Использование комплексных заданий при подготовке к ЕГЭ
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (11 класс)
В работе представлены примеры тематически организованных занятий, где тексты для аудирования выступают в качестве опоры для развития ключевых языковых и речевых компетенций.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Задание на образование грамматических форм (B4-B10)
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Задание 19-25 I ____ in Brighton on the famous stony beach when I overhead a group of Russian girls ______about boys. Understanding some Russian I was immediately entertained as they obviously believed they could be __________ by no one apart from _________________. I slipped into a kiosk queue, pretended to scan my paper and slowly looked in the order direction. Then they ________ about me! One gave me a _______ review than the others but fortunately none were too unkind. Still, you can imagine their shock and embarrassment when I introduced ______ in Russian. BE 19 TALK 20 UNDERSTAND 21 22 THEY TALK 23 GOOD 24 MY 25
I have trying to learn Russian. It is so hard compared to English in my opinion. And the words have so many syllables and are often so hard to ______. But I have Russian friends who disagree . I suppose it is _____ a question of what you are used to. But for me, Russian is the hardest – with an ______ alphabet, strange sounds and stresses; not to mention a totally ________ grammar system. I can`t think of ________ ______ harder than trying to learn any new language. I`ll just have to keep on working at it. PRONUNCIATION Задание 26-31 SIMPLE 27 26 FAMILIAR 28 29 DIFFERENCE 30 ANY MANY 31
Предварительный просмотр:
Использование комплексных заданий при подготовке к ЕГЭ
(из опыта работы)
В работе представлены примеры тематически организованных занятий, где тексты для аудирования выступают в качестве опоры для развития ключевых языковых и речевых компетенций.
Методологической базой для работы послужили книги по методике Пассова, Е.Н Солововой, также рекомендации Вербицкой М.В., Махмурян которые подчёркивают , что обучение должно строиться на деятельностном, коммуникативно-когнитивном и системном подходах, в основе которых лежат современные лингводидактические принципы, такие, как научность, посильность, доступность, дифференциация и интеграция, соответствие условиям обучения, простота выявления и оценки результатов
На создание данной модели меня вдохновил принцип Елены Николаевны Солововой, руководителя федеральной группы разработки КИМ ЕГЭ, который она условно назвала « текст один - заданий много» Таким образом удовлетворяются требования к обучению и.я : а именно , сбалансированное обучение всем видам речевой деятельности и аспектам языка. Особенностью её идеи является то, что она основана на контроле умений общения в пределах одного тематического блока в соответствии с Государственным образовательным стандартом и кодификатором ЕГЭ
Поэтому и возникла идея при подготовке к ЕГЭ соединить достижения традиционного контроля с преимуществами предлагаемой модели комплексных упражнений нацеленных на повышение эффективности и качества обучения иностранному языку..
Таким образом, ведущая педагогическая идея состоит в воспитании успешного ученика».
Новизна моей идеи состоит в том, комплексные задания разработаны на основе текстов для аудирования с общим пониманием. А т.к данные тексты представляют собой краткие высказывания информационно - прагматического характера и объединены одной темой, они как нельзя лучше подходят для дальнейшего развития речевых умений.
Суть моей идеи заключается в том, что после выполнения задания в собственно аудировании , тексты аудиозаписей служат опорой для
• Совершенствовани слухо-произносительных и ритмико-интонационных навыков
• Контроля сформированности лексико- грамматических навыков,
• развития коммуникативных умений чтения, письменной речи, говорения .
Таким образом, объединяется контроль сформированности рецептивных видов речевой деятельности с продуктивными. При этом контроль выполняет обучающую и стимулирующую функцию
Алгоритм действий:
1.Выполнение предтекстовых заданий по аудированию (задание В1)
-выделение общей темы (проблемы, ситуаций) высказываний и выделение различий
- выделение (подчёркивание) ключевых слов в предложениях,
- подбор синонимов, игра в «ассоциации»,
- беседа по предвосхищению содержания
2.Первое прослушивание
-отмечать все возможные варианты ответа
-делать нужные исправления в ответах по ходу прослушивания остальных текстов
3. Второе прослушивание
-записывать ключевые слова для обоснования выбора
4. Проверка задания
5. Чтение высказываний вслух по скрипту
-отработка навыков произношения и интонации
6.Анализ текстов с точки зрения словообразования (В11-B16)
-поиск слов, которыеобразованы при помощи суффиксов, префиксов и.т.д. и которые можно было бы использовать в качестве задания
- выполнение и (или) составление мини – тестов.
При выполнении задания обращать внимание на то,
- какой частью речи должно являться пропущенное слово
- определить, используется ли данное слово в положительном или отрицательном значении
- образовать нужное слово с использованием нужных суффиксов или префиксов, а может быть и одновременно
- попробуйте определить на слух, насколько естественно звучит словоприбавляя те или иные суффиксы
- обратите внимание на правописание
7.Анализ грамматических структур( В4-В10)
-выделение в тексте видовременных глагольных форм, неличных форм глагола(инфинитив, герундий, причастие), предложений в пассивном залоге, различных форм местоимений, количественных и порядковых числительных, существительных в множественном числе, в притяжательном падеже, со степенями сравнения прилагательных и наречий
- выполнение и (или) составление мини – тестов.
При выполнении задания обращать внимание на то,
- в каком времени идёт основное повествование
- есть ли прямая речь
- определить какую грамматическую форму надо вставить в пропуск
8. Упражнения на понимание структурно- смысловых связей текста (В3)
При выполнении задания обращать внимание
- на последнее слово или выражение перед каждым пропуском
- если одна и та же грамматическая структура используется в начале нескольких выделенных фрагментов, учитывать смысл предложения с пропуском
- по ходу выполнения отмечать все возможные варианты соответствий
- делать нужные исправления по ходу чтения, т.к. после каждого заполненного пробела неясные варианты ответов будут определяться точнее, отпадать методом исключения
9. Постановка прямых вопросов к тексту
используя слова
- askif /whether, … значит надо задать общий вопрос
- вопросительныесловаwhen, where, why, how, how long, how much, how many,who,what предполагаютспециальныйвопрос
- если в формулировке есть слово or , то необходимо задать альтернативный вопрос
- если нет вопросительных слов, то помните, что слово
dates/time – when/what are the the dates/ what time
duration- how long?
cost/price- how much?
10 Выражениесвоего мнения в письменной форме( в форме личного письма или эссе) в зависимости от темы
11.Организация описания подходящей картинки
При этом можно использовать следующие советы:
- начинайте своё высказывание с представления темы. (Она указана в формулировке задания)
- последовательно раскрывайте каждый пункт плана
- не используйте сложные грамматические структуры, не давайте избыточную информацию
- используйте больше прилагательных
- не забудьте сказать в конце своё мнение
- при ответе пользуйтесь следующими полезными фразами:
The picture shows…/You can see …in the picture/There is/are… in the picture
I took this picture …while…
The person/people in the picture is/are…
In the foreground/background/middle of the picture you can see
Looking at it from his/her perspective, I would…
It seems/looks/ appears to me that…
12. сравнение двух картинок
При сравнении и контрастировании картинок, сконцентрируйся на 2-3 общих чертах и 2-3 различиях, используй полезные фразы
Both pictures show…
In both pictures …
In the first/second picture I can see…
In picture1 I can see… whereas/while picture 2 shows…
One /another similarity is that…
The main difference of these pictures is…
Ценность таких заданий в том, что школьники учатся самостоятельно приобретать знания, получать опыт познавательной и учебной деятельности, совершенствуют свои универсальные учебные действия работы с информацией.
Тексты для аудирования взяты из книг Е.Н.Солововой
Тематические тестовые задания , Москва 2011
Раздел « Школьное образование»,« Россия и мир»
Практикум по аудированию
Пример учебного занятия № 1
Тематические тестовые задания , Москва 2011 Раздел « Школьное образование» вариант 2
Speaker А
Mobile phones: students are permitted to bring mobile phones into school but they must be switched off at all times and kept out of sight. There are no exceptions. In case of an accident or emergency of any kind students must report to the nearest teacher who will then phone if assistance is needed. If any student is seen using a mobile, it will be immediately confiscated and not returned until the end of the term.
Speaker B
We have to keep our school diaries on us at all times and have them ready for inspection at any time. It reminds me a bit of having your passport or documents checked! But it is a good idea. You have to complete the diary daily- including homework assignments and deadlines. I find it really helpful and to be honest I’d be lost without it. It’s good for self management and probably good practice for our future lives as adults. I’d prefer an electronic version (less easy to lose) but still I think it’s a good system.
Speaker C
Home task deadlines are supposed to be very strict. The teacher can refuse to accept work that handed in late and since we have “continuous assessments” this could be a problem. But in practice, teachers are quite good about extending deadlines provided you are polite and honest. If you are genuinely having trouble with a task they tend to be supportive and ready to help with advice. However, although deadlines may be extended, they never actually go away!
Speaker D
I hate bullies. I simply don’t understand why some children behave in such an unkind and even cruel manner. Perhaps it is just part of growing up/ anyway, especially since I became a school prefect, I keep a close eye out for any such bad behavior. If I witness sometimes I think might be bulling behaviour I tell a teacher and they also keep a close watch. It is generally difficult to catch them and prove their wrong doing. But luckily it is quite rare in our school.
Speaker E
Our school has a three-way contrast that has to be signed by parents, pupils and teachers. The pupils sign, agreeing that they will follow all the school rules, the parents sign that they will ensure the attendance and good behaviour of their child: also that they will make sure their child does all the prescribed homework. And the teachers sign that they will do their best to help pupils fulfill their educational potential. It is more of a simple agreement rather than a contract. I am not sure if un practice it is particularly valuable.
Speaker F
I am doing A Levels in Music and Music Technology plus History and Maths! I plan, after I finish school, to take a degree in modern music and my ambition is to be a full time musician. So I thought that my request to have two days approved holiday to attend a music festival was a reasonable one. The teacherswerw not at all keen on idea but luckily for me they finally agreed. I expect I will learn a lot and that’s what education is about- isn’t it?
- Выполнениепредтекстовыхзаданий
- Работаслексикой(синонимы)
annoying= irritating= to be angry about
to oppose = to object = to be against it
reasonable= sensible
to allow= to permit= to let
tosuppose= tobelieve
-выделение общей темы (проблемы, ситуаций) высказываний и выделение различий
What are all these sentences about? ( school rules)
How do they differ ( attitude to the problem)
- выделение (подчёркивание) ключевых слов в предложениях
Underline the key information and ask questions to the underlined words
1. It may be annoying, but it is useful
2.Everyone at school should oppose it
3.Reasonable arguments can make teachers more flexible
4. Students are not allowed to use them
5. Some school rules are really stupid and useless
6.Everybody has their own responsibilities
7. In reality it is more flexible than it is supposed to be
2.Слушание текстов , проверка
3. Чтение высказываний вслух по скрипту
4Анализграмматическихструктур (speaker1)
-find sentences in active/ passive/conditional sentence/
- do the task
B4 Mobile phones: students ____to bring mobile phones PERMIT
B5 into school but they must be switched off at all times and ___ KEEP
B6 out of sight. There ___ no exceptions. In case of an accident BE
B7 or emergency of any kind students must report to the____ NEAR
teacher who will then phone if assistance is needed. If any student is
B8 seen_______ a mobile, it USE
B9 ______ immediately confiscated and BE
B10 ______until the end of term. RETURN
5Анализ текстов с точки зрения словообразования (speaker 4)
Find nouns/adjectives / adverbs/
- выполнение мини – теста.
B11Ihatebullies. I _____ don`t understand why some children SIMPLE
B12 behave in such an _____ and even cruel manner. Perhaps it KIND
B13 is just part of ______ up. Anyway, especially since I became GROW
B14 a school perfect, I keep a close eye out for any such bad____ BEHAVE.
If I witness something I think might be bullying behavior I tell a
B15 _____ and they also keep a close watch. It is generally TEACH
B16 _______ to catch them and prove their wrong doing. DIFFICULTY
But luckily it is quite rare in our school .
6. Сравнение двух картинок
При сравнении и контрастировании картинок, сконцентрируйся на 2-3 общих чертах и 2-3 различиях, используй полезные фразы
Both pictures show…
In both pictures …
In the first/second picture I can see…
In picture1 I can see… whereas/while picture 2 shows…
One /another similarity is that…
The main difference of these pictures is…
Пример № 2
Speaker 1
Generally people prefer summer for their holidays. Summer holidays for school students are the longest, but , nevertheless, I believe that winter holidays are the best. They are intense and exciting… and you can do winter sports like skiing and skating. New Year and Christmas add a lot to the holiday atmosphere. Not only schoolchildren, but most adults enjoy being out of work and classes and it’s a fantastic time when families can get together. It’s real fun.
In my opinion we have too long of holiday time during our school year. Winter holidays are usually O.K., they are quite intense due to the season holidays we have at that time ( I mean New Year and Christmas ). And people normally have a lot to do during these holidays- they visit families and friends, exchange gifts and have fun together. But in summer or autumn I don’t know what to do when I don’t have to go to school. I feel bored and watch TV too much, which makes me feel tired and even depressed. Probably, if I had a hobby I would enjoy holidays much more.
Yes, holidays are certainly the best time in our life, but my last holidays was a nightmare. The trip, I had been looking forward to, turned into a disaster from the very beginning. I was fighting problems every single day of my two week holiday. I was late for the flight and had to wait for the next one. Then my luggage was lost, which was more than unpleasant as it was winter time. Then I got ill and had to stay in my hotel room while others were celebrating the New Year and setting off fireworks right in front of my window.
If someone asked me about my idea of a good holiday, I’d tell them about our camping trip last summer. We escaped from the city for a week and were living in tents on the river bank. Being a city dweller, I’d never thought that stars could be so large and mysterious in the dark sky, and that dew drops can shine so brightly on the leaves. But the best thing was long conversations and playing the guitar near the fire. We were talking about the ancient civilizations and the future of the planet, about friendship, about love and our hopes and dreams. I’m absolutely sure that no luxurious resort or expensive hotel at the seaside could ever compare with our holiday on the river.
Like lots of school students every year I look forward to summer holidays. However, when the holiday time comes, I feel a bit disappointed as there’s nothing very exciting for me to do. I hope that one day I could go to a far- away exotic country for my holiday. No, I don’t want to go there as an idle tourist and spend hours on the beach! I would like to take part in some important and exciting activity there, say, archeological digging or wild life watching or new land exploration. I think the ideal holiday means that you can see and learn something new and do something useful.
1. Предтекстовые задания
-выделяем ключевые слова
А.The speaker talks about a perfect summer holiday
B. The speaker talks about an interesting seaside holiday
C. The speaker talks about a negative holiday experience
D. The speaker talks about a positive holiday experience
Е. The speaker talks about a preferable season for holiday
F. The speaker talks about pastime during the holidays
-какие ассоциации у вас вызывают следующие словосочетания:
a perfect summer holidays
exotic country,
exciting activity
an interesting seaside holiday
a negative holiday experience
terrible weather
To be late
To loose luggage
To wait for
a positive holiday experience
Meeting with interesting people
At a camp
a preferable season for holiday
A lot to do
2.Чтение текстов вслух . Выполнение задания(1E 2F 3C 4D 5A)
3.Выполнение задания по грамматике В4-В9
В4 If someone _____ me about my idea ASK
B5 of a good holiday, I would tell____ THEY
about our camping trip last summer. We
escaped from the city for a week and
B6_____ in tents on the river bank. LIVE
B7_____ a city dweller, I’d never thought BE
B8 that stars _____ be so large and mysterious CAN
B9 in the dark sky. But the _____ thing GOOD
was long conversations and playing the guitar
4.Составление задания на словообразование В10-В16
Like lots of school students every year I look forward to summer holidays. B10However, when the holiday time comes, I feel a bit ______ DISAPPOINT B11as there’s nothing very ______ for me to do . EXCITE
B12I hope that one day I could go to a far- away exotic country for __holiday. I B13 Iwould like to take part in some important and exciting _______ACTIVE
B14there , say, ________ digging or wild- life watching or ARCHEOLOGY
B15new lands _______ EXPLORE
5. Выполнение задания по чтению В3
Yes, holidays are certainly the best time in our life A______. The trip, B_______, turned into a disaster from the very beginning. I was fighting problems every single day of my two-week holiday. I was late for the flight C_____. Then my luggage was lost, D______ as it was winter time. Then I got ill E_____ while others were celebrating the New Year F_____.
1.which was more than unpleasant
2.but my last holiday was a nightmare
3.and lying in the sun on the beach
4.I had been looking forward to
5.and had to stay in my hotel room
6.and had to wait for the next one
7.and setting off fireworks right in front of my window
6.Imagine that while travelling during your holidays you took some photos. Choose one photo to present to your friend.
In your talk remember to speak about:
-when you took the photo
-what/who is in the photo
-what is happening
-why you took the photo
-why you decided to show the picture to your friend
Useful phrases:
I’ve chosen the first photo. I took this photo when I was in …
It was …
In the photo you can see …
They are …- ing. Some of them are … others … .
I took this photo because it shows a typical way of …
I’ve decided to show this photo to my friend because I know she/he likes … and it will be interesting for him/her to …
Пример № 3
Speaker 1
Albert Einstein was born in Germany in 1879. His father was a salesman who later became a factory boss. His mother , Pauline, had a fright the night that Albert was born. The future scientist had a very large and oddly shaped head. Happily his head became more «in proportion» as he grew , but the young Einstein further worried his parents – he could`t speak properly or at least with fluency appropriate for his age until he was nine years old.
Speaker 2
Nikola Tesla was born in 1856 to a Serbian family in a small village – then in the Austrian Empire. Legend has it that the night he was born there was an electrical storm and the sky was filled with lightening. His long journey to success as a physicist was equally stormy. He suffered major losses. People he trusted let him down. In fact he had so many problems on the road to wealth and fame that at times he even had to work as a labourer – digging ditches.
Speaker 3
Niels Bohr was born in Denmark in 1855. His father was a noted Physiologist and his mother was wealthy and well connected. Niels and his elder brother Harald grew up to become famous football players. Harald even played for national football team and represented Denmark in the Olympics. But is wasNiels who eventually became the most famous brother. At the age of 37 he got the Nobel Prize and became one of the most influential physicists of the 20 century.
Speaker 4
Tatyana AlexeyevnaAfanasyeva was born in Kiev 19 November 1876. After her father died she was brought up by her uncle in St. Petersburg and attended a pedagogical school and college for women. In 1902 she travelled to Holland where she met and married Paul Ehrenfest .She soon, alongside her husband, established herself as one of the great mathematicians of her age. They had two children, one of whom-Tatyana PavlovnaEherenfest – also became a noted mathematician.
Speaker 5
Marie Curie was Polish but later became a citizen of France. She was a pioneer in the field of radioactivity, the first person honoured with two Nobel Prizes. Although a French citizen, she never lost her sense of Polish identity. Regardless of how famous and admired – she always remembered her Polish childhood. In fact she lived there until the age of 24. She named the first new chemical element that she discovered after her native country – “polonium”. In 1932 she founded the Radium Institute in her home town Warsaw.
Speaker 6
Max Planck was born in Kei, Germany. He was the sixth child in a family devoted to the church and state. At school he succeeded very well in all subjects and he was especially interested in physics and mathematics. He found it difficult to make a decision on what career he was going to aim for, finally settling for physics. But he was also an excellent piano player. Another passion of his was hiking, mountain climbing and taking long walks as regularly as possible.
1. The youngest of the two children became more famous.
2. The home country always meant a lot to the scientist.
3. Science was just one of many passions.
4. Late start led to an early finish.
5. The road to success was hard and painful.
6. Early childhood didn’t promise such a success.
7. Scientific career was followed by one of the children.
Задание на образование грамматических форм (B4-B10)
B4 Tatyana Alexeyevna Afanassyevna __ born in Kiev 19th November BE
B51876. After her father died she ___by her uncle in BRING UP
St. Petersburg and attended a pedagogical school and college for
B6 ___. In 1902 she travelled to Holland where she met WOMAN
B7 and _____ Paul Erenfest. She soon, alongside her husband, MARRY
B8 established __ as one of the greatest mathematicians of SHE
B9 ___ age. They had 2 children, one of whom –Tatyana Pavlovna SHE
B10 Erenfest –also _____a noted mathematician. BECOME
Задание на словообразование B11-B16
B11 Max Plank was born in Kiel, Germany. He was the ___child SIX
in a family devoted to the church and state. At school he succeed very
B12 well in all subjects and he was ___ interested in physics SPECIAL
B13 and mathematics. He found it difficult to make a ___ DECIDE
on what career he was going to aim for, finally settling for physics. But
B14 he was also an excellent piano player. ____ passion of him OTHER
B15 was hiking, mountain _____ and talking long walks as CLIMB
B16 _______ as possible. REGULAR
Задание на словообразование B11-B16
B11 Albert Einstein was born in Germany in 1879. His father was a_ SALE
who later became a factory boss. His mother, Pauline, had a fright the the
B12 night that Albert was born. The future ____ had a very SCIENCE
B13 large and ___ shaped head. Happily his head became more ODD
B14 «in proportion» as he grew, but the young Einstein ___ worried FAR
B15 his parents – he couldn’t speak properly or at ____ with LITTLE
B16 fluency appropriate for his age ____ he was nine years old TILL
Задание на чтение В3
Marie Curie was Polish A_____. She was a pioneer in the field of radioactivity, B_______. C ________, She never lost her sense of Polish identity. Regardless of how famous and admired – D _______.
In fact she lived there E______. She named the first new chemical element E_______ after her native country – «polonium». In 1932 she founded the Radium Institute in her home town Warsaw.
1. until the age of 24
2. that she discovered
3. the first person honoured wih two Nobel Prices
4. that she was honoured with
5. Although a French citizen
6. but later became a citizen of France
7. she always remembered her Polish childhood
Пример № 4
Speaker 1
I have trying to learn Russian. It is so hard compared to English in my opinion. And the words have so many syllables and are often so hard to pronounce. But I have Russian friends who disagree. I suppose it is simply a question of what you are used to. But for me, Russian is the hardest – with an unfamiliar alphabet, strange sounds and stresses; not to mention a totally different grammar system. I can`t think of anything much harder than trying to learn any new language. I`ll just have to keep on working at it.
Speaker 2
All languages have their own unique beauty but it seems to me we should be able to choose which ones we study. The Irish and the Welsh, for example, make their school kids learn those languages. For enough – these languages should be encouraged and available to all who live there. But if the kids spent the same amount of time on French or German maybe their career choices would be wider.
Speaker 3
I was in Brighton on the famous stony beach when I overhead a group of Russian girls talking about boys. Understanding some Russian I was immediately entertained as they obviously believed they could be understood by no one apart from themselves. I slipped into a kiosk queue, pretended to scan my paper and slowly looked in the order direction. Then they were talking about me! One gave me a better review than the others but fortunately none were too unkind. Still, you can imagine their shock and embarrassment when I introduced myself in Russian.
Speaker 4
I have just met an interesting lady. She is Russian and met her Spanish husband in Greece where they lived for 12 years bringing up their three children. Three years ago they all moved to live and work in Brighton, in England. This, I think makes the children potentially quadro-lingual. Is this a record? Imagine the advantage of just growing up naturally with Russian, Spanish, Greek and English. I am so jealous!
Speaker 5
I divide my time between my small studio office and the kitchen. I am trying to build my web design company but it is tough. But I have found a way to relax that I find soothing and occasionally useful for business. I listen to French programs on the radio whilst I work. My amazingly it seems to keep my energy up. And once I got a new French client in after impressing him with my knowledge of French news!
Speaker 6
My aunt and uncle have retired to Spain. They live all year round in a small town close to the sea. But they are not learning Spanish. They say there are enough British living locally: all they need is enough Spanish for polite greetings. In the shops they can point, smile and hold up fingers and in the bank and post office there are English speaking stuff. But I think it would be great if they started lessons. They would enjoy their retirement so much more and learn about the people amongst whom they have chosen to live.
Предварительный просмотр:
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Ким ЕГЭ Задание 1
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