Christmas tale- рождественская сказка
проект по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему
Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку
«Christmas tale»
Цель: способствовать повышению мотивации учащихся в обучении английскому языку, интересу культуре и обычаям другого народа, повышения эффективности восприятия материала, а, следовательно, эффективности обучения.
● Развивающие – развить языковые, интеллектуальные, творческие способности учащихся
● Обучающие – совершенствовать навыки чтения, письма и коммуникативного общения, научить сравнивать и делать правильные выводы
● Воспитывающие – сформировать готовность воспринимать культуру другого народа, расширить с помощью английского языка представление учащихся об окружающем мире, их кругозор, воспитать умение работать в группе и принимать единое решение. Основной целью данного метода обучения является формирование и совершенствование устно-речевых умений учащихся в рамках строго предписанного ролевого поведения.
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Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку
«Christmas tale»
Цель: способствовать повышению мотивации учащихся в обучении английскому языку, интересу культуре и обычаям другого народа, повышения эффективности восприятия материала, а, следовательно, эффективности обучения.
● Развивающие – развить языковые, интеллектуальные, творческие способности учащихся
● Обучающие – совершенствовать навыки чтения, письма и коммуникативного общения, научить сравнивать и делать правильные выводы
● Воспитывающие – сформировать готовность воспринимать культуру другого народа, расширить с помощью английского языка представление учащихся об окружающем мире, их кругозор, воспитать умение работать в группе и принимать единое решение. Основной целью данного метода обучения является формирование и совершенствование устно-речевых умений учащихся в рамках строго предписанного ролевого поведения.
● Магнитофон
● Аудиокассета
● Плакаты на стене “Christmas”
● Раздаточный материал
It’s Christmas time around the world,
You’ll hear the Yule bells ring.
It’s time for giving, time for love,
It’s time for hearts to sing
Teacher: Good morning, dear friends!!! Today our lesson is devoted to Christmas Day. Christmas Day is celebrated on December 25th of each year. It is the day Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Christians believe that Jesus Christ was born in a stable in Bethlehem about two thousand years ago and was the son of God. The history of Jesus’ birth explains many of the things we see and do at Christmas time. It explains why we sing carols. We will mini-show the Christmas tale which is called “The wish of princess” by Berten M
Звучит запись ‘’Jingle bells”.
Author: There was a beautiful little castle with a lot of parks, rivers, and flowers. In this castle lived a funny king which is called Rudolf. The king had a beautiful daughter and wanted to merry her for prince. All people who lived in the castle loved him and called him funny Father Christmas because he was very fat. But he wasn’t very happy because his lovely daughter princess Madge didn’t want to merry.
There were a lot of princes who wanted to merry her but Madge wanted to choose herself.
Madge: I want tell my dear father if you find prince for me I will be happy but he must to guess some riddles.
Father: Dear Madge I will happy and write order that all princes have come to our castle and guess the riddles.
Author: All princes have come to the castle and tried to guess the games.
- P1: This word starts with a “W”. It is the season of the year in which Christmas is celebrated. What is it called? (Winter)
- This word stars with an “H”. It is the word for a time to celebrate. Christmas is one of these. What is it? (Holliday)
- This word starts with an “S”. It is a white form of water that sometimes falls in cold parts of the world during winter. What is it?(Snow)
- This word starts with “S”. It is the roly-poly character that you can make out of snow. What is it called?(Snowman)
- This word starts with a “T”.This is the symbol of Christmas. Some people put one of these in their houses and decorate it with lights, angels, and candy cane. What is it?(Christmas Tree)
- This word starts with an”N”.This cold, far-away area is where Santa lives. What is it called?(North Pole)
- This word starts with a “G”.These decorated cookies are made in the shape of little people. What are they called?(Gingerbread)
- This word starts with a “R”.These animals pull Santa’s sleigh. What are they called? (Deer-Rudolph, Grinch, Dasher, Prancer, Vixen, )
- This word starts with an “H”.This plant is another symbol of the season. It has red berries and shiny leaves with sharp points. What is it called?(Holly)
This word starts with a “C”. Many people send these paper items to their friends and family at Christmas time, with a note of friendship and good wishes. What is one of these called? (Christmas card)
Madge: who guesses the games will my destiny. But no one couldn’t pass this game.
Father: Tomorrow we’ll feast and they must to funny princess. We have some tests for princes. P2:Конкурсы.
Игра первая – «Ведьмина метелка»:команды становятся в круг и передают веник, украшенный бантом, пока играет музыка. У кого после окончания музыки веник остался в руках, тому загадку про зиму загадывать.
- Летом спят, а зимой бегут. (Сани)
- Идет Егорка – бела шубенка. (Снег)
- Текло, текло и легло под стекло. (Лед)
- Летает на воле, да не птица. (Метель)
Игра вторая – метание снежка в корзинку: снежок через левое плечо бросается в корзину.
Игра третья – пластиковые лыжи, скоморошьи шляпы.
Author: The feast was over. There left two persons who need to pass the last test.
At least the princess took her magic stick and said:” I want to read the poem and you must help me to put the words in it.
P3: Включается показ слайдов, на экране стихотворение:
At Christmas play
And make good cheer,
For Christmas comes
But once a year!
Madge: My dear father I think this prince who left told how people celebrated Christmas in England.
P4: Christmas in England. The English enjoy beautiful Christmas music. They love to decorate Christmas tree and hang up evergreen branches. One England’s custom is mummering. In the middle Ages, people call mummers put on masks and acted out Christmas plays. The English gift giver is called Father Christmas. He wears a long red or green robe and leaves presents in stockings on Christmas Eve. In Britain, children write letters to Father Christmas and then throw them into the fireplace so they will float up the chimney and fly to the North Pole. If the lists catch fire first, they have to rewrite them. In England, the only thing that people ate on the day before the feast was Frumenty, which is, was a kind of porridge made from corn. Over the years the recipe changed. The whole mixture was wrapped in cloth and boiled. This is how plum pudding began. The traditional Christmas dinner is roast turkey with vegetables, a plum pudding with little treasures hidden inside that bring their finders good luck.
Author: This story has happy end. The princess met a man and got married him.
The teacher: Our party is over .Lets sing song: Merry Christmas. MERRY CHRISTMAS
We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas
And a Happy New Year!
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