malls Your personal attitude to shopping How you can spend your free time if you don’t like going shopping
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Foreign [´ fɒrən ] Foreigner Зарубежный Иностранный Иностранец The English language we call foreign , We should learn it more and more. Is your friend a real foreigner ? It’s not a problem anymore.
Gaelic [´ ɡeɪlɪk ] Primary school Secondary school Half [ hɑ:f ] Road signs [ rəʊd saɪn s ] Letter Ancient [´ eɪnʃənt ] Lake Гэльский Начальная школа Средняя школа буква древний
Maths Art Art lesson – ИЗО Geography PE (Physical Education) Social Education Literature [´ lɪtərətʃə ] History Information technology Science English, French, German Religious Education Biology математика искусство география Физическая культура обществознание история информатика Наука (естествознание) религиоведение биология
On ________ we sing songs and learn about famous Russian composers. On __________ we read stories and discuss them. On ______ we work with numbers. On ___________ we run, jump, do exercises. On __________ we draw and paint. On _______ we operate computers. On __________ we study the past. On _____________ we study how to live in the society. On __________ we study the Earth. On ___________ we study the nature and our body.
Uniform GCSE Leave ‘A’ levels Training Abingdon Nearly Mixed On average Wide choice Canteen - What’s on the menu today? – Chips and beans Activity Netball Rugby Violin State school Free Government Pay Independent Boarding Term time форма покидать учеба почти смешанный В среднем столовая занятие бесплатный правительство общеобразовательный платить независимый пансион семестр
French ; Design and Technology ; Food ; Technology ; Maths ; Information Technology; Science ;
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Complete the questions with the words from the box. There is one extra word you do not need. 1.What sort of job would you like to………………….in the future? Why? 2. Would you like to do the same ……………………as your mother or father? Why? Why not? 3. Would you prefer to work ………………a small local ……………………. or a big international one? 4. What do you think is more important: a high…………………………..or interesting ……………? Why? 5. Do you prefer working on your own or in a ……………? 6. What jobs do you think are ………………………? Answer these questions, please! Work/team/salary/on/job/for/well-paid/do/company do job for company salary work.. team.. well-paid
Complete the sentences by adding suffixes to make the names of jobs . A person who is responsible for the accounts of a company is an ____________________. A person who repairs electrical devices /things is an ___________________. A person who works in a library is a ________________________________. A person who plays music is a _______________________________. A person who works in politics is a ___________________________. A person who delivers the post is a __________________________. A person who has studied psychology is a _________________________. A person who works in the field of science is a _________________________. A person who writes for a newspaper is a ____________________________. A person who cuts your hair is a ___________________________. -ian -ant -man -er -ist
Make new words changing the form of the words in bald The manager told me I was too_________________ BOSS and that I should discuss things with my colleagues rather than telling them what to do all the time. Being a firefighter is a very stressful ____________________. OCCUPY It takes a lot of hard work to be _________________in this business . SUCCEED I wouldn’t like to become so _______________that I couldn’t go out in public . FAME Kate is 60 next week and she is leaving, so remember to wish her “ Happy _____________________.” RETIRE It took Ralph a long time to find a new job- he was __________________for nearly 2 years EMPLOY
Choose the correct variant Bob joined the__________________about 6 years ago. a) ambition b) fame c) pension d) company I’m sure it’s good to be well known, but __________________isn’t everything. a) boss b) interview c) fame d) poverty Don’t sign the_________________until you’ve read every word of it. a) industry b) contract c) staff d) profession My grandfather stopped working two years ago and now he gets a _______________ a) pressure b) leader c) pension d) department Charles worked in the same job for almost the whole of his __________________ a) colleague b) manager c) industry d) career company fame contract pension career
What Makes Us Happy At Work 1.___________________________ 2.___________________________ 3.___________________________ 4. Good work/life balance 5. Varied ( разнообразная )work 6. Doing something worthwhile ( стоящее ) 7. Making a difference 8 .Part of a successful team 9 . Achievements recognised (признанные) 10. _____________________________
Enjoyable work Friendly supportive colleagues Good boss or manager High salary A survey was carried out to find what makes people happy at work. Complete the results with what you think is the most important С D 2-06
Listen to the dialogue between two friends to find out the real results of the survey 1. Friendly supportive colleagues 2 . Enjoyable work 3. Good boss or manager 4. Good work/life balance 5. Varied ( разнообразная )work 6. Doing something worthwhile ( стоящее ) 7. Making a difference 8 .Part of a successful team 9 . Achievements recognised (признанные) 10. High salary
Role playing (giving/reacting to news) ex.4 p.45 Answer Key 2. A: I didn’t get the part-time job, I’m afraid. B: Really? What happened? 3. A: Guess what! My mum got a promotion! B: Wow! That’s brilliant! 4. A: I’ve got some good news! My dad got a pay rise! B: That’s fantastic!
Listening for specific information (ex.6 p.45) Answer Key 1 . 16 2 . well-organised 3 . hours 4 . serve 5 . payments 6 . £5.50/hour
Read and Write (Window on Britain 2 p.9) Read the interview with David Stockton. Put the questions in the right place as in the example. Do things sometimes go wrong? What happens in a typical day? What questions do people always ask you about your job? How important is your job? Is there anything you dislike about your job? 1 2 3 4 5
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