Thanksgiving Day
материал по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему
Выступление команды на конкурсе ( название, девиз, материалы для подготовки, упражнения, песня и рекомендации по костюмам)
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Thanksgiving Day
Выступление команды на конкурсе, посвященному этому празднику.
Команда состоит из 4 человек.
Название команды:
Native Americans ( может быть любым)
Our guests will never die of starving.( выбирается под название)
Plump pumpkins, grand parades, the aroma of turkey and trimmings -
These all announce the harvest holiday we call Thanksgiving.
This important historical holiday is a time for family gatherings, for sharing,
and for giving thanks.
Thanksgiving Action Poem
When the Pilgrims sailed to this new land,
(put one arm out to represent land, use the other arm to make a boat
sailing on ”bumpy” waves)
They met a friendly Indian hand.
(clasp hands in a handshake)
The Indians taught them to plant, hunt and fish,
(sow seeds, shoot arrow, cast fishing pole)
Then they all had a feast with many a tasty dish.
(make eating gestures and pat stomach contentedly.
Ученики имитируют движения, каждому достается одна фраза.
T is for the trust the pilgrims had so many years ago,
H is for the harvest the settlers learnt to grow,
A is for America, the land in which we live,
N is for nature and beauty which she gives,
K is for kindness, gentle words, thoughtful deeds,
S is for smiles, the sunshine everyone needs,
G is for gratitude.....our blessings big and small,
I is for ideas, letting wisdom grow tall,
V is for voices, singing, laughing, always caring,
I is for Indians, who taught them about sharing,
N is for neighbours, across the street, over the sea,
G is for giving of myself to make a better me.
Каждый из участников держит в руках две английские буквы, все вместе читается даже из зала, если буквы достаточно крупные.
Готовим костюмы. Девочки одевают длинные светлые юбки и футболки с вышивкой, имитирующей орнамент. Можно приготовить полоски на голову. Мальчиков одеваем в старые замшевые куртки и брюки. На голову украшение из перьев ( правда оно от перуанских индейцев, но никто не возражает или не знает этих тонкостей).
Для украшения выступления мы использовали песню “RUNNING BEAR”. Ее можно скачать из Интернета. Первый куплет есть в УМК “OPEN DOORS2».
On the banks of the river
(1)...........Running Bear, young Indian brave
On the other side of the river
(2)............his lovely Indian maid
Little White Dove, was her name
Such a lovely sight to (4)..............
But their tribes (5) ….....with each other
So their love (6)........ …....... ….............
Running Bear (7)..........Little White Dove
With a love as big as the sky
Running Bear (8)..........Little White Dove
With a love, that (9)............ …...... die.
Специально напоминаю, что сначала нужно дать прослушать песню с пропусками, дать возможность детям вставить необходимые слова, тогда слова удается выучить быстрее.
В нашей гимназии мы занимаемся по УМК «SPOTLIGHT” поэтому учащиеся шестого класса, а именно эта параллель участвовала, почти ничего не знает об американских традициях. Поэтому команду пришлось готовить, упражнения и основной текст приведены ниже:
Traditions and Customs
Imagine a day set aside for families to come together from near and far to feast and feel thankful for all they have and you've got Thanksgiving Day in the United States. Some families take part in religious ceremonies in the morning, but for most families the highlight of the day is Thanksgiving dinner. Traditionally this feast features roast turkey with stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy, sweet potatoes, squash, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie with whipped cream. Major college and professional football games are televised that day, and this unites many men around the television while women are busy in the kitchen.
The custom began with the Pilgrims in 1621. The Pilgrims were an English religious minority which did not worship the Church of England and therefore suffered persecution. They decided to leave the country in search of religious freedom. King James I gave them a charter to settle in Virginia, where a British colony had been founded in 1607. On September 16, 1620, a small ship called the Mayflower, carrying 102 passengers, left Plymouth harbor in England and sailed west. On November 11, 1620, the Mayflower reached North America. But storms had blown the ship off course and the Pilgrims were far north of Virginia. It took them another month to find a suitable place to settle and, finally, on December 26, 1620, the Pilgrims found a harbor, which became the site of the town they named Plymouth, in the present State of Massachusetts. The colonists endured a very hard winter of sickness and starvation by the end of which half were dead. But with the help of the native Indians, who taught them how to fish, hunt, and plant corn, their chances for surviving the winter of 1621 looked much brighter. After a successful harvest, Governor William Bradley decided to hold a special Thanksgiving feast, and invited the Indian chief Massosoit and ninety Indian braves to attand. The Indians brought deer meat or venison to be roasted along with the turkeys and other wild game for the feast. They even brought popcorn to share! The original Thanksgiving lasted three whole days and can you believe that all that food was prepared by three women!
The colonists continued to celebrate the autumn harvest with a feast of thanks. George Washington suggested that November 26th be set aside each year for the observance. In 1864, at the end of the tragic Civil War, Abraham Lincoln established the last Thursday in November as a day for all Americans to give thanks.
Stores, schools, and homes are decorated with various Thanksgiving symbols, including pictures of pilgrims, Indians, turkeys, and harvest lifestyles. The horn of plenty or CORNUCOPIA, wreaths of dried flowers, and dried, multicoloured “Indian corn” are often used as door and table decorations. The day after Thanksgiving is considered the beginning of the month – long Christmas shopping season, as demonstrated by Santa Claus's traditional arrival at the end of the annual Thanksgiving Day Parade held in New York City and sponsored by Macy's department store.
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