Презентация по теме "Португалия"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему
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Plan What do we know about national characteristics of Portugal What do we know about its habitants and their features of character What do we know about its traditions and customs What traditions do they have to get married What is the most ancient occupation in Portugal
Let’s start our voyage to Portugal
Portugal.National characteristics Portugal - the country , was the mighty kingdom , and the owner of huge overseas colonies, and now has become a great place for leisure tourism , with an abundance of cultural and artistic centers . The Portuguese have a unique national character and special Mediterranean traditions
Its habitants Portuguese jealously proud to belong to the historical greatness of their country and its heroic past. They see themselves as a special nation , and can not stand when they try to compare with the same Spanish
Their character Sense of honor and dignity are of great importance for the Portuguese . They are struggling to not to "lose face" in any situation. With this feature is closely related to its own attention appearance . "Meet on clothes" - this saying is very relevant for the Portuguese mentality.
The traditions and customs of Portugal Portugal - modern Mediterranean country, full of interesting traditions and customs, of which the most thrilling experience you can get from the celebration of traditional Portuguese wedding. Besides between Portuguese and Russian have a lot in common, especially the original customs to celebrate the New Year .
Wedding traditions The speciality of this nation is the fact that they get married very early. The average age is 16 years old bride, the groom, as a rule, turns 19-20 years. It is this age of the bride and groom is, according to the Portuguese, the most suitable for a family.
Some Specialities . Pre-wedding week the Portuguese called " noyvush .“ “Walking on friends" on noyvush bride should necessarily go with the new basket filled with freshly baked bread. Refuse of taking bread is considered badly and can be regarded as a contempt of the young couple .
The most ancient occupation But let’s start with the most interesting details. Also, as in many Mediterranean countries, in Portugal, where wine is the most ancient occupation, the vine is a symbol of abundance and prosperity, it is a symbol of good health and family warmth. It is therefore not surprising that in the new year give tribute to the Portuguese grapes. It is believed that eating a grape to battle the Christmas hours, they carry out their wishes
That’s all
Done by : Kuznetsova E.A.
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