“Starlight 5” Test 3 (Module 3)
тест по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

Комендантова Наталия Григорьевна

Я работаю с УМК "Звёздный английский", практически, второй год. Серия мне очень нравится, но беда в том, что дети не хотят думать, а пользуются ключами. Поэтому мне приходится составлять тренировочные и проверочные тесты самой.



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Предварительный просмотр:

“Starlight 5”

Test 3 (Module 3)

  1. Fill in: at, in, on.

1. … Monday

2. … weekend

3. … 9 o’clock

4. … the morning

5. … dawn

II. Put the adverb of frequency in the correct place.

1. We are hungry. (sometimes)

2. I go to the swimming pool. (usually)

3. My mum gets up early. (always)

4. Nick plays the guitar at home. (never)

5. Boys have lunch in the classroom. (often)

III. Put the verbs in brackets in the present simple.

1.  Masha … (be) twelve today.

2. She … (get up) at 7 o’clock.

3. I … (be) her best friend

4. We … (have ) a birthday party in the evening.

5. My family … (go) to bed at 10 pm.

IV. Write the time.

1. a quarter to five

2. half past two

3. half to ten

4. a quarter past eleven

5. twenty past three

V. Choose the correct response.

1. Let’s go to the cinema. a) That sounds good.   b) See you there.

2. Don’t be late.  a) Really!  b) OK. See you there.

3. What time do you want to meet?  a) Is 7:00 OK?  b) No, I don’t.

4. Who’s Linda?  a) She’s my mother.  b) It’s Masha.

5. Do you have any brothers?  a) Yes, I do.  b) She is my sister.

VI. Use have to, don’t have to.

1. You … brush your teeth twice a day.

2. You … do homework every day.

3. You … be polite with teachers.

4. You … be rude with parents.

5. You … eat a lot of sweets.

VII. Write the correct word.

1. Your dad’s sister is your …

2. Your dad’s mother is your …

3. Your dad’s son is your …

4. Your mum’s sister is your …

5. Your mum’s father is your …

VIII. Fill in: poisonous, wildlife, nature, bite, rare, exotic.

1. There are lots … animals and plants in the Red Book.

2. Parrots are … birds.

3. The … snakes are very dangerous.

4. The beauty of … attracts a lot of people.

5. Be careful! The snakes can … you.

6. My father is a … photographer.

IX. Write sentences using should\shouldn’t, ought to\oughtn’t to.

1. You … bring a camera to the museum.

2. You … be late at school.

3. You … eat a lot of fruits.

4. You … wash hands before meals.

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