Задание С 3. Как правильно его выполнить?
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Карташова Вера Александровна

Задание С3. Пример его выполнения.


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Слайд 1

Student Card (C3) Task 2 (2-3 min) You play the part of a student in an international school in Canada. You need to make a PowerPoint presentation about a British tourist attraction/place of interest. You can’t use your computer at the moment as it has a virus. You come to your classmate Chris/Christine to borrow his/her computer till tomorrow . Teacher: Vera Kartashova

Слайд 2

What do you need to do? Explain what you need and why Tell your classmate about the attraction you are going to make your presentation about. Give as much information as you can. Answer your classmate’s questions. Do not accept any invitations for the day as you have no time – your presentation needs to be ready by tomorrow morning. You begin the conversation. The examiner will play the part of your classmate. Explain what you need Answer the questions Express agreement/disagreement Be polite

Слайд 3

Answer the questions Where does the dialog take place? Who takes part in the dialog? What part of the dialog do you have to play? Who will play Chris’/Christine’s part? What information do you need to get and to ask? Do you have to accept the invitation? How long the conversation will last? It takes place in an international language school in Canada. Two students take part in the dialog. I will play the part of Chris’/Christine’s classmate. The examiner will. I need to ask for the computer till tomorrow and explain why I need it for. I have to tell about the tourist attraction I am going to make the presentation about? No, I don’t. It will last 2 – 3 min.

Слайд 4

Get ready for the dialog Explain what you need and why Tell your classmate about the attraction you are going to make your presentation about. Answer your classmate’s questions. Be attentive! You can’t guess the questions. Do not accept any invitation Can I borrow your computer till tomorrow? I have to make a presentation but I can’t use my computer because it has some virus. I’m going to make a presentation about London Bridge…… …………………………………………….. Thank you, Chris/Christine, but I can’t. I have to prepare for the presentation as soon as possible.

Слайд 5

Sample Conversation Student : Hello, Chris. I’m glad you’re at home. Look, I have to make a presentation but I can’t use my computer at the moment. It’s got some virus. Can I borrow your computer till tomorrow? Interlocutor: Yes, you can. I don’t need it tonight. What kind of presentation do you have to prepare? Student : I need to make a PowerPoint presentation about a place of interest in Britain. I’m going to do it on London Bridge. Interlocutor: London Bridge? Are you going to talk about the bridge or the Underground station? Student: The bridge of course! It’s one of the greatest tourist attractions in London. The bridge over the River Thames was built in 1973 and the Queen Elizabeth II took part in the opening ceremony. In fact, there there’ve been several bridges on that place. The first one was built by Romans. The current London Bridge is almost 300 meters long and it’s a very busy bridge as it connects the City with Central London. It is less decorative than other bridges over the Thames but in my opinion, it’s the most beautiful of all of them. Interlocutor: Yes, I see. Have you been there yourself? Student: No, unfortunately, not. I’ve never been to London but I hope I’ll see it one day. Interlocutor: Yeah. There’s o good film on, by the was. Would you like to Watch it with me? Student : Thank you, Chris, but I really have to go. I have to prepare the presentation as soon as possible. Can I have the computer, please? Interlocutor: Yes, here it is. Good luck with the presentation. Student : Thanks, I’ll bring the computer in the morning. See you tomorrow. Interlocutor: See you.

Слайд 6

Thank you for participation!

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