презентация на тему "Рождество"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему
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Armenia On this day the faithful light a candle in the church and carry it home to light the houseand preparing for the feast of Christmas. The next day, January 6 in the morning is served a Christmas liturgy. Then celebrate Epiphany with the ceremony ofconsecration of the water. Traditionally on this day in Armenian families in the ricepilaf served table with raisins, fish and red wine. The next day, all rise late and notdress up pajamas until noon. Before the evening eats the remains of Christmas dinner, the evening served smoked lamb nogu.V Christmas night at the entrances tothe small town of Echmiadzin you can see rare for Armenian traffic jams ..
Bulgaria Here, Christmas is called " Koleda ." Good grandfather, who brings gifts, called " Dyado Koleda ." It comes after midnight on Christmas Eve from December 24 to 25.Along with him after midnight, and the custom is carried out: they go a group of youngmen (the group is allowed to include and boys over 12 years) in the festive national costume, which poyut.Oni wish each home health, prosperity and fertility. Mistressesgive them nuts, prunes, dried apples, bacon, cheese, baked specially pretzels(" koledni kolacheta ").
Austria In Austria, like decorating the Christmas tree and garlands are not toys and chocolate and marzipan. Austrians dress in the best and keep the doors open so that at any time for them to join friends. The main dish of Christmas, of course, carp.
England In England, Christmas - a real family holiday. On this day, everyone gathers in the family home, give each other gifts, eat, drink and view your family photos. The traditional dish is turkey with sauce of gooseberries and pudding. A drink that dayonly tea or brandy. Christmas table decoration of English is a birthday cake. According to ancient custom, his stuffed with various objects, predict the future for the next year or so, whose piece will be the subject. The British believe that means a quick wedding ring, a coin - the future wealth and horseshoe - good luck in the new year. In addition, according to the custom on Christmas Eve, a boy and a girl, having appeared together at a branch of mistletoe, were supposed to kiss.
Brazil In Brazil, the Christmas holiday devoid of our usual attributes: cold, snow, andchildren on sleds. In this time of year in Brazil, 35-degree heat. Tree, usuallydecorated with clumps of wool and artificial snow. Brazilians love to celebrate Christmas is not in the narrow family circle, and on the streets en masse. In the natural order of things - street festivals, hot dances and songs. But on Christmas Eve, celebrated on December 24, is a family holiday whena parent under the same roof going all the numerous Brazilian family. Brazilian-bearded Santa Claus is called Pai Natal, and he wears a red cap and a traditionalzhupan . And come on holiday to Brazil, from the far north of Greenland. Roast Christmas in Brazil
Georgia Georgia has a long tradition that on Christmas believers organize a march or "procession" called Alilo . Christmas parade led by white-clad believers " bearinggood tidings of peace" and singing Christmas carols.
Spain In Spain, as well as other Spanish-speaking countries, it is very fun to celebrate Christmas. The central streets of major cities (Madrid, Barcelona, Seville, Zaragozaand Valencia), the feast day just packed with singing and dancing people dressed innational costumes. Before the beginning of the Christmas service Spaniardsgathered at the main entrance to the cathedral or church, dancing, holding hands. For Spaniards the main day of Christmas - January 6, the feast of the Three Magi,and the main dish - nuts and honey. The kids in this day are in their socks or the shoes cherished gifts. They rely only obedient children, naughty accrue the samepieces of coal. True, in recent years, confectioners make sweets in the form of coal, so that kids do not feel left out.
Russia Christmas in Russia celebrated January 7 due to the Julian calendar. Gifts to Russian children brought Santa Claus, with its accompanying Maiden. They are met with music and cakes in the shape of the heart. Each symbolizes the heart of desire, which must be fulfilled in the coming year. An essential attribute of celebrations -Christmas tree. On the night of January 7, friends and relatives met at the banquet table on which stands the porridge, goose, lamb and pork, drink tea and vodka, andtell funny stories and obscene.
USA Christmas - the most beloved and important festival of all the faithful Americans. In the southern states celebrate Christmas noisy, loud, with fireworks andfirecrackers . But in Alaska kids with flashlights in hand on Christmas night are from house to house decorated with colored paper and foil large cardboard cut out of the star and sing Christmas carols. United States - a multiethnic country, so you can see the different ways of celebratingChristmas . Some cook traditional stuffed turkey. Others prefer the sausage dish ofcabbage soup. The Italians are preparing for Christmas lasagna. Children receivegifts in the morning. They say that the night would come Santa Claus, he came downthe chimney and bring presents. In the traditional Christmas morning breakfast is served with cinnamon rolls and coffee for lunch - ham.
Happy Christmas!
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