Подборка стихотворений по теме " The Twelve Months"
методическая разработка по английскому языку на тему
Собран материал для речевой разминки (стихотворения) на начальном и среднем этапе обучения по теме "The Twelve Months"
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Предварительный просмотр:
Начальный этап обучения английскому языку является самым трудным и ответственным. Здесь происходит формирование не только слухо-произносительной базы, но и всех остальных тесно связанных с ней навыков и умений. Песни, стихи и рифмовки повышают интерес к овладению определенными знаниями и способствуют развитию фонетических, лексических и грамматических навыков
Сам процесс заучивания стихотворений наизусть и воспроизведения их на уроках сначала хором, а позже и индивидуально или парами служит развитию навыка говорения на иностранном языке. Дети охотно и легко учат стихи , как на родном, так и на иностранном языке. Рифмованная речь является для них привычной и более естественной, чем простая, именно потому, что им легче запомнить информацию в рифмованном виде. Эта психологическая особенность памяти учащихся активно используется при обучении их английскому языку.
Планируя и проводя уроки на начальном этапе обучения иностранному языку невозможно недооценить значения использования стихотворений в качестве речевой и фонетической разминки учеников. Она создает готовность к общению на иностранном языке и положительный настрой к дальнейшей работе на уроке. Использование стихотворений помогает преодолеть некую речевую скованность
Хочу поделиться подборкой стихотворений по теме «THE TWELVE MONTHS», которую я использую в своей работе.
By Christina Rossetti
January with cold is set,
February is chill and wet.
March wind often rages.
In April weather changes.
Pretty flowers come in May,
Sunny June brings longest day.
In hot July the skies are clear.
Then August with corn is here.
For fruit September opens the way,
October sweeps the leaves away.
Next enters gray November,
And, lastly, snowy December.
By R L. Stevenson
Thirty days has September.
April, June and November;
February has twenty-eight alone.
And the test have thirty-one,
Excepting leap-year, that's the time.
When February days are twenty-nine.
By F.D. Sherman
In January we are happy
To see the snow-fail
But the poor little birds
Are not happy at all!
(A song)
By Susan and Anita Weinberger
Snow-flakes fall on trees and walk.
Snow-flakes fall as white as chalk.
Snow-flakes fail into my hand.
Snow-flakes brighten up our land!
By Ivy Russell
Grey is the sky
And the wind is chill;
Icicles hang
From the window-sill.
Gone is the swing
From the tree bough,
Nobody plays
In the garden now.
Only the robin,
With breast of red,
Sits and waits
For his crumbs of bread.
By Eunice Close
March wind goes out to play.
He will have such fun today!
When the boys and girls come out.
He blows their caps and hats about.
By Eileen B. Edge
Hark! March is waking
Nature from her dreams,
And the ice is breaking
On the frozen streams.
By Eve Merriam
Green blades of grass,
Yellow crocus shoots.
Go deep, dark roots.
Grow high, bright flowers.
Good-bye, snow boots!
(A song)
Rain, rain, rain, April rain,
You are feeding seed and grain,
You are raising plants and crops
With your gaily sparkling drops.
In the sun glitter bright.
Patter gently through the night.
On the branches buds will grow
With your soft caressing flow.
In the woods violets blue,
Newly blown, will smile at you,
And we boys and girls will run
Through your showers in the sun.
By Robert Herrick
First, April, with its showers
Opens the way for early flowers;
Then after it comes smiling May,
In a more sweet and rich array"
By Ellen Troup
When the skies are blue and clear,
You will know that May is here.
And it leaves at every place
A flower with a beautiful face.
By F. G. Sanders
Far up in the deep blue sky.
Great white clouds are floating by;
All the world is dressed in green,
Many happy birds are seen;
Flowers bright and sunshine dear
Show that lovely May is here.
By Christina Rossetti
The days are clear,
Day after day.
When April’s here,
That leads to May,
And June Must follow soon:
Stay, June, stay! —
If only we could stop the moon
And June!
By Irene Boyd
Hey! Hay making in June!
Hay making, hay making,
Work is great fun!
We’re turning and raking
The hay in the sun.
Hey! Hay making in June!
By Sara Coleridgе
June brings tulips, lilies, roses,
Fills the children’s hands with posies.
Hot July brings cooling showers.
Pinks and many other flowers.
By Marlin Panzer
October is a lovely month,
My sisters and my brothers;
October is a lovely month —
And so are all the others!
By Mary Howitt
There are twelve months in the year
From January to December —
And the best month of all the twelve.
Is the merry month of September.
By Ellen Troup
The maple-tree has turned to red,
The poplar leaves are gold.
The sky is sunny over head.
The wind is getting cold!
The robins all have gone away.
The grass is dry and brown.
Chrysanthemums are bright and gay.
October's come to town!
By Leonard Clark
Fog in November, trees have no heads.
On trees and houses fog spreads;
I cannot see my hand before my face
; The world becomes a foreign place;
My body does not seem to be my own.
People are strangers, houses unknown.
By Alice Very
The month of August
Is the month of fruit;
But remember, children,
My fruit is not so good.
Please, remember,
To wait for September.
By Margaret Wise Brovin
December comes with white snow
And cold winds begin to blow;
From the cold and starlit sky
Merry snow-flakes fly and fly;
They fall softly in the night
All are still, all are white.
By Alice Very
December is the best of all.
Snow-flakes dance, snow-flakes fall.
People see the New Year in —
When December ends, it will begin.
By Malcolm Hemphrey
Orchards are apple scented.
Mists across the meadow lie,
The sun is soft and golden,
In the blue and kindly sky.
Asters, pinks and roses
Make the gardens gay.
Loveliness is everywhere
This warm September day!
By Marion Doyle
Golden in the tree tops.
Golden in the sky;
Golden, golden, golden
October’s passing by.
Golden, golden, golden
October’s passing by.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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Сценарий спектакля на английском языке Twelve months. Написан и использован в работе кружка внеурочной деятельности для 5 класса школы с углубленным изучением английского языка
Видео спектакля можно посмотреть здесь https://vk.com/video269599378_456239020...